King's Business - 1921-05


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and tell them the message. Also— the people as we went in sat around and listened attentively and on leaving thanked us heartily. At another camp, while talk ing to a group of eight men, one man said: “ In tlie name of my companion I w ant to th a n k you for coming to visit us and in stru ct us in th e tru e religion.” Oh our second visit he said: “When you ccme again we w ant to give you a pres­ en t.” Thus you can see th e apprecia­ tion these people have when you tell them th e Gospel of good news. While visiting a fam ily who recently accepted the Lord, they told us about the way in which the Lord was teaching them. T earing Down th e Saints They said th a t when they were Cath­ olic, they had the walls of th e ir rooms covered w ith pictures of saints, b u t on reading the scriptures, especially Exodus twenty, discovered th a t they were wor­ shipping other gods and immediately obeyed th e teaching of the Word— took down the pictures, to re them up and put them into the fire. Then they told how the Lord had answered prayer. They have a son in Stockton, b u t had not heard from him for some time, so asked th e Lord th a t they m ight hear from him soon and inside of a day or two a le tte r was received from him. Then th e man of the house spoke up: “Yes,” he said, “ and I w ant to tell you an experience we had w ith our cow. It was ailing and getting so th in we did not know what to do, so we though t we would take it to the Lord in prayer and now,” he said, “ I wish you could see it,4£well and getting fa t again all because we asked God.” Oh, for a simple faith such as these people have when they once see th e tru th and accept the Lord. The F ield s Are W hite How we do rejoice for th is glorious privilege and wonder th a t th ere are not more Christians w illing to consecrate th eir lives to th e M aster’s service, when th ere is so much to do. In a certain new colony where we have been visiting for about th ree years, th e owner of th e

SPANISH WORK ROBERT H. BENDER, Supt. “And th e common people h eard him g lad ly .” It was our privilege recently to visit a large railroad camp th a t had not been visited for several months where we found a very large colony of Mexicans. As our custom is, we -sta rted a t the first house to give trac ts and thu s seek to engage th e inm ates in conversation. We found th a t th e re were four or five men in nearly every house, and as soon as they learned the d rift of our conver­ sation they invited us in to sit down (of course, on a soap box!). There seemed to be a g reat in te rest in nearly every room visited and in some cases th e young men would follow us in order to h ear more of th e message. I t .was difficult to te a r away, b u t th e lateness of th e hour obliged us to retu rn . Some of th e men wanted to know if we would re tu rn th e following evening. Most of them are new-comers from Mexico and completely igno ran t of th e Gospel. Consequently we have to in stru ct them before we can expect them to accept on th e spot. Some may th ink th is is strang e, b u t th e fact of the case is, they have been religiously train ed b u t very differently from us in America. For example, in another camp we found an ­ o ther group of young men and after explaining the way of salvation, one of them spoke up and said, “We in our country have different customs from you here in America and we cannot change our customs for yours.” He surely spoke the tru th , for th e Roman Catholic mode of worship is very much different from th e evangelical mode and you can readily see •th a t it takes tim e to convince them of th eir erro r, and only by' patience and perseverance have we been able to see resu lts from our labor among th is people. E ag er fo r th e Message In our second visit to th is large camp, we sta rted a t the far end and soon m et people who had heard us a t four differ­ e n t camps, previously and stood outside w aiting foi^us to come out so th a t they P ligh t invite us to come into th eir room

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