King's Business - 1921-05



IT ’S ALWAYS FRESH Here is a significant u tteran ce by George Muller when in his ninety-first year. Addressing a m eeting of m in­ isters a t B ristol, in 1896, he sa id :— I have read the Bible th rough more th an one hundred and fifty times. I never get tired of it. I read it w ith th e g reatest delight. When I get to the end I tu rn to th e beginning and begin again; and each tim e I read th e Bible in th is way it is to me a new book. Mr. Muller also told his h earers th at, since his “ full su rrender of h ea rt,” in 1829, (four years afte r his conversion), when he “ laid aside almost every other book” and devoted himself to the read­ ing of th e Scriptures, God had become “ unspeakably blessed” to him , and had made him “ an exceedingly happy m a n ;” and th a t he could say from his h eart, “God is an. infinitely lovely Being.” TROPHIES ON EACH PAGE Archbishop Leighton tells of a man who entered a church in Glasgow and heard th e fifth chapter of Genesis read. The chapter is nothing b u t a list o f the patriarchs, from Adam to Noah, and th e number of years they lived. Did I say nothing b u t a list of names? No; for in th a t chapter we have th e most marvelous biography of a good man ever w ritten—- “Enoch w alked w ith God: and he was n o t; for God took him .” But it was not th a t verse th a t impressed th e listener th a t day. Archbishop Leighton tells us th a t th e man left the church th a t day a converted man, and th a t th e th ing th a t converted him was th e constant repetition of th a t phrase— “And he died.” Dr. R obert F. Horton, in alluding to th is incident, says: “ I believe you can show, concerning every book, beginning a t Genesis and going on to th e very end, th a t each page has its trophies.” Hâve ÿou read the 2 cent proposition, inside front cover? '


The Crooked Head Sam Jones may no t have been ju st to a very few cases of doubters, b u t th e exceptions are ra re indeed. Jones said, “ You have your doubts abou t God, about th e Bible, th e judgm ent and bell, and so on, have you? Well, now, ju st pull up your little doubts by th e roots and see w hether th ere is no t some sin rig h t th e re !” I t is only the reverse of w hat Christ said to those who obey God: “He th a t w illeth to do H is will shall know of the doctrine w hether it he of God or w hether I speak of my­ self.” Obedience, salvation, a pure h eart, sees the tru th , sees God, is con­ firmed in th e faith. We know th ere are a few good men who are constitutionally lik e Thomas. But like Thomas they find Christ doing th e unusual to convince them . No Thomas, a good man, needs to continue, in doubt, and he will not. He misses one meeting of th e saints and gets deeper into th e dark, bu t he tu rn s up surely a t th e next meeting and th ere is Christ specially tender to meet his doubts. The stubborn and unyielding doubt is rooted in backsliding from a clear ex­ perience of salvation, or refusing, to seek such an experience. It does not ‘ stop a t unbelief in its downward slide, . b u t goes on to unrighteousness. Morals do not long survive faith. The crooked head follows the crooked h ea rt and in tu rn is followed by the crooked hand. So says Paul, and all life confirms his WOrd.— E astern Methodist. W ant to make a good investment! Send tke K. B . to a friend

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