2020 Voting Record

SB 752 - Emergency Sheltering of Persons with Pets

Dear Senator, AARP strongly believes voters should be informed on issues affecting older Floridians. With this in mind, and in response to requests from our members and from Florida legislators sitting on both sides of the aisle, AARP will identify bills of particular interest to AARP’s members and tell them how legislators vote on those bills during each legislative step. AARP will provide legislators notice of the bills selected for this reporting. AARP plans to publish a final voting record report at the conclusion of the 2020 Legislative Session. Included is a link to the voting record report which was published at the conclusion of the 2019 Session: www.aarp.org/flvotingrecord2019 In order to increase understanding of the legislation and lawmakers’ views on bills, AARP will encourage its readers to contact state legislators directly to learn more. Please direct questions or requests for additional information concerning AARP’s voting records initiative to Zayne Smith (850) 228-4243, Dorene Barker (850) 228-6387 or Ivonne Fernandez (954) 850-7262. AARP’s members and state advocacy staff look forward to engaging legislators and legislative staff through completion of the 2020 Regular Session. Respectfully, Jack L. McRay Advocacy Manager AARP Florida Communication to Legislators on Voting Record Report

S enate I nfrastructure and S ecurity - 1/27/20

Y Bean

Y Cruz Y Perry

Y Hooper Y Stewart

- Hutson Y Taddeo

7 Yeas 0 Nays 1 No Vote

Y Lee

S enate C ommunity A ffairs C ommittee - 2/10/20 Y Broxson

Y Farmer

Y Flores

Y Pizzo

5 Yeas 0 Nays

Y Simmons

S enate R ules C ommittee - 2/26/20

Y Benacquisto Y Braynon Y Hutson Y Rodriguez Y Thurston

Y Book

Y Bradley

Y Brandes Y Gibson

15 Yeas 0 Nays 2 No Votes

- Farmer

Y Flores

- Lee

Y Montford Y Simpson

Y Passidomo

Y Simmons

Y Stargel

S enate F loor - 3/6/20 (S enate B ill 752 L aid on T able , R efer to H ouse B ill 705)

Sample Bill Notice

Y Albritton Y Berman Y Brandes Y Galvano Y Hooper Y Montford Y Diaz

Y Baxley Y Book Y Braynon Y Farmer Y Gibson Y Hutson

Y Bean Y Bracy

Y Benacquisto

Dear Legislator: This is a notice that AARP will maintain a record of the members’ votes, at every stage of the legislative process, on the following bills: SB 994 by Senator Passidomo – Guardianship – SUPPORT HB 767 by Representative Grant – Assisted Living Facilities – SUPPORT Due to the fluid nature of the legislative process and as bills change during the legislative process, we reserve the right to change our position accordingly. AARP may publish voting records during the course of the session and will publish a final report after the Session ends. Please direct questions or requests for additional information concerning AARP’s voting records project or AARP’s positions on this bill to AARP’s advocacy staff: Zayne Smith (850) 228-4243, Dorene Barker (850) 228-6387 or Ivonne Fernandez (954) 850-7262. Jack McRay Advocacy Manager AARP Florida

40 Yeas 0 Nays

Y Bradley

Y Broxson Y Flores Y Gruters

Y Cruz

Y Gainer Y Harrell Y Mayfield Y Rouson Y Stewart Y Wright Y Pizzo

Y Lee Y Perry

Y Passidomo

Y Powell

Y Rader

Y Rodriguez

Y Simmons Y Taddeo

Y Simpson Y Thurston

Y Stargel Y Torres

SB 306 - State Funds S enate I nfrastructure and S ecurity - 2/3/2020

Y Bean

Y Cruz Y Perry

Y Hooper Y Stewart

Y Hutson Y Taddeo

8 Yeas 0 Nays

Y Lee


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