King's Business - 1921-05

THE “BEST” BOOKS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Teacher Training Class And How to Conduct It Sm ilie F ,' K earney The Practical Commentary on the Sunday School Lesson

This book is ju st w hat its title would indicate. It is intended for those who do no t have a g reat deal of time to spend in the study of th eir Sunday School lessons and w ant right to the point, practical in its application. P rice 90c How to Teach Religion G eorge H e rb e rt B etts From the first page to the last of this new volume the spiritual grow th and de­ velopment of the child is set forth as a g reat objective. The purpose has been to define the aim of religious instruction so definitely and concretely th at every teacher may have a goal set before him. How we shall conduct our classes to make teaching stick, and how to make the les­ sons carry over the Christian ch aracter and church loyalty are problems fully dis­ cussed and exemplified. P rice $1.25 How to Become an Efficient Sunday School Teacher W illiam A. M eK eever T he au th o r says, “In order to be a suc­ cessful Sunday School teacher one must know the individual and understand his whole nature— how he acts and feels and grows while responding normally to his instincts, disposition and desires.** This book aims to give, first an outline of such a* n atu ral course of life training; and sec­ ond, to explain how the religious p a rt can be fitted into this larg er and more com­ plete scheme of ch aracter unfoldment. P rice $1.25 Missions in the Sunday School M arth a B. H ixson This is thé book for which Sunday School people have been waiting. It will be invaluable to program comm ittees in arranging for the Missionary Sundays; to teachers in their efforts to give m issionary instructions interestingly and stimulate m issionary enthusiasm . P rice 75c Sunday School Organized, for Service M arion Law rence This book explains in detail the relation of the church to the Sunday School, the

T eachers and Superintendents will find this book a helpful treatise on a most im portant subject. It is a com prehen­ sive statem ent of tested methods by one who is no t a m ere theorist, bu t who has faced and solved the problems of which she writes. P rice 75c Stories and Story Telling E dw ard P . S t. John This little* book should be immensely useful to parents and teachers. D iscrim­ inating, interesting and instructive story­ telling is an art, and should be studied, and its principles applied, such as are recommended in this book.** P rice 85c Seven Laws of Teaching Jo h n M. G regory In a careful study of these seven laws, the^ discussion reaches every practical rule which can be of use in a teacher’s work. This rem arkable book, which has sold steadily since 1894, has been completely revised and brought up to date under the supervision of Prof. W. C. Bagley. Price. 75c Advanced methods of teaching, when deemed practical, have been incorporated into treatm ent of the lessons; modern thought and the result of recent research are always found in this comm entary and all th at is essential to the Bible Student presented in a condensed form easily ^ and effectively used. Peloubet’s Notes on the Sunday School Lessons have become an Am erican staple. P rice $2.00 The Gist of the Lesson D r. R . A . T orrey This is the one handy compact vest pocket comm entary on the Sunday School lessons th at can always be depended upon to give the correct teaching. Dr. T orrey is a master of the English Bible and this lesson help will be found most satisfactory. Price, C loth, 40c Peloubet’s Select Notes on International Lessons

If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M , Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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