King's Business - 1921-05


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Biblical Institute where the Bible is handled by so-called experts, trained in the traditions, of men, and who profess to be able to teach what the Bible says, but does not mean. This Bible Institute stands four-square for the old Bible and a whole Bible. We open its pages at Gen. 1:1, hold between our fingers the leaves of the whole Book to Rev. 22:21, and testify to our faith in the integrity and inerrancy of the Bible as the verbally inspired Word of God. This Bible Institute is founded upon the Bible and the deed to the property upon which has been erected these splendid buildings contains its statement of doctrine. Those who deny the fundamental truths of these doctrines can never teach or preach in its halls, and if they were permitted to do so, the property would revert to the original donors. At the first of every year every officer, director, member of faculty, head of department, Bible woman, evangelist or lecturer associated with the Institute is com­ pelled to sign anew this statement. In this way we have sought to main­ tain a safe, sound foundation for our work and give assurance to all of our friends that when helping us with their prayers and funds, they can have the satisfaction of knowing that no matter how institutions or churches may drift from the truth, we shall not. We believe that we were divinely led in the beginning of our organization to take this step, and today, when the drift from faith in God’s Word is so marked in all of the so-called Chris­ tian lands, we are sure that God’s hand was in it. You will not be surprised to know that God has signally blessed our efforts to glorify Him through the written and living Word of God and we record our thanksgiving and praise to Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. We take pleasure in requesting you to read carefully the brief statistical report on Page 420. You will find there some of the facts which testify to God’s blessing upon His Word and will rejoice with us in the multitudes who have been saved from wrath, many of whom have also become soul winners. The magazine has become a favored factor in the work of the Gospel, and letters from every section of the world testify to its value and inspiration. Notwithstanding the bigness of our buildings and the breadth of our work, we have outgrown our facilities and must build larger, if the Lord tarry. Money entrusted to us will be wisely and prayerfully invested in the various activities of our work as you direct. Should you desire to invest funds on the annuity plan through which you will receive your annual or semi-annual payments, you will have the joy of knowing that your funds will be working while you live and after your departure—if the Lord tarry, —in such definite evangelistic and Bible lines as will afford you real 'com­ fort and bring you good results. We will gladly respond to any question concerning our work and send literature to those seeking more specific information. T. C. H.

B othering the Brethren The Christian Century (this century!) has a recent editorial on “A New Denomination Emerging, ’’ from which we quote:

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