Patient Access to Records House Bill 1035
FAILED AARP Supported Sponsored by Representative Rommel
Health Care Practitioners House Bill 821 and Companion Senate Bill 972 The legislation would have authorized certain categories of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and Physicians’ Assistants (PA) to engage in autonomous practice without a supervisory protocol or supervision by a physician. Note that the Governor indicated his probable lack of support for this bill. The legislation would have allowed patients, nursing home residents and legal representatives to control how they received requested records. It would have standardized patient costs for reproducing treatment records from all health care providers, facilities and nursing homes to the following: $1 per page for the first 25 pages and 25 cents for every page thereafter for paper copies; $2 for electronic records and an additional $1 or each record year requested; and, actual costs incurred for producing X-Rays or similar records.
Voting Record on Pg 62
FAILED AARP was Neutral
Sponsored by Representative Pigman and Senator Brandes
Voting Record on Pg 63
Health Care Licensing Requirements Senate Bill 1620 and Companion House Bill 885 The legislation would have required the Department of Health to exempt from state licensure requirements certain U.S. Veterans Affairs’ physicians.
Sponsored by Senator Gainer and Representative Pigman
Voting Record on Pg 65
Health & Supportive Services
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