King's Business - 1921-05



men to Christ.” “ I ’d like to retu rn this' as I am not myself saved,” he said. He looked so sad and despondent as he said this th a t I was conscious of a real deepening compassion in my own voice as I asked him why he was not. Seek­ ing to bring him face to face w ith th e Lord Jesus, sensitive a t the tim e of his soul hunger and manifest need, we were soon in th e little prayer room on our knees and w ith a cry to Him who knows and loves and cares, the, g reat weight of sin rolled away and the peace of God flooded his heart. “ I know not how th e Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through th e Word, C reating faith in H im .” . Supreme Happiness Received He told me th a t th ree years previous his eyes had been opened to the erro r of th e false religious systems he had been steeped in from infancy and he realized th a t salvation was ap a rt from all works by faith in Christ alone. He had even made this known among his friends and church associates, had prayed or said his prayers and reli­ giously read his Bible, had gone so far as to make out an application to tak e up Bible study a t a well-known school, and not being accepted, had purchased Dr. Torrey’s book and was trying to learn how to do personal work; had found out th a t he was going religiously to hell, never having been born again, for he had never definitely received th e Lord Jesus w ith a h ea rt belief. Tthis young m an’s faith was a t once pu t to a severe test. Living in sin, surrounded w ith ease and every comfort, he sta rted directly back to his friends and confessed Christ. N aturally the devil was stirred ; the enm ity between two seeds began. W ithout a moment’s hesitancy, he de­ term ined to tu rn -his back, on it all, esteem ing the reproach of Christ a g reater treasure. He h adn ’t a place to lay his head, and was dead broke. Days followed in which the gnawings of an empty stomach and th e weary round of looking for a job followed. Pulling weeds for two days he thu s secured enough to rent- a little room where no light penetrated, but was suprem ely, blissfully happy in the consciousness of an unseen bu t ever present Savior, testifying on the streets to the power of th e Blood. A good job has now been secured w ith a Christian man, applica­ tion was made to th e Fisherm en C lub,


Never were we more conscious of the deadening, depressing Satanic power as we seek to bear w itness to th e Christ of th e cross and the Christ on the th ron e before our ever increasing crowds a t Biola Hall. Men are largely puffed up w ith a conviction th a t the world is advancing to th e platform of a common brotherhood and un ity of in terest, and a message which speaks loudly of the handw riting on the wall rouses all the devil in man till our a t­ mosphere seems charged w ith sulphur­ ous fumes as we stand for the' defense of the Gospel against th is hooting, howl­ ing mob, b u t praise God, interm ingled w ith th is mixed crowd are genuinely htipgry, despondent souls and God is daily giving us to see them “ passing from death unto life at His call.” This deepening despondency is experienced by those w ithout as well as those w ithin. Only last night a middle-aged man, possessing sufficient of this world’s mammon to satisfy, w ith wife and chil­ dren and in good health, confided to us an absolute distaste for existence and an increasing desire to tak e his own life. -He was arrested in passing Biola Hall, constrained to stop and listen, was gloriously saved and went on his way rejoicing. While only a week ago, ano th er busi­ ness man confided to the w riter the pressure was so severe, he too lay awake nights scheming how to do away w ith himself, so th a t his wife and kid­ dies would have at least his insurance money to keep them for a year or two. T hank God for an opportunity to divert th is man and point him to th e God of all consolation and hope. To feel th a t grip of his hand and see his new cour­ age and h eart as he went out to meet th e shadowy fu tu re w ithout fear and a manly heart, “ Singing when my way is clear, Praying when th e path seems drear, If in danger, on Him call T rusting Jesus, th a t is all.” Despondency Cured Speaking of th is depression we no­ ticed it very strik ing ly w ritten on the face of a clean-cut, well-dressed, yoftng man who stepped into Biola H all re­ cently and handed the w riter one of Dr. Torrey’s books on “How to bring

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