King's Business - 1921-05



it, because it was not good to drink. Why do you th ink the w ater in the pool was not good to drink? Yes, be­ cause it was not giving out and receiv­ ing fresh w ater each day like th e little stream . P rayer. Lesson Story.— In our story today we see Jesus and His disciples on th e moun­ tain side near the shore of th e Sea of Galilee, and all around them are ju st lots and lots of people, so many we could n o t count them. The story says th ere were five thousand men and we do not know how many women and children. It was a beau tifu l place to be, as th e sun was setting, shining out on th e w ater it looked like a g rea t big golden ball. Jesus had healed many of th e people th a t were sick during th e day, b u t now it was evening and th e people were not only tired bu t hungry, and Jesus felt so rry for th e people, and He asked the disciples where they could g et food for th e people. Of course, Jesus knew where He could get the food, but He ju st asked th e disciples to see what they would say. You know P eter was always on th e lookout and knew all th a t was going on, and he had seen a little boy w ith his lunch, so he told Jesus about th e boy, b u t he said he only had five little barley loaves and two small fish. The loaves were about like cu r crackers, and P eter said th a t Would not do any good for so many. Jesus told th e people to sit down on the grass. Now th e lu n ch 'o f th e little boy was the only food th e re was, and you know how hungry a boy would be afte r walking quite a distance and waiting un til even­ ing w ithou t anything to eat. He m ight have said he would eat his lunch h im ­

self, b u t he was not th a t kind of a boy, bu t he was happy because he had his lunch to give to Jesus. Can you see this little boy watching Jesus, wondering how He is going to make his lunch feed so many people? He soon understands how Jesus can do it, for Jesus asked a blessing over th e food, and broke the loaves into pieces and handed to the disciples, who passed it' and th e fishes to th e crowd. And boys and girls, do you know th ere was enough for every­ body to have as much as they wanted, and the disciples took up twelve baskets full th a t was left. O w hat a happy little boy it was th a t n igh t as he went home and told his mother how he shared his lunch. He knew w hat th e memory verse meant. I t is more blessed to give th an to receive. d o s in g P ray er.— Dear Lord Jesus, we th a n k thee for th e many good things thou h ast given us, and may we always be w illing to share our joys. BLACKBOARD SKETCHES By E . G. H ansell In trodu ction : Liken th e body to the mass of believers. (The body of C h rist). I. Different members of one body, vs. 14-20. DRAW explaining th a t these are all p arts of th e one body and may represent individual believers. II. The relation of members to_ each other, vs. 21-27. DRAW explaining the believers’ relation to each other and th a t Christ is th e head of th e body. The body of Christ must be perfect in every particular. Conclusion: To become a member of th a t body we m ust believe on th e Lord Jesus Christ.



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