King's Business - 1921-05


on the history of the prem illennial teach­ ing and advocates, full vivacity and in­ terest. tIn the expository section, there is a freshness in dealing w ith fam iliar themes which will a ttra c t even those who have given years to the study.’’ Christian W orkers Magazine. “Dr. T orrey offers this as ‘the key to the Scriptures.’ . He finds the Second Com­ ing of Christ mentioned 3 18 times in the 260 chapters of th e New Testam ent, and he considers it the most precious tru th the Bible contains.’*— The Presbyterian. P rice, C loth, $1.00; P ap er, 50c Will the Christ Return? J. S tu a rt H olden Addresses on th e second Coming of our Lord. Helpful and inspiring papers deal­ ing w ith a subject which unprecedented world events have crowded into the fore­ ground of Christian thinking. P rice 75c Jesus is Coming W. E. Blackstone This is THE text book on the subject of the R eturn of the Lord. It teaches the imminent, prem illennial, personal, visible, bodily retu rn of Christ and we believe that after carefully reading this book every­ one will have to adm it th at w hat the Bible teaches on this subject is absolutely tru e and trustw orthy. All Christians who de­ sire th e right outlook on life, and the right incentive to soul-winning should come under the influence of the teaching of this book. P rice, P ap er, 50c; C loth, $1.0# A B O U T T H E B I B L E The Scriptures— God ’s Living Oracles D r. A. T. Pierson T he sole aim of this book is to «waken faith w here it does not exist, and to strengthen and conform it w here it does; it is hoped, therefore, both to reach the honest doubters and to help believers, b e­ coming the means of producing, or a t least prom oting an intelligent and rational con­ viction that, in the Holy Scriptures we have God’s Living Oracles, inspired by His Holy Spirit. P rice $1.00 P rice $1.50 Return of the Lord Jesus D r. R. A. T orrey

Elocile; or, The King’s Return M ildred E dw ards “Elocile** is a new thing in literature. It is a book w ith a distinct message in blank verse. T he reader is taken from th e things of the present day into those of th e n ear future, and in a masterful m ann er the things of prophecy are un ­ veiled. In the introduction Dr. James M. Gray, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chi­ cago, says: “ It approaches n earer to sup ern atu ral inspiration than anything 1 know of outside the Bible.** P rice, C loth, 75c Addresses on Prophecy D r. C. I. Scofield O utline studies on Israel, T he Kingdom, T h e Church, etc. This series is funda­ mental, and they clear up a multitude of difficulties. P rice 50c Prophecy and the Lord’ s Return D r. Jam es M. G ray W hat is the purpose of God in connec­ tion w ith the present international cata­ clysm? Does prophecy deal w ith the world today? T he author, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, is well known as a Bible student and expositor, whose w ritings find larg e appreciation throughou t the Christian world. Dr. Gray*s chapters have unusual interest at this time. P ries 75c The Lord’s Return Jesse F o rest Silver Seen in history and in Scripture as pre- millennial and imminent. A thesaurus T H E “ B E S T ” B O O K S A ll About the Bible Sidney C ollett It would be hard to find a greater am ount of information and argum ent packed into the same compass than is presented by the w riter of the book. He n o t only takes up the origin, language, translation, canon, inspiration, errors, etc., of th e Bible, bu t many questions which have been raised concerning it. and gives well digested answers. Should b e in every family library. P rice $1.50

If books are to come by mail add 10 °fo for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M , Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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