J-LSMS 2024 | Abstracts | 2024

Each year medical students from the five medical schools in Louisiana are invited to submit abstracts for the Annual American College of Physicians (ACP) Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter. The content of these abstracts includes clinical case vignettes or research activities. The abstracts have all identifying features removed (i.e., names, institutional affiliations, etc.) before being sent to physician judges. This year a total of 31 abstracts were submitted for the meeting. Each judge scores each abstract independently and then the scores from all judges are averaged and ranked. This year we are excited to be able to publish the most highly ranked student (6) abstracts presented at this year’s competition that were selected for oral presentations. An additional selection of student (16) abstracts presented as posters were selected by judges for publication. All abstracts were presented The Center for Advance Learning and Simulation on the LSU Health Sciences Center campus in New Orleans on January 27, 2024. We would like to thank the Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society and appreciate its efforts to publicize the hard work of these trainees.

Shane Sanne, DO, FACP Co-Chair, Louisiana Associates Liaison Committee Shahzeem Bhayani, MD Co-Chair, Louisiana Student Liaison Committee Catherine Hebert, MD, FACP Co-Chair, Louisiana Student Liaison Committee

Angela Johnson, MD, FACP Governor, Louisiana Chapter ACP

ORAL PRESENTATIONS – STUDENTS 1st place - Adenosine analogs have a dual

2nd place - SGLT-2 Inhibitors: Wonder Drugs? Not So Fast Kristen Williams, Mandie DiMarco, Jack Hebert, William Gibson MD, Domonique Smith MD, Brian

immunomodulatory and antiviral function and are potential therapeutic agents against SARS-CoV-2 Brionna King, Giulia Monticone, Ph.D.; LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine; New Orleans, LA.

Coe MD, Arash Ataei MD, Kyle Hoppens; LSU Health School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

3rd place - SARS-CoV-2 Decreases Neuronal Activity in Brainstem Respiratory Centers in C57BI6/J Mice India Pasley, Ryan Miller, Luke Restivo, Eric Lazartigues, PhD; LSU Health School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS – STUDENTS 1st place - The Molecular Oligoastrocytoma Nathaniel Untch, Darshan Trivedi, MD, PhD, Joseph Keen, DO; University of Queensland - Ochsner Clinical School, New Orleans, LA.


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