King's Business - 1921-05


SPIRITISM AND THE BIBLE Spiritism Reeds no Bible. It makes its beliefs to order to su it th e individual. Rev. A. C. Wyckoff has said of it: “H ere is Spiritism ’s opportunity. It deals in ju st th e commodity th a t many people want. , I t has for sale, by its professional mediums, ju s t th e belief for which hum anity most longs. I t has no custom-made belief, it is a belief strictly made to order. J u st w hat you w ant to believe it will sell you for the price of a sitting. Do you w ant to be­ lieve in th e survival of your son? It answers: “Thy son liveth.” Do you want, to believe, whatever his life on ea rth may have been, th a t he is happy? I t answers: “He is happy.” This brings to our atten tion a curious fact. While Spiritism , in its theory, h as those who are no t happy in th e other world, in all of Its long history these unhappy ones have never happened to be th e sons of any fath er or m other who ever went to a medium to learn about th e ir fate and paid for th e belief th a t they should be found happy. This is one thing about Spiritism ; you get w hat you pay for every time. It is in its many satis­ factory affirmations th a t we find the secret of much of its popularity. It has a g reat advantage over historic Chris­ tian ity in thi's respect. It can make beliefs to order. EDDYISM AND THE BIBLE One of the strong talk ing points of Christian Science is th e large place it gives to th e Bible. The Bible and Science and H ealth are th e only ordained pastor of every Christian Science Church. Upon th is point Mrs, Eddy speaks w ith no uncertain sound. She says:

“ Divine Science derives its sanction from th e Bible (p. 146). Christian Science, understood, coincides w ith th e Scriptures, and sustains logically and dem onstratively every point it presents. Otherwise it. would not be Science (p. 358 ). He th a t decries th is Science does it presumptuously, in th e face of Bible history and in defiance of th e direct command of Jesus, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach th e gospel’ (p. 342). “ I have found nothing in ancient or modern systems on which to found my own, except th e teachings and demon­ stration s of our g reat Master and the lives of prophets and apostles. The Bible has been my only authority. I have had no other guide in the ‘straigh t and narrow way’ of T ru th (p. 126).” These statem en ts are calculated to allay any shadow of doubt as to the S criptural loyalty of th is new system of religion; and they are used w ith great effect as talk ing points by its prose- lyters. Before, however, they are taken too seriously they need to be investi­ gated a little. W hat Mrs. Eddy says about th e Scriptural sanction for her system does no t apply a t all to th e Eng­ lish tran slation of th e Bible, or any other tran slatio n in existence. Fo r th e tran slation s of th e Bible contradict her system from th e first verse in Genesis to th e la st of Revelation. This self- evident fact Mrs. Eddy th u s explains: “The tran slato rs of th is record of scientific creation en tertained a false sense of being. They believed in the existence of m atter, its propagation and power. F rom th a t standpoint of error, they could no t apprehend th e n atu re and operation of Spirit. Hence the seeming contradictions in th a t Scrip-

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