King's Business - 1921-05



wavered in h er confidence th a t it would be. She would attend th e Hebrew Christian Meetings w ith h er children, give a word of testimony, and ask us to pray for h er husband. A t one such meeting she said she was g reatly en­ couraged as her husband had lately been reading th e Bible a g rea t deal. P ray ers Answered A few days ago, her prayers and ours were answered. H er husband came w ith her to th e Jew ish Meeting, and his face fairly beamed as he told of his experience. He is now an openly avowed follower of th e Lord Jesus. I shall no t soon forget th e picture they made sit­ ting there,— husband, wife and children, a rad ian tly happy fam ily group, one, now, in Christ. Down th e cheeks of th e little m other th e te a rs flowed freely, b u t they were tears of trium ph and of joy. They were ju s t plain, simple folks but, as they sat th e re listening to th e songs and th e message, th e ir faces seemed positively transform ed, as though touched by th e Master A rtist’s hand, and so they were. .$!'* -ilfe SEAMEN’S WORK OSCAR ZIMMERMANN, Supt. The work of th e la st m onth has been very encouraging, especially in th is: th a t it was felt th a t many m ust be praying for th is p articu lar departm ent of th e work of th e In stitu te. There w as an increased in terest shown in th e mes­ sage among th e men, and we were able also to see resu lts in conversions. L ighthouse Banks Before mentioning some of th e special cases the w riter would like to say th a t a number of “ lighthouse-banks” can now be supplied to any one who feels led to have a sh are in th e work among th e seamen. With each one will be given all details of th e plan. If you have had a desire to preach th e Gospel to th e many in our ports, here is a fine opportunity to send ou t th e Word in print. A postal sen t to O. S. Z., 369 11th S treet, San Pedro, Cal., will be all th a t is needed to g et a bank. An U nusual Experience Among th e very encouraging tim es had in th e work was one where a t first some opposition was encountered and where th e men p resen t were very in­ different, th e worker standing in th e door of the cabin, answering questions. When th e answers came differently from w h at they expected they became so in terested over th e S cripture th a t

land has donated a large lo t for the erection of a meeting house. We are very anxious to g et th is building p u t up, b u t we still lack a couple of hundred dollars. Will no t th e friends help to­ gether in prayer w ith us th a t th is need may be m et very soon? We would like to strik e while th e iron is hot. There is considerable in te rest and th e children always come togeth er whenever we or th e studen ts arrive. Oh! th e need is so great! Let us plead w ith you again to p ray th e Lord of th e harvest th a t He would th ru st fo rth laborers into His harvest. J g H? JEWISH WORK JAMES A. VAUS, Supt. “How th e n sh a ll th e y call on him in w hom th ey ha've n o t believed? and how sh all th ey believe in him of w hom th ey have no t h e ard ? and how sh a ll th ey h e a r w ith o u t a p re ac h er? ” Rom. 10:14. The gentle rebuke of th e Apostle P au l in th is verse of S cripture w ith its reference to Israel, has been th e burden of many pleas on behalf of Israel as Jew ish Missionaries th e world over have sought to in te rest Gentile Christians in th e salvation of “ th e lost sheep of th e house of Israel.” How very gratifying it is to see in these “ dark days” th a t, as th e age draw s near, th e close, th ere seems to be a rapidly growing in terest in “ th e Chosen People” and a w ider recognition of Christian obligation tow ards them . As a resu lt of this, a g reater volume of prayer will go up to God on Isra el’s behalf; more Mis­ sionaries will be sent to them ; more Jew s will be converted to God and more funds will be forth-com ing for Jewish m issionary work. Whole Jew ish F am ily Saved As I w rite I have before my m ind’s eye, a little Jewish family, sittin g in one of our Hebrew -Christian meetings recently, listening w ith ra p t atten tion to th e message of th e speaker. Over seven years ago, th is fam ily was visited for th e first time. Not long afte r the first visit, th e mother had accepted the Lord Jesus as her Messiah, b u t h er hus­ band, like Nicodemus of old, though a secret believer a t h eart, yet “ for fear of th e Jew s” would no t confess CHRIST. Years passed, and though th e husband repeatedly was urged to tak e a ’ bold stand for Christ, yet he as often refused. A t such tim es th e little m other would say hopefully, “ Oh, he will come some­ tim e,” and though th a t sometime seemed very remote and indefinite, she never

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