King's Business - 1921-05

TheBiola Book Room is glad to present these additional lists of “Best Books for your consideration. The books named under each particular heading are the very best books on that particular subject that are in print today. ®recommend this and the following pages to your careful reading. The books offered are worthy. The Christ W e Forget P . W hitw ell W ilson Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah

In term s th at are essentially up to date, yet always absolutely reverent, the au tho r ha? 'T,rittf n this w ork so that, "m en of today will respect his presentation. His comments are often rem arkably striking in their character. P rice $2.00 The Greater Life and Work of Christ Not a story of Jesus lim ited to His earthly fife; but a larger vision of Christ. The divisions of the book are as follows: !•— Christ in the E ternal Past. II-— The Word, or Christ in C reation. HI-— Jehovah, o r C hrist in the Old T estam ent age. IV.— Jesus, or C hrist in His earthly life. I V.— Jesus, o r Christ in His P resent State and Work. VI. — The Lord Jesus Christ, or Christ in the Day of the Lord. VII. — Christ in the E ternal Future. P rice $1.25 The Lord of G lory Dr.- B enjam in W arfield This hook is by a m aster hand and is a masterpiece. It will easily take rank w ith the greatest works on the Person of our L,ord.^ This book is a veritable gold mine.**

R ev. A lfred Edersheim This g reat w ork nearly fifteen hundred pages still holds a commanding position among the many published lives of our Saviour. Its scholarly and reverential ch aracter is conceded by all students to have few equals. P rice $4.00 The Greatest Thoughts About Jesus Christ J. G ilchrist Law son AH the greatest thoughts of the world’s greatest preachers, philosophers, states­ men, judges, literary men, historians, scientists and even the tributes of leading Jews and skeptics, concerning Christ are gathered together into a collection rep re­ senting th e cream of all literatu re— an ­ cient, modern, and current. Will be in­ valuable to m inisters and Christian w ork­ ers. P rice $1.50 The Real Christ R ev. R. A . T orrey, D.D. W ith rare spiritual discernm ent and a deep intuitive appreciation of the ch ar­ acte r of the Master, Dr. T orrey has drawn a series of masterly and unforgetable p o r­ traits of the man Jesus Christ. The great preach er and w riter has poured his very h eart into the prep aration of these soul searching discourses. P rice $1.75 1 0 % for postage.

P rice $1.25 If books a re to come by mail add B I O L A B O O K R O O M , ’ Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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