King's Business - 1921-05


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S T. C. Horton, S uperintendent of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. D r. A. C. 'Dixon Dr. A. C. Dixon, associated w ith th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles as a spe­ cial lectu rer, since leaving Los Angeles la st December has been engaged in Bible Conference work in Syracuse, and Brooklyn, N. Y.; H untington, W. Va.; F o rt W orth, Texas; A tlanta, Ga.; and Raleigh, N. C. Concerning his work, he says: “ God gave g rea t blessing to th e Bible Conference in Raleigh,— th re e days,— which was no t on my program , bu t th rough a m isunderstanding I was ad­ vertised to be th ere, so I went. And th e work in New York has been most gracious. A t th e close of th e service la st Sunday m orning in th e Bap­ tis t Temple, over twenty-five came fo r­ w ard • confessing th e ir decision for Christ, among whom were six or eight young men.” Dr. Cortland Myers Dr. Cortland Myers, pastor of Tre- mont Temple, Boston, sp en t th e months of Ja n u ary and F eb ru ary in Los An­ geles and vicinity. He preached in the pu lp it of th e Church of th e Open Door during th e absence of th e pastor, Dr. Torrey, and b rough t Gospel messages th a t were clean-cut, conscience-quicken­ ing and soul-inspiring. Many of his friend s from different sections of th e country w%re h ere as to u rists and larg e audiences g ath ered tc h ear him a t every service. He en­ deared him self to th e people of the church and community. He is a ra re preacher of th e evangelical and sp irit­ u a l type, and has a unique .power of illu stration . The Church of th e Open Door is an ticipating w ith g reat pleasure h is re tu rn in July. Dr. Myers has a large, place in th e h ea rts of th e faculty and friends of the Bible In stitu te. T. C. H. REV. BRITTON ROSS Rev. B ritton Ross, th e first g radu ate of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, h as recently been conducting large cam­ paigns in and around Los Angeles. A th re e weeks m eeting w ith th e Union Rescue Mission b rough t splendid resu lts for th a t work. Another th re e weeks meeting was held w ith Calvary B ap tist Church of which Dr. F. W. F a rr is pastor. Mr. Ross is a member of th is church, and was th e first man ordained to th e m in istry th rough th e church. The meetings w ere pronounced th e most fru itfu l held in Boyle Heights for many

Rev. Britton Ross years and Mr. Ross was given a call to re tu rn next year. A t th is w riting he is a t Belvidere, Calif., in a union cam­ paign. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Vom Bruch, musicians, are w ith him . The In stitu te is proud of th e work Mr. Ross is doing and recommends him as one of th e sanest and most thorough evan­ gelists of th e day. as» a» NEGLECTED BREAD When men, by neglect of th e ir body, lower its vitality, they open th e gates to any infection or epidem ic which may possibly be round about. It is even so w ith th e soul. A man who has neglected th e bread of life, and so lowered his sp iritu al vitality, offers an opportunity to m oral disease. T em ptations have most power when th e re is least prayer. The devil finds it a com paratively easy m a tte r to conquer any soul which has been impaired by neglect. Take th e b read of life, and feed on it often and regularly. Maintain your soul in health , and your very h ea lth i­ ness shall be your defense, yea, as a wall of fire, which cannot be broken th rough .— Jow ett.

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