King's Business - 1945-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS S cents p er w ord— m in im um $1.00 T R A C T S — EYE-OPENING INSPIRING Gospel Tracts, song, deluxe regular line seals. Samples 25c. American Tract Serv­ ice» 41 East Union, Bethlehem, Pa. LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND bets purchased for cash. Write Baker’s Book Store, 1019 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids 6, Mich. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE .IN any quantity for distribution to the un­ saved : “What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?’* “ The Most Important Question of Today,” “ Judge or Saviour,” "The Res­ urrected Body,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD’S HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for yoiir hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New books. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden (KB) Mount Vernon, Ohio. BE AN AUTHOR. MAKE MONEY. HIGH school not necessary. Twenty lessons will help you. Students given personal help. Total cost only $5. You finish course at your own convenience. Enroll today! Pa­ cific School of Journalism, 1311% E. 14th St., Long Beach 6, Calif. B O O K S . — OUT-OF-PRINT CHRISTIAN books found, and mailed postage paid. In­ quiries invited on old Hard-to-Find Books. Henry Rising, 1054 Ingraham St.> Los An­ geles 14, Calif. Your New Improved A fresh, original study for each Sun­ day in the quarter— topical, devotional, biographical, synthetic, missionary. Also planning ideas and suggestions how to make your meetings interesting. Send 15c jor current issue O NLY 10c for complete samples of sound Sunday School papers and quar­ terlies. FREE: Catalog o f Sunday School and Church supplies. Christian Publications, Inc. 1507 N . T h ird St., H a rrisb u rg, Pa. W T O F T H E Ù 4 -read him into the Light of the Gospel by means >f this 4-page monthly—The Doorstep Evangel. Jsed by Churches, Sunday Schools, Youtli Groups ind indivuals to spread knowledge of salva- lon. 300 imprinted with name $1.25. Sample FREE—Send stamp for mailing. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL WILLARD M. ALDRICH, Th.D., Editor *• O. Box 1-B People's

Plan to attend the F E L L OWS H I P C ON F E R E N C E S at Lake Sequoia Speakers: Dick Hiliis, Hubert Mitchell, Don Hillis, John Hubbard, Paul Peterson and J. C. Brumfield.

Aug. 13-18 Aug. 18-25 Aug. 18-25 Aug. 25— Sept.

Prayer Conference Youth Conference Missionary Conference Children’s Conference

John Strain,


Walter Warkentin, Chairman For folder and added Information write FELLOWSHIP CONFERENCE

2027 Kern St.

Fresno I, Calif.

Do not fail to read Dr. Wilson’s article on Marriage— Page 285.

• Young People • Seniors • Intermediates • Juniors • Primary • Beginners

FAITHFUL TO GOD'S WORD Lesson Quarterlies sought and, loved by many. Cover every Department and follow the International Lesson topics. Also Leaflets and S. S, Papers. The Bible Expositor and Illuminator A full and complete Lesson Commentary, 192 pages— 3 Monthly Parts each quarter—768 pages a year. Each Lesson carefully introduced and treated verse by verse. A wide vari­ ety of valuable suggestions. All the material is Christ-centered. it Write for Sample Lesson U n io n G ospel P ress , Cleveland, Ohio

Vancouver, Washington |

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