King's Business - 1921-05

NOW MOW that there shall fall into the nothing of the Word of the Lord

2 Kings 10:10

The;? shall kno'e? whose word shall stand —- mine or theirs Jer. 44-28

A Family Matter for the King’s Business Family We are setting the mark for 25,000 New Subscribers for 1921 Hold that thought for sixty seconds! Thousands of missionaries would rejoiqe to receive it. Reading it would stimulate their faith, increase their devotion and help them in the daily task. Less than 5 cts. a week would carry it to TWO missionaries Thousands of people, young and old, in our land, would pray more, live closer to the Lord, prize their Bibles more, and do better soul-saving work if they had this magazine. You can make this possible for one of them for LESS THAN 2 CENTS A WEEK! Can you get more out of a SMALL investment than this? Interest your friends and neighbors. Get them to subscribe themselves, if possible. It is too small a matter to plead for, and because it is so small, we are pleading. ^ Suppose we get there by July 31st? A Family Matter for the King’s Business Family Do Your Part Today! It costs less than 2 cents a week FOR A YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION.


THE KING ’S BUSINESS MOTTO: “1,the Lord, do keep U, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, 1 will keep it night and day. ss======== s== == == == == == == === = i= Isa. 27:3 ' "=■ ' ' — ~ PUBL ISHED M O N TH LY BY T H E BIBLE IN S T IT U T E OF "LOS ANGELES 536-558 SO U TH HO PE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-CUas Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under the Act of March 3, 1879^ . . _ . Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided fo^in Section 1103» Act of October 3» 1917 authorized October 1. 1918. Volume XII May, 1921. Number 5 Funds given us for sending the King’s Business to missionaries and Christians who cannot afford to subscribe will be prayerfully invested. Let us have the names of such. CONTENTS Editorials: The Bible (421 ), Bothering th e B rethren (422 ), A Chal­ lenge (423 ), Praying For Rulers (425 ), Syncopation and Zip (426 ), Spiritual Balance (427 ). • Sentence Sermons (429) To Whom Shall We Go?— By Dr. T. T. Shields (430) K ing Solomon to a H igher Critic— By Rev. Sherwin Smith (435) Does God P ray ?— By Dr. W. B. Hinson (437) The Bible and Modern Cults (441) Man’s W ord and God’s Word— By Rev. C. H. Foun tain (442) Bible In stitu te Happenings (445) , Bible In stitu te in China (448) Evangelistic Stories from experience (451) Hom iletical Helps (457) Talks W ith th e Unsaved (460) - Notes on th e Jew s and Prophecy (461) in te rn atio n a l Sunday School Bessons (463) Daily Devotional Readings— By Dr. F. W. F a rr (497) E d ito rial A fterthoughts (504) Take Courage— By Dr. F. W. F a rr (506) The E nd of th e Lord— (From a T ract) (507) PLEASE W hen sending su b scriptions, a d d ress correspondence to Office of T he K in g ’s B usiness, B ible In s titu te of. Los A ngeles, 536- 558 South Hope S treet. C hecks m ay be m ade payable to Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles. Do n ot m ake checks or m oney orders to ind iv id u als connected w ith th e Bible In stitu te . Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES. INCLUDING CANADA $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A Rev. T . C . H O R T O N . Editor in Clue) Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS. Managing Editor A LAN S. PEARCE, Ad9. Manager Contributing Editors DR. F. W . FARR DR. FR ENCH E. OLIVER REV. WM . H . PIKE DR. A . C . D IXON

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The seal of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Old Testament Scriptures. (Matt. 5:18). “F o r verily 1 say un to you, till heaven and ea rth pass, one jo t or one tittle shall in no wise pass irom th e law, till all be fulfilled.” . The risen Lord’s seal to the testimony of the whole Old Testament Scriptures concerning Himself: (Luke .24:44) “And he said unto them , These are th e words which I spake un to you, while I was yet w ith you, th a t all th ing s m u st be fulfilled, which w ere w ritte n in th e law of Moses, and iir th e prophets, and in th e Psalm s, concerning me.” Paul set his seal also to the writings of the Old Testament, (1 Cor. 2*13): I “Which things also we speak, no t in th e words which m an’s wisdom teacheth, b u t which th e Holy Ghost teach eth ; comparing sp iritu al things w ith sp iritu al.” Peter set his seal to the full inspiration of the Old Testament, (2 Pet. 1-21) : “¿'or th e prophecy came n o t in old tim e D y th e will of m an: b u t holy men of God spake as th ey w ere moved by th e Holy Ghost.” , The risen Christ has issued solemn warnings against adding to or taking from the words of the Book, (Rev. 22 :19): f . I “And if any m an shall ta k e away from th e words of th e book of th is prophecy, God shall ta k e away h is p a rt o u t of th e book of life, and out of th e holy city, and from th e th in g s which are w ritten in th is book.” And the Bible Institute of Los Angeles joyfully adds its seal by con­ fessing its faith in the whole Bible. This Institute is a Bible Institute, not a


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Biblical Institute where the Bible is handled by so-called experts, trained in the traditions, of men, and who profess to be able to teach what the Bible says, but does not mean. This Bible Institute stands four-square for the old Bible and a whole Bible. We open its pages at Gen. 1:1, hold between our fingers the leaves of the whole Book to Rev. 22:21, and testify to our faith in the integrity and inerrancy of the Bible as the verbally inspired Word of God. This Bible Institute is founded upon the Bible and the deed to the property upon which has been erected these splendid buildings contains its statement of doctrine. Those who deny the fundamental truths of these doctrines can never teach or preach in its halls, and if they were permitted to do so, the property would revert to the original donors. At the first of every year every officer, director, member of faculty, head of department, Bible woman, evangelist or lecturer associated with the Institute is com­ pelled to sign anew this statement. In this way we have sought to main­ tain a safe, sound foundation for our work and give assurance to all of our friends that when helping us with their prayers and funds, they can have the satisfaction of knowing that no matter how institutions or churches may drift from the truth, we shall not. We believe that we were divinely led in the beginning of our organization to take this step, and today, when the drift from faith in God’s Word is so marked in all of the so-called Chris­ tian lands, we are sure that God’s hand was in it. You will not be surprised to know that God has signally blessed our efforts to glorify Him through the written and living Word of God and we record our thanksgiving and praise to Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. We take pleasure in requesting you to read carefully the brief statistical report on Page 420. You will find there some of the facts which testify to God’s blessing upon His Word and will rejoice with us in the multitudes who have been saved from wrath, many of whom have also become soul winners. The magazine has become a favored factor in the work of the Gospel, and letters from every section of the world testify to its value and inspiration. Notwithstanding the bigness of our buildings and the breadth of our work, we have outgrown our facilities and must build larger, if the Lord tarry. Money entrusted to us will be wisely and prayerfully invested in the various activities of our work as you direct. Should you desire to invest funds on the annuity plan through which you will receive your annual or semi-annual payments, you will have the joy of knowing that your funds will be working while you live and after your departure—if the Lord tarry, —in such definite evangelistic and Bible lines as will afford you real 'com­ fort and bring you good results. We will gladly respond to any question concerning our work and send literature to those seeking more specific information. T. C. H.

B othering the Brethren The Christian Century (this century!) has a recent editorial on “A New Denomination Emerging, ’’ from which we quote:

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 423 “The recently published year book of th e Federal Council of Churches has given us th e names of a number of obscure new sects. In most cases these little sects are largely local, having arisen out of particu lar church difficulties. I t would seem, however, th a t a new denom ination of more p retentious size is about to be born. In recent years th e Moody Church of Chicago, forsaking th e evangelical orthodoxy of its g rea t founder, has tu rned largely to apocalyptic propaganda, giving strong emphasis to the idea of an early, literal and physical re tu rn of Jesus. Short course in­ struction in proof texts of ¡the Bible is being furnished studen ts to go out and preach these doctrines. “ In Los Angeles a sim ilar In stitu tio n has been founded w ith a million dollars worth of property. There the teaching, iike th a t in Chicago, claims to be ‘ju st the Bible’, b u t it is literalistic and legalistic. The Congresses on ‘Fund am en tals’ held in connection w ith several denom ina­ tional conventions, and in a- number of cities, indicate a movement of n ational scope. It might, seem th a t an u ltra-literalistic elem ent is about to slough off from th e evangelical denom inations and form a new denom­ ination, one th a t will have much in common w ith th e Adventists and th e Plymouth B reth ren .” Where do you suppose this editor has been reposing for so many years 1 These Bible Institutes have not been forsaking “ evangelical orthodoxy.” Mr. Moody was a premillennialist. Neither the Moody Church nor -the Moody Institute have changed any of their doctrinal standards, but are giving just the old evangelical teaching. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has not changed its standards, but confesses with real satisfaction that it does teach “ just the Bible.” It pleads guilty to this fact. But you need not fear, dear editor of the Chris­ tian Century, that we are going to slough off from the evangelical faith; and we are not going to found a new denomination. There are nearly two hundred ministers—good men and true—in evan­ gelical churches in Southern California, that are like-minded concerning their faith in the living Word; and there are thousands of them through­ out this land and Europe standing for what your good leader, Alexander Campbell, stood for,—“ just the Bible.” Not a Shorter Bible either; just the old-fashioned Bible—the Word of God. Neither do these Institutes give merely “ short courses in proof texts,” but a two or three years’ course in the Bible only. And it is a joy to know that when their students are’ examined by staid old church fathers for ordination to the ministry, the fathers have to confess that these students do know their Bibles. Graduates from these Institutes are filling pulpits all over the land, and evangelists who give this type of teaching are in demand everywhere. The Christian Century seems to be about a century behind the times. Wake up, and hear the news, and don’t allow fear to possess you. You need not fear the kind of preaching that preaches “ just

the Bible!”

T. C. H.


We hear much from some of our brethren concerning the dangerous, premillennial doctrine and its awful deadening influence upon the indi­ vidual life of the Christian, and upon any church where this doctrine is taught. We have been trying to find some church which has been put to death

424 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S by reason of this fatal disease. We want you, dear readers, to help us to find a church over which we can place the epitaph “ Put to death by too much premillennial preaching and teaching. ” Now, of course, we must ask you to remember that we mean an evangelical church. Not an Adventist church, nor a Russellite church, nor a “Holy Roller” church,—but just a good, old-fashioned, orthodox, evan­ gelical church, believing in the whole Bible as the Word of God, and believ­ ing that it contains this ‘‘dangerous ’’. doctrine of the Second Coming of our Lord. We have had an intimate acquaintance with churches for forty-five years and have had the joyful privilege of knowing of hundreds of pre­ millennial preachers and churches, but we have yet to know of one (other things being equal; that is, a church with a morally clean pastor and officials), that does not .disprove the assertion that the premillennial teaching is deadening. More than this, we do not know of one that has not been characterized by these qualities: Faith in the inerrancy of the Scripture; belief in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ; belief in His physical resurrection; belief in the'fact that men out' of Christ are lost; belief that the only remedy for lost men is through faith in the atoning blood of a crucified, risen Christ. We do not know of one that has not been a giving church; one that has not been a missionary church; one that has not been separated from the world and from worldly methods ; one that has not been a cheerful, happy church. Now, if these things be true, is it not true that the preaching of the premillennial doctrine has a life-giving, soul-inspiring influence ? When the charge is made that premillennialists are “ star-gazers,” “ hammock- swiilgers,” “ goody-goody sentimentalists,” is it not an attempt at camou­ flage? Premillennial churches are not, as a rule, raising money by oyster suppers, nor introducing smoking rooms, billiards, dancing or moving pic­ tures in order to draw the people. Their pastors are not sawing the air with attempts at rhetoric or oratory. They are not dishing up stale newspaper news, or silly jokes. They are not playing to the galleries. They are not telling the people what the words of the Bible do not mean, nor are they assuring the people that the world is getting better every minute. They are seeking to be faithful to a God-given trust and command: “Preach the Word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:2-5). These premillennial ministers and churches believe the Word of God and have the joyful consciousness of knowing that th,at Word suffices for the saving of souls and the sanctifying of the saints. Now we have thrown out a challenge to- o'ur good brethren and demand that they produce the proof, or else cease the effort to frighten and fool the people.. When the time comes for us to prove that a premillennial church commands the favor of God; appeals to the hearts and consciences of people;-produces the kind of Christians that are willing to pay the price for service,—we are prepared to name outstanding churches of all denom­ inations which are and have been premillennial, and which are among the best in the land.

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 425 Now, dear reader, whenever any man—be he preacher, teacher or chiirch leader—talks of the premillennial coming of our Lord as a dangerous doctrine; an effeminate doctrine; an enervating doctrine, lacking in virile-, Biblical manhood or womanhood; lacking in definite, self-sacrificing Chris­ tian integrity and service,—just ask the question: “ Can you prove it? Show me.the church.” That will end the controversy. T. C. H.

P R A Y IN G for Rulers First There seems to be a “ kicking machine” in every business office, at every banquet, in every Labor Union meeting, in every Lodge session; in fact at the desk, the bench, the counter and even in the pulpit someone kicks against the Government. And where the kick is the strongest and the loudest is among that class who stand around the street corners whittling a match or toothpick while they cuss the Government. Thèse ‘‘kickers ’’ have never read 1 Timothy 2 :l-3, or if they have, they have not put the exhortation into practice. The Apostle Paul leaves no doubt in our minds as to God’s will for every Christian in praying for our governmental leaders. “ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, Supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.” Christian, how much praying have you done for your mayor, your governor, your president ? From these words of Holy Scripture, we have. the Importance of Prayer. First of all, pray for men in authority. We have four ingredients of prayer—Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions, Thanksgiving. Agonize for rulers, ask for rulers, intercede for rulers, and thank God for your rulers. How much less kicking against authority and how much more efficient leadership the state would have if we Christians prayed more for our officials. How little do we realize the power of prayer, in driving back the lying, deceiving spirits, from the hearts and minds of these officials of our land. They may or may not be Christian, but prayer will hinder much deception of the evil one. A missionary requested in a letter, a few days past, that we remember them especially in prayer as the whole section was under the control of a wicked bandit leader. Another missionary wrote saying, “ Use the triangle of prayer.” It is recorded, that Kapaio, the New Hebrides manslayer, who wanted to bring his club upon the head of Dr. Ged- die, said, “ When I got near him I felt a power which withheld me from slay ing that man of God. ” Why ? Someone was on their knees for him. If this was true in praying for a missionary, what deliverances might we expect in praying for our rulers. And what progress might the Gospel have by praying for mayors, police, and men of authority in countries where the spreading of the Gospel is hindered by misrule. W. H. P.



S yncopation and ZiP ' A newspaper dispatch from Cleveland, Ohio, says:

a jazz church ought not to be th e next development,’ he said. ‘I would not have the element. Syncopation and zip instead of th e ancient hymns have been suggested by Ralph Baldwin, form er president of th e Gleveland B aptist Young People’s Society, and noted church musician. ‘We are living in a jazz age and Xwonder if a jazz church ought not to be th e next development,’ he said, ‘I would not „have th e story changed bu t I wonder if another variation of th e tune m ight not b etter catch th e ear of th e young people in our churches’.” God invites His people to come before His presence with singing (Ps. 100:2). The kind of singing'He is delighted to hear is that which is “ the making of melody in our hearts to the Lord” (Bph. 5:19). It is the “ spir­ itual song sung with grace in the heart” (Col. 3:16). It is certain that song which is not the incense of a worshipping soul is just as displeasing to Him as would be the utterance of the same words apart from any heart volition. Augustine defines a Gospel hymn as.“ praise to God with song,” and another writer calls hymn singing “ a devotional approach to God with our emotions’^-which applies to both words and music. Gospel song in many churches today is being reduced to a mere musical pastime. Many people are jazz crazy, and failure in the attempt to sing some of the solid old Gospel hymns in the new jazz, rhythm has given rise to a demand for popular hymn tunes which now help to fill the hymn books. All that is then needed is a song leader who will introduce a little “ rag” into it and infuse the pep, punch, jazz, ginger, or whatever else it may be called, into the congregation. The effect, especially on a crowd of young people, is disgusting to those who truly love the Lord Jesus. It is not at all hard to do a waltz or two-step to many of these pieces the way they are sung. Often the words carry no Gospel whatever. They are about smiling, cheerfulness, sweetness', and merrily marching along. Even when a good message is spoiled by a rag­ time setting, the spirit of the leader often tends to emphasize the music above the sentiment of the song, and people are led on to utter in song, words addressed to God and Christ which they do not feel in the least, and often they do not even know a line that has been sung. How must the Heavenly Father look upon such ‘1musical productions?” He has exhorted us to “ sing with the spirit and with the understanding also” (1 Cor. 14:15). Must not the Lord Jesus grieve to have His name so lightly used? We plead for spiritual music. We beg of the young song leaders to eliminate the smart comments and jollying between verses and the talk about pep, punch, jazz and ginger. Do not run a singing school with a contest to see which side of the house has the best lungs. It is not a matter of lungs—but of love to Christ. A song leader has a great opportunity to lead people into devotional worship. Under God this is his business. If any remarks are made let them be well chosen remarks concerning some spiritual thought in the message. If a prayer is to be sung, impress it upon the people that they are to engage in prayer. Use, so far as possible, the more majestic Gospel hymns, but if one of the lighter songs be selected, let it be rendered in a spirit of worship and at a rate that will not exceed the speed limit. Bet' us try to overcome the half-heartedness with which the church is

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 427 afflicted, and be not ignorant of the fact that Satan stands ready to grieve the Holy Spirit away from a service if he can but get in through a trifling, self-centered song leader. ■ K. L. B. SP IR ITUAL BALANCE Supernatural powers are at work in the world to such an extent as to be visible to the eyes even of the worldling. The work of the Holy Spirit is being counterfeited on every hand. Spiritism spreads like poison gas. Even the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison, is devoting his time to con­ triving a machine by which spirits may communicate with the dead with greater ease. Supernatural elements are also at work in other cults and religious movements. Some are having strange visions.' Some roll upon the ground Some speak in unknown tongues. Some go into tranced. Some seem to prophesy, and others yell. There is great confusion of sounds. Unsaved people are bewildered. Many Christian people are losing their heads. Of the increasing spiritual dangers of the closing years of this age our Lord has distinctly warned His people. He has told us of Satan’s purpose in these days to “ deceive the very elect” if possible (Matt. 24:24). We are to guard against his working as “ an angel of light.” If the devil cannot gain his victim by fascinating him with Spiritism, he will push him to some extreme of fanaticism and make just as great a hindrance of him in the end. 5 So many sickening stories have recently come to us concerning Chris­ tians who have lost their spiritual balance and who have been rendered worse than useless to Christ’s cause, that we are constrained to warn our readers not only concerning the Satanic workings irnSpiritism, but certain supernatural manifestations being produced in other public meetings and private gatherings. John tells us that we should “ believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God.” It must be remembered that evil spirits are bent on counterfeiting the work of God. When methods are employed for the obtaining of supernatural results, other than the simple plan in the New Testament, namely, a life yielded to the fullness of the Holy Spirit, one is on dangerous ground. Far be it from us to say that the Holy Spirit has nothing whatever to do with the so-called Pentecostal movement, for there are many sincere, cautious people connected with it-who live godly lives, but there is much evidence that demons have sometimes counterfeited the work of the Spirit and it is of this peril that we would write. Some people are determined to have “ physical manifestations” and will go to any length to get thrilling sensations. When, after throwing their bodies open to supernatural powers, they receive the peculiar sensations they have sought, they consider it the seal of God upon their lives. Rarely, if ever, are these rollers, jumpers or jabberers used to any extent in the winning of souls. “ By their fruits ye shall know them.” Is there any better evidence that Satan has counter­ feited the work, than this lack of power to draw men to Jesus Christ? Dr. Torrey has said, “ A heart and mouth full of testimony for Jesus is a far better proof that we are filled with the-Spirit than any ecstatic experi­ ences that we can tell about.”

428 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Very often these strange experiences in meetings follow the repetition by the leaders of certain words and phrases. Persons of nervous tempera­ ment are worked up to a high pitch. , Before they know it their own lips have taken up the phrases, entirely apart from the deliberate volition of the person. Not. many people can say, “ Hallelujah” three times in succes­ sion with real heart meaning back of each utterance. It is very easy for Satan to detach the tongue from the heart and set people going entirely in the energy of the flesh. This opens the body to the influences of Satan, a'nd bodily sensations may be easily felt. To receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit for service it is not necessary to .employ the very laws by which evifspirits are invited, as in Spiritism. The Holy Spirit may produce sensa­ tions in the physical frame, but almost invariably it is the result of the yielding up of some sin or of some definite service that has been done. It is never the result of agonizing for physical manifestations. Another great danger is in lotting the mind become a blank. True Christianity requires the use of the reason. The mind is the vehicle of the Holy Spirit. Evil spirits are ever looking for an empty house to enter. The body that is detached from the person’s volitional control is ready for the counterfeiting work of Satan’s emissaries. Let God’s children seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit, but let them do it in the way prescribed so clearly in the Word. Be sure that when God sees fit to answer with manifestations of power, it will immediately impel the Christian to go into the highways and byways and bring in the lost. A n y other “ power” is a fake and a counterfeit. K. L. B.

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£ a ot | f f i l § § L t ,™>" Psalm s ces o i the te“ many Pas‘ J®, th ere’s still G ospels, a n d in g s 0t o ld wisdom fo rg et th at. Solomon, don t tor»

PresidentHarding on the Bible

By hating our inferiors we sink to them ; by loving our superiors we rise tow ard them. It is easy to gain notoriety and easy to lose reputation. Confiding in another is not always a sign th a t you tru s t him ; it may be a sign th a t you cannot be tru ste d your­ self. An in su lt is only mud thrown a t you and like mud, is best brushed off when . dry. Here ie a simple test: Are you more distressed by the w rong you do or the wrong you suffer? It is when everyone likes you th a t you are in most danger. Blessings come in by an opening no larg er th a n th a t by which g ifts go out. The un faith fu l Christian makes the infidel world. The g reatest sorrow may be a small price to pay for an enlarged sym p athy I t’s no use talk ing of sitting together in heavenly places when we’re trying to sit as far a p a rt as possible, down here. God often has to use rough tools to remove th e ru st from our hearts. Geese keep together by n atu re bu t th e fellowship of souls must be culti­ vated. An unconscious lia r is a liar never­ theless and sometimes th e unconscious liar is the most dangerous liar in the world. Some men who argue th a t th e re is no hell won’t be in hell ten mintftes till they will change th e ir minds. I t is a g reat m isfortune to be so busy w ith the g reat duties to m ankind as to neglect th e small duties to men. ' A man likes you' for w hat he thinks

you are ; a woman likes you for what you th ink she is. Some men can make a dollar go a long way b u t they can’t buy a reserved seat in heaven. A Bible in hand is worth two in the bottom of one’s trunk . A husband needs a t times -to be blind, th e wife needs oft to be deaf; both need much of the tim e to be dumb. Did you ever know a C hristian to dance th a t he was not soon missed from the prayer meeting? A man’s friends may not always be a credit to him ; his enem ies always should be. Two things it is profitable to study: th é failings of your friends, th e virtues of your enemies. The man who th ink s the world owes him a living usually constitutes himself a collecting agency. He who gives only what, he can spare pays only a debt. A gift is w hat you cannot spare. Sacrifice is a misnomer. If you do not get something b etter in re tu rn you have made no sacrifice. Of four things every man has more th a n he knows— of sins, of debts, of friends, of foes. The secret of a C hristian’s life is to walk on a narrow path w ith a wide heart. Man has been given two ears th a t he m ight h ear both sides, no t one. The least th a t each can do is to add one more good man to th e world. We can defile one ano th er bu t we cannot cleanse one another. Two men are to be pitied: he who cannot get what he ought to have and he who a t last gets w hat he ought not to have.

Is the Authority of the Son of God to be Superseded by that of Modern Scholars? B$ DR. T. T. SHIELDS Toronto. Canada

will in th e Holy Scriptures. To our fath ers th e Bible was th e Word of. God. Do we still so regard it? If we do no t; if we have no longer a reliable compass and chart, our ship must surely d rift from her course; and, defaulting, in her mission, d isintegrate, and ultim ately disappear. No captain would p u t to sea in a ship whose steer­ ing gear was believed to be ou t of order. W e.muSt find our direction in th e au ­ th o rity of th e Bible as th e word of God. But how shall th e rig h t a ttitu d e to­ w ard th e Bible be determ ined? Who shall tell us au tho ritatively w hether the Bible is th e word of God? Must we not in th is m a tte r reso rt to and rely upon th e au tho rity of Christ? Personally, I have no theory of th e inspiration of th e Scriptures. Bjit I am sure of ten thousand facts concerning Which I am unable to form ulate a theory. And it is of th e fact of inspira­ tion, no t of any theory of it, we m ust be convinced. We may no t know how “ holy men of God spake as they were moved by th e Holy Ghost,” and y et be abso­ lutely sure th a t they were so moved. The Bible is a hum an book, w ritten by hum an hands. I t has never been claimed th a t its m anuscripts were magically produced. B u t th e Bible is divine as well as human. This is the claim it everywhere makes on its own behalf. In w hat proportion, therefore, are these divine and hum an elements blended? Is it so hum an as to p artak e of such imperfection as is common to all things of hum an origin? Or is it so permeated by the' divine as to be sa t­ u rated w ith divine perfection? The Book tells us of a g rea t Person-

UR a ttitu d e toward Christ will determ ine our a ttitu d e toward raany other things— indeed, it will determ ine our a ttitu d e toward everything, tow ard Go#d above us, and man about us; toward “th e liie th a t now

is,” and “ th a t which is to come.” .

“W hat th ink ye of Christ, is th e te st, ' To try both your plan and your scheme; You cannot be rig h t in th e rest, Unless you th in k righ tly of H im .” Our a ttitu d e tow ard Christ will de­ term ine OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD .THE SCRIPTURES. It must be clear to. th e m ind of every earnest and though tfu l man and woman among us th a t th e tim e has come when we must clearly define to ourselves w hat our a ttitu d e tow ard th e Bible is to be, if we are to continue our work as a denom ination. No fam ily, nor community, nor institu tion , nor nation, can live a peaceful, progressive, and useful life, w ithout th e direction of some recognized authority. And w ithout some such au tho ritativ e direction no church nor denom ination can exercise a useful m inistry to th e world about it. A uthority must reside in some one. In whom? To whom can we look for di­ rection? There can be b u t one answer: “One is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are b reth ren .” B u t who is t o . be the M aster’s mouthpiece? By w h at means is His will to be communicated to us? Where shall we find an order bearing His unm istakable signature? Formerly, and historically, we believed th a t the Head of th e church had revealed His


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ality Who was born of a hum an mother, b u t was begotten of th e Holy Ghost; and' Who was, therefore, both human and divine, like th e Book itself. But how were th e divine and hum an ele­ ments blended in Him? Which of th e two n atu res predom inated? Did His hum an n atu re render Him subject to all hum an lim itations? Or, the rath e r, was not His humanity, while still mak­ ing Him our tru e kinsm an, by union w ith His divinity, sublimed to th e qual­ ity of divine perfection? F o r if He was lim ited in one realm of His being, must He not have been lim ited in all? If He was m entally lim ited to th e m easure of th e hum an mind, how can inh eren t phy­ sical imm ortality, or moral perfection be predicated of Him? We are th u s driven to th e enquiry: In w hat realm of life is Jesus Christ to be Lord? Unquestionably, He is to be Lord of our bodies. And who will dis­ pute His supremacy as a moral and religious teacher? But w hat about the realm of th e intellect? P au l’s Testimony L et us hear from one who was widely and deeply learned. No one will ques­ tion the Apostle P au l’s qualification for judging of intellectual m atters. And he tells us, “ I verily though t w ith my­ self th a t I ought to do m any things con­ tra ry to th e name of Jesus of N azareth." But afte r he had seen Jesus he gloried in being th e “ bond slave” of Christ. Now to w hat extent did P au l subm it himself to Christ? Did he continue to “ th ink w ith him self?” And were his thoughts, “ co n trary to th e nam e of Jesus of N azareth?” O tell us! thou m ighty leader of men, thou man of mas­ sive and far-seeing intellect, in th e wide realm of thy intellectual activities, hast thou made Jesus Christ thy Lord? And he answers: “Though we w alk in th e flesh, we do not war afte r the flesh; (for the weapons of our w arfare are no t carnal, bu t m ighty through God to th e pulling down

of strongholds) casting down imagina­ tions, and every high thing th a t exalt- eth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every though t to th e obedience of Christ.” And nothing less th a n th a t will do. Jesus Christ m ust be Lord in th e realm of th e intellect! Im aginations and rea­ sonings and every high th ing th a t exalt- eth itself against the knowledge of God, must, by th e power of God, be cast down. A tru e believer to whom Jesus Christ is th e Incarnate God, in th e na­ tu re of the case, has no “ liberty ” to en tertain though ts which are “ con trary ” to Christ. He is “ th e bond-slave” of Christ, intellectually as well as sp irit­ u ally ; and his “ every though t”—(his though t about th e Bible, and about everything else, in th is life, and in th a t which is to come, m ust be “brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Now when Christ is so regarded we have an infallible S tandard and A uthor­ ity to Whom all our intellectual prob­ lems can be brought. We must consult Him, therefore, about th e Bible; for He is th e highest A uthority in th e universe. Christ’s A uthority Of th e Old T estam ent in general, He says: “Think no t th a t I am come to destroy th e law or the prophets; I am no t come to destroy, b u t to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and ea rth pass, one jo t or one tittle shall in no wise pass from th e law, till all be fulfilled.” And to th is He adds in ano th er place, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, b u t my words shall no t pass away.” Thus th is infallible Christ de­ clares He has come to fulfil the law and the prophets, even to th e la st jo t and the la st tittle ; and having p u t the seal of His infallible au tho rity on th e law and th e prophets, He la ter solemnly avers th a t H is own words shall never pass away. Can language express a stronger claim to infallibility and final authority?



hear them .” And when Dives replies, “Nay, fath er Abraham ; b u t if one went unto them from th e dead, they will re­ pent,” He puts into Abraham ’s lips those terrib ly solemn words: “ If they h ear not Moses and th e prophets, neith er will they be persuaded though one rose from th e dead.” (Luke 16:27-31). When he has heard these' words, surely for th e man who acknowledges th e Deity and consequent infallibility of Christ, th e question of th e Mosaic au­ thorship of th e P entateuch is au tho ri­ tatively and finally settled ; and instead of spending tim e in idle speculation he will read it to h ear w hat “ th e Holy Ghost sa ith ” therein. An Infallible Rule And th is principle of th e infallibility of Christ may be applied to all Biblical questions. I am not disturbed by ques­ tions as to th e historicity of th e book of Jonah. I should be quite content to learn its religious lessons as allegoric­ ally taugh t, even if th e book had no historic foundation, providing th e re can be found noth ing in any other p a rt of scripture requiring me to regard the book as being historically true. An allegorical Jonah, and a parabolic fish, and a legendary gourd, will do no vio­ lence to my faith , if I can secure the consent of my one infallible A uthority to my holding such a view; for I am no t free to form an opinion on th e sub­ ject: my though t of th e book of Jonah m ust be b rough t into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Therefore, what saith my g reat P rofessor of Bible knowl­ edge? H ear Him again: “An evil and adulterous generation saeketh afte r a sign; and th ere shall no sign be given unto it, b u t th e sign of the prophet Jon as; for as Jonas was th ree days and th ree nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of Man be th ree days and th ree n igh ts in the h e a rt of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgm ent w ith th is genera­ tion, and shall condemn it; because they

W hat use can I now make of this divine pronouncement? How is th e au ­ th o rity of Christ w ith respect to th e Scriptures to determ ine my own a tti­ tud e tow ard th e Bible? Let me give you two or th ree simple illu strativ e ap­ plications of th e principle. Personally, I am not concerned per se about th e human authorship of th e books attrib u ted to Moses. When I find th e w riter of the epistle to th e Hebrews saying of certain things in Exodus and Leviticus, “The Holy Ghost th is signifying,” I could be content to ignore th e hum an au tho r and listen to th e divine word. But when I find th a t th e life and times of Moses are so inex­ tricably interwoven w ith th e P en ta­ teuch th a t it is impossible to elim inate Moses w ithout invalidating th e first five books of th e Bible, th e Mosaic au tho r­ ship of the P entateuch becomes a ques­ tion of v ital importance. Therefore I m ust bring th is vexed question to “the au tho r and finisher of my fa ith ” for settlem ent/ And now let us hear Him! To th e Sadducean n atu ra lists of His day, He said: “DcTye no t therefore err, because ye know no t the Scriptures, n eith er the power of God? . . . Have ye not read in th e book of Moses, how in th e bush God spake to h im ?” (Mark 12:24, 26). And again: “Do not th ink th a t I will accuse you to th e F ath er. There is one th a t accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye tru st. F o r had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he w rote of me. But if ye believe not his w ritings, how shall ye believe my words?” (John 5:25-47). And yet again, in th a t most solemn parable which is a prophecy of retribu tion be­ yond th e grave, in answer to th e once- rich m an’s request, th a t Lazarus be sent to w arn his five b reth ren , Christ repre­ sents Abraham as saying, (and as say­ ing it in th e clearer ligh t and fuller knowledge of the life beyond) “They have Moses and the prophets; le t them



A Spiritual F east When we th u s approach th e Bible as being instinct w ith th e personality and au tho rity of th e Lord Jesus Christ, what a world of intellectual and sp iritu al trea su re it becomes to us. We have walked w ith Him among th e flowers of Eden; and where first th e shadow of th e curse fell athw a rt the path of sinful man. We have seen Him walk the waves of th e shoreless sea of judgm ent; and, in the patriarch s’ tents, in the voice of angels, we have heard th e Word which was in th e beginning w ith God. In the tabernacle of the wilderness, w ith its crimson ritu a l, and in all th e forty m iraculous years, we have heard Him speaking in righteousness, m ighty to save. We have followed Him w ith Joshua in His trium phal progress into Canaan’s prom ised land ; we have found Him sitting among Isra el’s judges; and in th e fields of Boaz, near to Bethle­ hem, we have h eard His whispered prom ise of th e m arriage of th e Lamb. Where, indeed, have we no t found Him? Is th e re a Scripture p ath untrodden by His feet? Is th e re a valley which has not echoed w ith H is voice? Is th e re a mountain which has not been tran s­ figured by His presence? “The voice of My beloved! behold, he cometh leap­ ing upon th e mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a roe or a young h a rt: behold, he standeth be­ hind our wall, he looketh fo rth a t the windows, shewing him self th rough th e lattice. My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, th e w inter is past, th e rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on th e e a rth ; th e tim e of th e singing of birds is come, and the voice of the tu rtle is heard in our land; th e fig tree p u tte th fo rth h er green figs, and th e vines w ith th e tend er grape give a.good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” And we have followed Him— through historical w ildernesses, and biographical moun-

repented a t tlie preaching of Jonas; and, behold, -a g reater th a n . Jonas is here.” And in th e same b reath He con­ tin u e s: “The queen of th e south shall rise up in th e judgm ent w ith th is gen­ eration, and shall condemn it; for she came from th e u tterm o st p arts of the earth to hear th e wisdom of Solomon; and, behold,, a g reater th a n Solomon is h ere.” (Matt. 12:39-42). By th a t pronouncement, for me, the question of th e historicity of th e book of Jonah is for ever settled. I believe the m iraculous story to be historically tru e because th e highest A uthority in th e universe has so declared. The same ru le applies to th e question of th e inspiration and au tho rity of th e Scriptures as a whole, and in every part. F o r myself, th is is my confession of faith w ith respect to th e Bible: If th is building were large enough to hold all the Biblical scholars of th e world; and if they should all un ite to te ll me th a t the sto ry of th e Deluge is unhistoric; th a t Moses did no t w rite th e P en ta­ teuch; th a t th e book of Jon ah is not historically tru e, I would believe Christ’s naked word before the contrary judgm ent of all th e scholarship of the world; and stak e th e in terests of my soul for tim e and for ete rn ity upon the unsupported word of my absolutely in­ fallible Lord; and, if need be, be a fool for Christ’s sake, And I th en should be much less a fool for His sake, th an the contrary a ttitu d e would' make me for the sake of agreeing w ith a “ scholar­ ship” falsely so-called. F o r though I thu s speak for the purpose of emphasis, I am convinced th a t th a t body of though t which is w orthiest th e. high and honourable title of “ scholarship,” and which represents th e findings of disciplined and intellectual powers in co-operation w fth sp iritu ally en ligh t­ ened and pen etrating understandings, will always be found to be in agree­ m ent w ith th e word of Him who is In­ carn ate T ruth.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

tain solitudes, and th rough genealogical deserts, only to find th a t th e w ilder­ ness and th e solitary place are made glad for H im ; and in His presence the desert rejoices and blossoms as the rose. In p salm ist’s melodies; in words of transcendent wisdom; in p regnant type, and glowing symbol; in wheels th a t are dreadful; in chariots of fire; in seraphic visions of en rap tu red spirits of prophets, priests and kings, we have seen and heard the form and voice of our Beloved; until, a t last, He has come to us from ou t th e grave, being declared to be the Son of God w ith power, accord­ ing to the sp irit of holiness, by the resu rrection from th e dead, and w ith perfect knowledge of both worlds, He has joined us on th e Emmaus road; where w ith burning h earts we have heard Him, beginning a t Moses and all th e prophets, expound unto us in all th e scriptures th e things concerning Himself. Therefore by th e illum ination of His presence in its pages; by th e seal of His au tho rity upon all its principles, and precepts, and prom ises; by His own in­ variable assumption of the S criptures’ infallibility, th ere is w rought into our deepest sp iritual consciousness th e un­ wavering conviction th a t the Bible is the word of God th a t liveth and abideth for ever! 4 “Should all the form s th a t men devise A ssault my faith w ith treacherous art, I ’d call them vanity and lies, And bind th e gospel to my h ea rt.” EXPLAIN IT IF YOU CAN The Bible is a mine of wonders. Some of these wonders are observable bn its surface. A m iner or prospector on see­ ing some evidences of m inerals on the surface, comes to th e conclusion th a t probably below th e surface th e re are more, and he digs down to find them. In th is way, Mr. Panin saw some of the surface evidences of fu rth e r riches in the^B ible mine. He got “ a clue” and,

digging a little deeper, found more évi­ dences of th e hand of God in th e build­ ing of th e words of th e Bible, till at length hé could say w ithou t hesitation, it is inspired— in every word, every let­ ter, every book, every complete p ara­ graph, the number of words and' thé spelling of them , even in the case of words and names which are differently spelled by different Bible w riters, and have been regarded as erro rs in copying and considered as clerical erro rs of no importance. F o r these variations can be proved to be a necessity of th e system adopted by God so as to fit them in to a vast numerical scheme— named by Mr. Panin “Bible Numerics”-%by which th e number of words, th e number of letters, etc., autom atically yield factors of sevens, nines, th irteen s, etc., th rough ­ out th e text of th e en tire Scriptures. This is a fe a t only possible to th e Great Mathematician, th e God of number. W hat is th ere in th e n atu ra l world th a t is not bu ilt up by weight and measure and number?* Nothing. Every element combines in unalterable proportion w ith every other element w ith which it can combine a t all. Why then should we doubt th a t in the hands of God, th e Word itself should have been bu ilt upon a basis of num ber?— Jam es Paris. MISTAKES OF THE BIBLE We are sometimes asked whether th ere are no inaccuracies in the Bible? To this we would candidly answer th a t th ere certainly are app aren t inaccuracies and statem ents, which, a t first sight, appear to be contradictory. They are due eith er (1) To a careless study of th e text and context of th e Scripture itse lf; (2) To a copyist’s erro r in w riting out some early tran slation ; or (3 ) To an impatience th a t will only believe w hat is obvious and on th e su r­ face, and will not w ait for th a t ligh t which God is constantly revealing to sub stan tiate the accuracy of His Word. —Rev. W. T. Hindley.

King Solomon to a Higher Critic A n Imaginary Letter to Dr. W . T . Davison, late Principal of Richmond College, Eng. B? REV. SHERWIN SMITH

wriggle through. You see w hat a w retch I am. I hardly kno^v myself w hether I did repent, b u t th e good God has given me the benefit of th e doubt. Then you come along, and say th a t it is one of th e assured resu lts of Criti-, cism th a t I had nothing to do w ith this book. You take away .from me»my one ewe lamb. There is no distinction in my death. It is as I said— “th e wise man is as th e fool; one death cometh to all alike.” Yet I though t I had the distinction of w riting those very words, of laying bare the ingrained unsatisfac­ toriness of my life, of saying all th a t th e re is to be said in th a t way, and then coming home at last— “This is the end of th e m atter: P ear God and keep His commandments.” But it is all a made-up th ing to you, an Epicurean exercise, somebody mim­ icking me, a Solomonic joke. It was no joking m a tte r to me. I came as near blasphemy as a man dare, when I w rote th a t book. I had determ ined to be as frank as I could be. As my fath e r used to say, “Above all, be sincere, my boy, confess.” Its m erit is its frankness. I would not like to th ink th a t any man would w rite triflingly, w ith an eye to effect, whht I w rote in dead earnest. The Word of God is no place for trifles. It is the-place for th e repentance of so' g reat a sinner as I. But tjiere! You are not content w ith w hat you call an “ assured resu lt of criti­ cism.” You go on to make a Bible p rin ­ ciple of it. You say th a t it is clear now “ th a t impersonation is no fraud, th a t th e obvious or literal meaning of Scripture is not necessarily the rig h t

EiV. SHERWIN SMITH ima­ gines King Solomon 'w riting th e following le tte r to Dr. W. T. Davison, a higher critic who has b itterly attacked the book of Ecclesiastes*, and de­ nied th a t Solomon ever w rote

it. Sir: —

You have w ritten a book on th e ‘^Wis­ dom L ite ra tu re of th e Bible,” in which you tre a t a t some length o f Ecclesiastes and endeavour to rob me of th e honour, a doubtful honour perhaps, of having w ritten th a t sad, if wise, book. Man, you do no t know what you are doing. There has always been some perplexity as to my fate in E tern ity , bu t th a t I am alive a t th is day and in well enough being to w rite thus to you is due entirely to th a t book. I do no t care to look back on th e retrospect of my life as viewed in th e ligh t of E ternity. It is a story of lost chances, and blighted prospects, of pride going before a fall. I am not proud, either, of my penitence as it breaks fo rth in my book Ecclesi­ astes, especially when set alongside my dear fa th e r’s in his fifty-first Psalm. But th e re you are. Children always go opposite to th e ir parents. My fath er saw th ing s so simply, I was bound to be cross-grained. I hated his simpli­ city a t times, a t others I would have given all my w ealth for it. But he tri­ umphed a t th e last. The only v irtu e in Ecclesiastes is— th a t it is myself, my own foolish-wise self. I cannot simply say, like my father, “I have sinned in th a t I have done,” b u t I must invite the whole creation to look on while I

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