King's Business - 1921-05

The property is worth more than a m illion and a hall dollars, Is free from, debt, and used en­ tirely for the definite work of the Institute.

(O ur C orner Stone) “ D edicated u n to H im th a t loved us a n d w ashed us from o u r sin s in H is ow n blood.’* (Rev. 1:5.)

T here is *no com ­ m ercialism in con­ nection w ith o u r w ork, an d n ev er can be.

Located in the C enter of a G reat City SOUND IN DOCTRINE— SANE IN DEPORTMENT— SINCERE DEVOTION— SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS FOR GOD. IN T he deed to the prop erty upon which the building stands, is based upon a DOCTRINAL STATEMENT of which thé following is a synopsis: The T rin ity 6 f th e G odhead. T he D eity of th e C hrist. T h e P erso n ality of th e Holy G host. The S u p ern atu ral an d P len ary a u th o rity of th e Holy S crip tu res. T he U nity in D iversity of th e C hurch, th e Body a n d B ride of C hrist. T he S u b stitu tio n ary A tonem ent. ■ T L . n i . The N ecessity of th e New B irth. T he M aintenance of Good W orks. The Second Coming; of C h rist T he E v erlastin g Existence of th e S pirit. T he R esu rrectio n of th e Body. T he Life E v erlastin g of B elievers. T he E ndless .P u n ishm en t of th e Im peni- — ,——— te n t; . T he R eality an d P erso n ality of S atan. of Evangelical0 C hristendonf: F a*th ° f th e C hurch a , expressed in th e Common Creed No one can ever preach o r teach in this Institute who does not subscribe to this statem ent. DEPARTMENTS OF WORK t0 *^le tra ^n*nS ° f young men and women to know and m Bible in any form of C hristian w ork to which the Lord may call them , th e Institute carries on active evangelistic w ork in the following departm ents: Bible Women (seventeen paid and five volunteer w orkers) ; S eam en s W ork in Pacific Coast harbors; Jewish W ork; Shop W ork; Spanish W ork; Biola Hall (O u r C ity Mission for Men) ; Colportage W ork in H unan Province, C hina; (N ine boats ‘‘Floating Bible Schools" w ith I 17 native w orkers; over 187,000 homes visited in 1920.) Bible Institute of Los Angeles LYMAN STEWART, P resid en t R. A. TORREY, D.D., Dean T. C. HORTON, Superintendent W RITE US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION

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