Semantron 20 Summer 2020

Can artificial intelligence be intelligent?

Will Wood

Some offer essay-writing guidance using AI, while others pay human authors tomake for you. In the article, we’ll discuss essay work companies that apply AI technology. How will you get the most of these companies? In what ways will you change the articles using AI work tools? The section gives you important tips on how to make an essay using AI. Using the AI writing writer is simple. This method is easy, and there are not a lot of messages to go. One thing you to make note is that the AI author probably works a bit different than other software or instruments because of this AI planning. Normally, with AI writers you just want to give the name of the writing or other requirements, if there exist. Now, you might have noticed that my introduction seems a little off. This is because it was written by an AI. So, the answer to my essay question is: ‘Y es? Well, not necessarily. ’ The AI from that ‘wrote’ this simply tookmy title ‘ Can an AI write my Essay? ’ as a search term, found an answer from the internet and rephrased it so that its own plagiarism checker wouldn’t recognize it. That paragraph isn’t original, nor does it make any sense. So, is it correct to call it intelligent? This ‘intelligence’ does indeed seem artificial. However, the field of AI is far larger and more sophisticated than a free online essay tool. AI does exhibit some sort of acquisition of knowledge, application and even more importantly learning, but is this sufficient for intelligence? AI itself is an umbrella term for a field with important sub-sets that have the overall goal of creating a machine that can function in an intelligent manner. Defining intelligence is difficult and has been attempted inmany ways. On this subject psychologist Howard Gardner has said:

To my mind, a human intellectual competence must entail a set of skills of problem solving — enabling the individual to resolve genuine problems or difficulties that he or she encounters and, when appropriate, to create an effective product — and must also entail the potential for finding or creating problems — and thereby laying the groundwork for the acquisition of new knowledge. (Gardner 1993)

What this and other definitions share are the traits of learning from, reacting to and solving problems. These AI sub-sets all represent those capabilities that such a machine would need to demonstrate intelligence ( Subsets of AI n.d.). AI Learning is typically performed by forms of Machine Learning where a computer is ‘trained’ using algorithms to recognize certain


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