SB 176 - Sales Tax Exemption/Items that Assist in Independent Living S enate C hildren , F amilies , and E lder A ffairs C ommittee - 1/22/19
Y Bean Y Rader
Y Book Y Torres
Y Harrell Y Wright
Y Mayfield
7 Yeas 0 Nays 0 No Votes
Y Baxley Y Gruters S enate F inance and T ax C ommittee - 3/20/19 8 Yeas 0 Nays 0 No Votes
Y Bracy Y Pizzo
Y Bradley Y Powell
Y Gainer Y Stargel
SB 60 - Tax Exemption for Diapers and Incontinence Products
Y Hutson Y Wright S enate C ommerce and T ourism C ommittee - 1/7/19 5 Yeas 0 Nays 0 No Votes
Y Gruters
Y Stewart
Y Torres
S enate F inance and T ax C ommittee - 4/4/19 8 Yeas 0 Nays 0 No Votes Y Baxley Y Gruters
Y Bracy Y Pizzo
Y Bradley Y Powell
Y Gainer Y Stargel
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