King's Business - 1921-05



th a t much more progress th a n th e ir fel­ lows. S tatistics unquestionably show th a t they are wrong. Dr. E. G. M artin of th e H arvard Medical School selected a group of stud en ts and by testing th eir reaction tim e by means of electric cur­ ren ts, he gathered some interesting facts. The tests were continued through a period of eight weeks and they showed th a t th e sensitiveness of th e men was in every instance more acute on Monday and th a t it sunk steadily from day to day, reaching its lowest point on Sat­ urday. The resu lt proved th a t th e re­ pose of a single n igh t following a day of toil does no t afford complete resto ra­ tion of th e impaired nervous tissues and th a t th e longer period furnished by the Sunday recess gives, under ordinary con­ ditions, the longer tim e needed for th e expulsion of th e accumulated fatigue products and th e recovery of efficiency. — Dryden. This is a different reason for th e observation of th e Sabbath from w hat is assigned in Exodus 20 where th e day is stated to be an appointed memorial of th e creation.—LJ. F. & B. Subject Illu stratio n .— I t is said of the Curtis P rin ting Company, th a t p u t out th e Ladies’ Home Journal, and the Sat­ u rday Evening Post, th a t they work th e ir sixteen enor- LESSON mous presses day ILLUSTRATION and night. Some- W. H . P ik e one asked them if th is would not wear out th e m achinery very quickly. “Yes,” was th e answer, “b u t th a t is w h at we w ish . to do, for machinery is improved so rapidly these days, th a t we would ra th e r wear it out, and get new im ­ proved presses.” Now th a t would be a fine plan for th is “ brain-blood-nerve machine” we call our body. But we are compelled to keep th is body for a life time, th erefo re we ought to give it proper rest, recreation and food. . 'T never knew a man to escape failure, in either m ind or body, who worked seven days in a week,” says Peel. B ible Illu stration s.— God’s provision for th e Sabbath re st and th e re st at places like Elim , Ex. 15:27, saved Israel from exhaustion and a general

law. The church is no t under law (Rom. 6 :1 4 ). On th e Sabbath Jesus lay dead in the tomb. The Sabbath was a mem­ orial of th e old creation under doom. The church stands fo r. the new creation freed from doom. To keep the Sabbath is to deny th e resu rrection of Christ. A fter H is resurrection Christ and His disciples never m et on the Sabbath. The church m et to worship and break bread on th e first day of th e week (Acts 2 0 :7 ). Christians are directly com­ manded not to keep the Sabbath (Col. 2 :1 6 ).— Haldeman. v. 13. Six days thou sh alt labor. The seventh day is associated w ith the though t of re st a fte r labor, th e first day w ith a renewal of sp iritual life and activity. The deeper import o t th e day is consecration. I t is a day separate from the o ther six in being devoted to God and not to self. I t is a trib u te to th e K ing of kings of one-seventh of our time. The Lord’s day is still a day of rest, for it means laying aside all un­ necessary work and all work for our own worldly in terests and advantage. I t affords leisure for higher thoughts and aims too often crowded out by the cares and occupations of th e week.-*: Finn. . v. 14. The seventh day. If you ask why th e Jew ish Sabbath was changed to th e Christian Lord’s day, th e answer is th a t Jesus proclaimed H imself Lord of the Sabbath day, therefo re g reater th an the sta tu te law of Moses. Jesus rescued th e Sabbath from its bu rial un­ der a mass of ceremonialism • and re­ vealed its tru e sp irit and meaning. In order to emphasize H is new idea of the old Sabbath the disciples in commem­ oration of His resurrection chose a new day as Lord’s day.— Martin.^ Sabbath of th e Lord. Remember th a t’th e keeping of th e first day of th e week is not a sub stitu tion of one day for another. The seventh day always was and always will be th e Sabbath. The introduction of th e dispensation of grace was th e setting aside of Judaism w ith all its holy days, its new moons and Sabbath days, and. th e inauguration of an en­ tirely new thing.— Reitzel. Servants may re st as well as thou. The wisdom of carrying on secular work b u t six days in th e week has been scientifically dem onstrated. In each generation th ere are some ambitious men who seek to disprove th is ancient tru th and th ink th a t if they can crowd an ex tra day’s work into each week they will make

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