King's Business - 1921-05

T H E “ B E S T ” B O O K S A B O U T T H E B I B L The Bible, the Word of God F . B ettex

mony of the. Scriptures,” "G reat Scholar« m ,.e ,P*kle> "G reat Statesm en and the Bible, Scientists and the Bible,” “A nec­ dotes A bout the Bible.” P rice $1.00 Why I Believe the Bible D avid J. B urrell Does j anyone, knowing the author, doubt his ability to give in clear, concise and convincing form his "reasons” for a definite faith in the Book of Books) T he work will confirm the faith, cure skepti­ cism and convert the honest enquirer. P rice $1.25 Divine Unity of Scriptures The organic connection of all the books of the Bible is proved in this unique work. A very strong defense of the Bible as the word of God. W ritten in the au th o r’s usual clear and forceful style. P rice, P ap er, 2Sc; C loth, 7Sc Theopneustia; The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures By L. G aussen Among scholars who a re loyal to the word of God this has been considered one of the best, if not the best se ttin g forth of the doctrine of V erbal Inspira­ tion th at ha&ever been w ritten. P rice $1.00 The Bible; Its Structure and Purpose John U rq u h a rt Each volume is complete in itself. Sold separately or together. Dr. U rq u h art im specially fitted to handle his subject in a comprehensive and _masterly m anner. A t the same time he uses simple, every­ day language, th at simple everyday people can understand. He stands pre-em inently for the defense of the authenticity and verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. Vol. I, II, III, IV, C loth, $1.25 each $4.00 P e r S et Life in the Word P hilip M auro This virile little volume is in n atu re

A great w ork by a well known author, treating a subject th a t is very timely, seeing th at the very foundation of our most Holy Faith is attacked w ith untiring zeal by modern infidelity. A very helpful book for clearing away doubt as to the real ch aracter and peace of the Bible. P rice $1.00 How W e Got Our Bible J . P a tte rso n Sm yth T his volume which traces the story of from the early m anuscripts of the Apostolic day’s down to the last ver- our hands today is brimful of use­ ful information which will prove of in­ valuable service to all Bible readers. P rice 50c Our 6 6 Sacred Books or How Our Bible Was Made Edw in W . Rice A popular hand-bdok for colleges, Nor­ mal classes and Sunday Schools on the authorship, contents, preservation, and circiih tion of the Christian Scriptures. This book incorporates the accepted re­ sults of recent explorations in the Bible lands, and the researches of critical schol­ ars within the p ast twenty years. P rice 75c The Story of Our English Bible W alter S co tt The au th o r says, It has been our en­ deavor to im part reliable information upon ^ 'external form and internal contents of the matchless volume of inspiration, to helps on points and questions of a Biblical ch aracter to record statem ents and facts, and to present a condensed but accurate account of the various English translations of the Sacred Scriptures from the days of Wycliffe to the publica­ tions of the recent revised New T esta­ ments. This is an exceptionally helpful volume. P rice 75c Greatest Thoughts About the Bible J. G ilchrist Law son No student of the g reat Book can afford to miss this well-spread feast. Some of its im portant chapter heads a re : "W hat the Bible says about itself,” “Wonderful H ar- If books are to come by

. n., ,W7 er 8 brief fo r ‘he au tho rity o f the Bible. The au th o r has gathered together th e best proofs of th e vitality and vitilizine pow er of the Bible and p u t them into forcible shape.** P rice 50c mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M , Bible Institute of Los Angele

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