King's Business - 1921-05

THE KING ’S BUSINESS MOTTO: “1,the Lord, do keep U, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, 1 will keep it night and day. ss======== s== == == == == == == === = i= Isa. 27:3 ' "=■ ' ' — ~ PUBL ISHED M O N TH LY BY T H E BIBLE IN S T IT U T E OF "LOS ANGELES 536-558 SO U TH HO PE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-CUas Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under the Act of March 3, 1879^ . . _ . Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided fo^in Section 1103» Act of October 3» 1917 authorized October 1. 1918. Volume XII May, 1921. Number 5 Funds given us for sending the King’s Business to missionaries and Christians who cannot afford to subscribe will be prayerfully invested. Let us have the names of such. CONTENTS Editorials: The Bible (421 ), Bothering th e B rethren (422 ), A Chal­ lenge (423 ), Praying For Rulers (425 ), Syncopation and Zip (426 ), Spiritual Balance (427 ). • Sentence Sermons (429) To Whom Shall We Go?— By Dr. T. T. Shields (430) K ing Solomon to a H igher Critic— By Rev. Sherwin Smith (435) Does God P ray ?— By Dr. W. B. Hinson (437) The Bible and Modern Cults (441) Man’s W ord and God’s Word— By Rev. C. H. Foun tain (442) Bible In stitu te Happenings (445) , Bible In stitu te in China (448) Evangelistic Stories from experience (451) Hom iletical Helps (457) Talks W ith th e Unsaved (460) - Notes on th e Jew s and Prophecy (461) in te rn atio n a l Sunday School Bessons (463) Daily Devotional Readings— By Dr. F. W. F a rr (497) E d ito rial A fterthoughts (504) Take Courage— By Dr. F. W. F a rr (506) The E nd of th e Lord— (From a T ract) (507) PLEASE W hen sending su b scriptions, a d d ress correspondence to Office of T he K in g ’s B usiness, B ible In s titu te of. Los A ngeles, 536- 558 South Hope S treet. C hecks m ay be m ade payable to Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles. Do n ot m ake checks or m oney orders to ind iv id u als connected w ith th e Bible In stitu te . Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES. INCLUDING CANADA $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A Rev. T . C . H O R T O N . Editor in Clue) Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS. Managing Editor A LAN S. PEARCE, Ad9. Manager Contributing Editors DR. F. W . FARR DR. FR ENCH E. OLIVER REV. WM . H . PIKE DR. A . C . D IXON

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