King's Business - 1921-05



lined w ith people as th e procession passed and over th ree hundred gathered a t the cemetery. Hymns 'were sung, prayer was offered, th e coffin was low­ ered into the earth and the people went back to th e ir homes deeply impressed by w hat they had seen and heard a t th e first Christian funeral in the village of Tan-tou. W hat About Mr. Shen? Shall we ta rry a moment, to th ink of Mr. Shen? W hat tru ly wonderful faith! W hat an illu stration of our M aster’s assurance: “Therefore I say unto you, all th ing s whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe th a t ye receive them , and ye shall have them .” (Mark 11 :24 ). He had prayed for the salvation of his beloved mother, the voice told him th a t she was saved, and though she was still cursing him, he believed, believed -.b- sblutely, and th e Master was tru e to His word. And Mr. Shen, only one short year ago a heathen, w ith o u t"Christ, w ithout God, w ithout hope.” The Biola Evangelistic Band w ent to his village # ith th e glorious message of th e Gos­ pel, he heard and believed, as did. others a t Tan-tou, and th a t made all the differ­ ence in th e ir lives. ‘‘Mother Shen” has gone home to be w ith th e King and to w ait for her dear son. W hat if th e Biola Evangelistic Band had no t gone to Tan-tou a year ago? W hat about Mr. Shen? W hat about his aged mother? The Bible In stitu te how has nine of these bands a t work, 117 men in all, going out into the unevangelized districts, into th e “ byways and hedges, and compelling them to come in .” W ith h earty Christian greetings, Your fellow servant, FRANK A. KELLER. Dear S ir:— Copies of The K ing’s Business have been coming to me. I have never received a bill. Seemingly a friend has been sending me th is peri­ odical. I never subscribed fo r it. But now w ait a m inute—-I am not going to say w hat you though t I was going to say, PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND ME THE KING’S BUSINESS. I like it. I am holding forth the Word th a t is dear to your In stitu te. Enclosed find, etc. MY, WHAT A REL IEF ! A m inister w rites as follows: Manager of The K ing’s Business:

THE TRIUMPH OF HUMILITY The Editor of th e Evangelical Chris­ tian relates the following incident which brings out the characteristic hum ility of the late Charles M. Alex­ ander: “We shall never forget his last night in Toronto, when in our city w ith Dr. Torrey, engaged in th eir g reat m onth’s campaign. Mr. Alexander was assisted in the solo work by Mr. Butler, a young man w ith a rem arkable voice, which made him quite popular w ith the crowd. “On the last night, ju st as Mr. Alex­ ander stepped up on the raised dais to sing his final solo, some foolish person in th e g reat hall shouted out ‘Butler, B u tler.’ “Mr. Alexander quietly rem arked th a t Mr. Butler would be singing a little later. But again th e voice yelled ‘B u t­ le r,’ and as folly can generally find an echo, ano th er and ano ther took up the cry. “The situation was tense, bu t it brought out the majesty of meekness. It is in the unexpected test th a t tru e character and real grace is revealed. “Turning around in th e deathlike stillness th a t followed th is foolish out­ cry, he said: ‘Butler, come up h ere,’ and when the young man rose and climbed the step to his side he threw his arm over his shoulder, and said, ‘You shall have B u tler noW. You don’t know what a tim e we had to get Butler to come into th is work w ith us. Ju st th ink w hat he would have missed, what we would have missed, if he hadn ’t come.’ And then w ith a cordial slap on the back he said: ‘Go on, B u tle r!’ and quietly slipped down th e steps be­ hind and took his seat. “To every sp iritual m ind in th a t vast audience one of the g reatest trium phs of the campaign had been won in th a t crisis on the last night. “Charles Alexander knew the power of grace in his life.”

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