King's Business - 1921-05


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S ing his work. The Tyrone engagem ent was a g reat victory. \ Services were held in the F irs t P resbyterian Church (Rev. C, R. Scafe, p asto r), and a public invi­ tation was given him to retu rn . They are expecting to enlarge th e capacity of the church to 2000 before th a t time. A number of th e' good people th ere took scholarships for studen ts in th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. Dr. Oliver’s combination of teaching, evangelistic work, exposition of pro­ phecy and of th e deeper sp iritu al life, has won for him many friends in the East, and he, has received many calls Tor service» Dr. A. C. Gaebelein Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, editor of “Our Hope,’’ spent the months of F eb ru ary and March in th e vicinity of Los An­ geles, and conducted a week’s service in each of th e following places: P asa­ dena, San Diego, Escondido, Redlands, Orange and Santa Ana, Hemet, Santa B arbara and Redondo. His messages were received w ith h earty commendation, as they always are wherever th is man of God goes. Owing to circumstances, some en­ gagements which had been made for him for the month of April had to be cancelled, bu t he has received a num­ ber of invitations for service in cities in the N orthern p art of th e S tate, and hopes to re tu rn some tim e in th e fall. Rev. YV. P.- Nicholson Rev. Mr. Nicholson (the Irish evan­ g elist), who left Los Angèles la st June for a y ear’s absence in Ireland and Scot­ land,— afte r conducting a very success- -ful evangelistic campaign in Bangor, Ireland (his b irthp lace), has been en­ gaged in a city-wide evangelistic cam­ paign in Glasgow, Scotland. He w rites us th a t religious conditions in Scotland, as well as in the United States, are greatly complicated. The pernicious poison of th e Chicago Uni­ versity has permeated th e Christian life of the pilgrim s on th e other side of the w ater, as it has here. Mr. Nicholson had access to hundreds of people. At th is w riting he is conducting services in one of the largest churches in Glas­ gow. Many young men are tak ing a very definite stand for th e Lord Jesus Christ. One n igh t about fo rty came straig h t ou t for the Lord. Mr. Nicholson expects to re tu rn to Los Angeles about th e first of Septem­ ber and will then be open for evan­ gelistic engagements in th is country. Dates may be arranged for him through


concerning these boys and num bers them as h u stle rs fo r souls. E lin o r M itchell is w o rk in g am ong L atin-A m erican people a t th e P la y a Com ­ m u n ity C enter in Los Angeles. She also does Gospel w o rk a t th e county ja il under th e W. C. T. U. E lla G. S harpe is su p e rin te n d en t of the P re sb y te ria n R escue Home, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Can. Mrs. K. W. A llen, fo rm erly R u th Schneider, is home from A frica on f u r ­ lough. A p lan is on foot to organize a B iola Club am ong g ra d u a te s lo cated in th e e a s t­ ern sta te s. S tu d en ts re sid in g in th e E a s t should w rite Rev. H arlow W. P arsons, W alton, N. Y., of th e ir w hereabouts, i A le tte r from a p a sto r a t Union City, Pa., tells of th e g re a t b lessin g th a t has come to th a t city th ro u g h a union cam ­ p aig n held th e re by H arlow W. P arsons. H a rry F. Sheerer is p a sto r of th e G las- sel B a p tist Church, Los A ngeles. He has ju st closed an ev an g e listic effort in w hich eig h ty -six ’.persons professed conversion. The w o rk has g row n to such pro p o rtio n s th a t Mrs. Sheerer, who h as fo r sev eral y e ars been se c re ta ry fo r Rev. W. H. P ike of th e Bible In stitu te , is now devoting h e r-tim e w holly to th e ch u rch w ork. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M arion H. R ey­ nolds, Los A ngeles, J a n u a ry 14, a d a u g h ­ ter, V irg in ia Moon R eynolds. On th e sam e d ate a g irl cam e to th e home of Mr. an d Mrs. K a rl Humm el. B orn to Mr. and Mrs. H. C romw ell Mc­ K inney, A rque, B olivia, J a n u a ry 8, a d a u g h te r, F lo ren ce Marie. Dr. Oliver’s itin erary since preaching in th e Church of th e Open Door (Los Angeles) in September, includes ser­ vices in Phoenix, Arizona, and in Van­ couver, B. C.,- in the month of October; in th e Moody Church, Chicago, in No­ vember; F illmore, California, ,in De­ cember; Boston and vicinity, and Ty­ rone, Pennsylvania, in Ja n u ary ; North- m inster P resbyterian Church in Balti­ more, in F eb ruary ; and a t th e present w riting (March) in th e P a rk Congrega­ tional Church of Paw tucket, R. I. Responding to an u rg en t invitation from Butler, Pennsylvania, du ring the tim e he was conducting services in the Moody Church, D r.'O liv er found tim e to make a flying visit to Butler, con­ ducting one service in th e B aptist Church there, w ith an audience which crammed th e building to its capacity. Dr. Oliver conducted a rem arkable series of evangelistic meetings in Butler fn 1912, and the people of th a t town have extended an u rgen t invitation to him to re tu rn a t the earliest possible moment for another campaign. Splendid repo rts come to us from all th e places visited by Dr. Oliver, concern- EXTENSION WORK Dr. F ren ch E . Oliver

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