King's Business - 1921-05



services in the neighborhood church. A ■part of th e work of these women was th e distribution of hand-hills announc­ ing th e meetings. A man who had been a back-slider for a number of years could no t get away from th e message of th e hand-bill, and th e conviction that, he should come to God. Going to his home, he paced up and down th e room, fighting the battle, when suddenly his atten tion was arrested by a picture of the Lord Jesu s'on th e wall. Something said w ithin him, “ Yes, you have Christ oh th e wall, b u t no Christ in your h e a rt.” Then and th ere, he k n elt and gave his h ea rt to God. The next night he made his public confession in the meeting, and subsequently all th e other members of h is household, th re e in num ­ ber, publicly confessed th e Lord Jesus Christ as th e ir Savior. Before, th e re was a united household against Christ, now they are all one in Him. An Aged Lady B o ra Again The teacher of a Bible class was asked to follow up a call made by a member of h er class. She found an old lady, who had been a member of a church from childhood, b u t when “ (he new ■ b irth ,” “ faith ,” “believe,” “ re­ ceive,” were spoken of, she said, “ I do no t und erstand w hat you mean; please explain.” So as simply as to a little child, th e plan of salvation was opened up to her for th e first tim e in her life, and we believe she received it ju s t as simply as a little child would. “ I am no t ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is th e power of God unto salvation.” ' M l£k DEAD—NOT BURIED There are many dead people in the world who are no t yet buried: th ere • affe thousands who* have been dead many years, and do not know it. When a man’s h ea rt is cold and indifferent about religion, when his hands are never employed in doing God’s work, when his h ea rt is never fam iliar w ith H is-ways, when his tongue is seldom used in prayer and praise, when .his ears are deaf to th e voice of Christ in the gospel, when his eyes are blind to th e beauty of heaven, when his mind is full of th e world, and h as no' room or tim e for sp iritu al things,— th en a man is dead.—rRyle.

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT ? Jerom e says of Nepotian, th a t, by reading and meditation, he had made his soul a lib rary of Christ. Theodo­ sius th e Younger was so fam iliar w ith the word of God, th a t he made it a subject of conversation w ith th e old bishops as if he had been one of them . Augustine says, th at, afte r his conver­ sion, he ceased to relish even Cicero, his form er favorite author, and th a t th e Scriptures were his pure delight. Ter- tu llian spent a g rea ter p a rt of his tim e in reading the Scriptures, and com­ m itted large portions of them to mem­ ory. In his youth, Beza learned all P au l’s Epistles in Greek so thoroughly, th at, when he was eighty years old, he could rep eat them in th a t language. C ranm er is said to have been able to rep eat the New T estam ent from mem­ ory. L u th er was one of th e most inde­ fatigable stud en ts of th e Bible th a t th e world has ever seen. R idley said, “The walls and trees of my orchard, could they speak, would bear w itness th a t th e re I learned by h eart almost all the Epistles.”-^D r. Plummer. WESLEY AND THE BOOK I am a creatu re of a day, passing through life as an arrow th rough the air. Í am a sp irit, coming from God, and retu rn in g to God: ju s t hovering over th e g reat gulf; a few moments hence, I am no more seen; I drop into an unchangeable eternity! I w ant to know one thing— th e way to heaven; how to land safe on th a t happy shore. God H imself has condescended to teach th e way. He h ath w ritten it down in a book. O give me th a t book! A t any price, give me th e book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be a man of one book. Here, then, I am , far from th e buey ways of men. I sit down alone; only God is here, in H is presence I open, I read His book; fo r th is end— to find th e way to heaven.— John Wesley.

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