King's Business - 1921-05

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 427 afflicted, and be not ignorant of the fact that Satan stands ready to grieve the Holy Spirit away from a service if he can but get in through a trifling, self-centered song leader. ■ K. L. B. SP IR ITUAL BALANCE Supernatural powers are at work in the world to such an extent as to be visible to the eyes even of the worldling. The work of the Holy Spirit is being counterfeited on every hand. Spiritism spreads like poison gas. Even the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison, is devoting his time to con­ triving a machine by which spirits may communicate with the dead with greater ease. Supernatural elements are also at work in other cults and religious movements. Some are having strange visions.' Some roll upon the ground Some speak in unknown tongues. Some go into tranced. Some seem to prophesy, and others yell. There is great confusion of sounds. Unsaved people are bewildered. Many Christian people are losing their heads. Of the increasing spiritual dangers of the closing years of this age our Lord has distinctly warned His people. He has told us of Satan’s purpose in these days to “ deceive the very elect” if possible (Matt. 24:24). We are to guard against his working as “ an angel of light.” If the devil cannot gain his victim by fascinating him with Spiritism, he will push him to some extreme of fanaticism and make just as great a hindrance of him in the end. 5 So many sickening stories have recently come to us concerning Chris­ tians who have lost their spiritual balance and who have been rendered worse than useless to Christ’s cause, that we are constrained to warn our readers not only concerning the Satanic workings irnSpiritism, but certain supernatural manifestations being produced in other public meetings and private gatherings. John tells us that we should “ believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God.” It must be remembered that evil spirits are bent on counterfeiting the work of God. When methods are employed for the obtaining of supernatural results, other than the simple plan in the New Testament, namely, a life yielded to the fullness of the Holy Spirit, one is on dangerous ground. Far be it from us to say that the Holy Spirit has nothing whatever to do with the so-called Pentecostal movement, for there are many sincere, cautious people connected with it-who live godly lives, but there is much evidence that demons have sometimes counterfeited the work of the Spirit and it is of this peril that we would write. Some people are determined to have “ physical manifestations” and will go to any length to get thrilling sensations. When, after throwing their bodies open to supernatural powers, they receive the peculiar sensations they have sought, they consider it the seal of God upon their lives. Rarely, if ever, are these rollers, jumpers or jabberers used to any extent in the winning of souls. “ By their fruits ye shall know them.” Is there any better evidence that Satan has counter­ feited the work, than this lack of power to draw men to Jesus Christ? Dr. Torrey has said, “ A heart and mouth full of testimony for Jesus is a far better proof that we are filled with the-Spirit than any ecstatic experi­ ences that we can tell about.”

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