Semantron 20 Summer 2020

WADA’s analytical techniques

as a ‘ consequence of environmental conditions and opportunities and not just personal choice ’ . 14 This argument is enforced by case studies such as German shot-putter Heidi Krieger, whowas dopedwithout knowledge, and was forced to change her gender such were the male characteristics she gained after unknowingly taking masses of steroids and growth hormones. 15 Therefore, it can be argued that the only way to fully prevent doping must be to change the ‘ dopogenic environment ’ and to tackle the root causes of taking performance-enhancing drugs. In conclusion, the World Anti-Doping Agency is currently facing a growing problem of the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport. With increased funding and the combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, WADA has increasingly been able to detect the use of performance-enhancing drugs – however, although the Banned Substance List is updated annually, there are many legal implications of detecting and managing every substance on the list. Furthermore, it is certain that performance-enhancing drugs cannot fully be controlled if the environment surrounding their uptake is not changed. Hence, although to a large extent the chemical analysis that the World Anti-Doping Agency carries out is effective at detecting the use of performance-enhancing chemicals in sport, the agency itself is not doing enough to prevent the uptake of these drugs and change the increasingly drug-encouraging sporting environment at the moment. I believe that more funding and more action at the sporting grassroots levels is hence needed to prevent the continued use and development of performance-enhancing drugs in all sports.


Backhouse, S. (2019, July 6). Human Causes of Performance-Enhancing Drugs Uptake . (L. Goodwin, Interviewer) Bergan, A. E. (2019, March 4). Doped for a Gold medal – How Heidi became Andreas . Retrieved from Anti-Doping World: for-a-gold-medal-how-heidi-became-andreas/ Bergan, A. E. (2019, March 4). Doped for a Gold medal – How Heidi became Andreas . Retrieved from Anti-Doping World: for-a-gold-medal-how-heidi-became-andreas/. Brailsford, A. (. (2019, July 22). WADA Analytical Techniques. (L. Goodwin, Interviewer) Curtis, G. (2015). ‘ Modern Analytical Techniques I ’, in Edexcel A-Level Chemistry (ed. Curtis, G.): 225- 236. Hodder Education. Fogel, B. (Director). (2017). Icarus [Motion Picture]. Gomez, J. (2005, April). Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs. Retrieved from American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness.: Kirk, T. (2019, July 24). Former Liverpool star Mamadou Sakho sues for £13m over drug test ‘that damaged career’ . Retrieved from The Evening Standard Online: sakho-sues-for-13m-over-drug-test-that-damaged-career-a4197221.html.

14 Backhouse 2019. 15 Bergan 2019.


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