King's Business - 1921-05



XV. DRAW th e Good Sam aritan, ex­ plaining. Conclusion: DRAW which of these do you represent. Give th is a spir­

itu al application, showing th a t many have fallen into sin and some Christians are always ready to make excuses rath e r th an lead lost souls to Christ.

JUNE 5, 1921 M AK IN G T H E N A T IO N CH R IST IA N (May Be Used w ith Missionary A pplications). Golden Text: R ighteousness exalteth a nation: bu t sin is a reproach to any people. Prov. 14:34. LESSON TEXT Ps. 33:12; Prov. 14:34; Rom. 13:1-10. (Read Deut. 5:6-21; Ps. 78:5-7.)

(12) B lessed is th e n a tio n whose God is th e LORD; and th e people whom he h a th chosen fo r his own in h eritan ce. (34) R ig h teo u sn ess ex ­ a lte th a n atio n : b u t sin is a r e ­ p roach to any people. (1) L et every soul be su b ject un to th e h ig h er pow ers. F o r th ere is no pow er b ut of God: th e pow ers th a t be a re o r­ dained of God. (2) W hosoever th e re ­ fore re siste th th e pow er, re siste th th e ordinance of God: ,and th ey th a t re sist sh all receive to them selves dam nation. (3) F o r ru le rs a re n ot a te rro r to good w orks, b u t to th e evil. W ilt th o u th en not be a fra id of th e pow er? do th a t w hich is good, and th o u sh a lt have p ra ise of th e sam e: (4) F o r he is th e “m in ister of God to thee fo r good. B ut if th o u do th a t w hich is evil, be afra id ; fo r he b e are th not th e sw ord in vain: fo r he is th e m in iste r of God, a re v en g e r to execute w ra th upon Outline (1) The Law of Civil Obedience, Rom. 13:1-7. (2 ) The Law Fulfilled by Love, vs. 8 - 10 . The title for our lesson as given by th e comm ittee is remarkable. There is no suggestion in the verses given, Psa. 33:12, and Prov. 14:34, o f any wp,y of making a nation Chris- LESSON .t'ian. The first pas- EXPOSITION sage is Jew ish and re- T. C. H o rton fers to th e people whom He h ath chosen for His own inheritance. T hat people was Israel. They certainly were never Christian; and although they were God’s people in a peculiar way, and honored above all earth ly people by His

him th a t doeth evil. (5) W herefore ye m u st needs be subject, no t only for w rath , b u t also fo r conscience’ sake. (6) F o r th is cause- pay ye trib u te also: for th ey are God’s m in ­ is te rs a tte n d in g co n tin u a lly upon th is very th in g . (7) R ender th e re ­ fore to a ll th e ir dues: trib u te to whom trib u te is due; custom to whom custom ; fe a r to whom fe a r; hono-ur to', w hom honour. (8) Owe no m an an y th in g , b u t to love one a n o th e r: for he th a t loveth a n o th e r h a th fulfilled th e law . (9) F o r this, Thou sh a lt n o t comm it ad u ltery , Thou sh a lt no t kill, Thou sh a lt no t steal, Thou sh a lt no t b ear jialse w it­ ness, Thou sh a lt n ot covet; and if th e re be an y o th er comm andm ent, it is briefly com prehended In th is saying, nam ely, Thou sh a lt love th y neghbor as th y self. (10) Love w o rk - eth no ill to his n eighbor: th ere fo re love is th e fulfilling of th e law . presence among them , . yet they were rebels ag ain st H is law and were sent­ enced to world-wide, century-long per­ secution for th e ir sins. The second text states a fact con­ cerning righteousness^ It exalteth a nation and every righteous act of this and other nations has been honored of God; bu t th e re has never been a rig h t­ eous nation, and th e histo ry of all na­ tions is a history of sinning in w ilfui ways, making th e nation a reproach. There is no prom ise of th is nation becoming a Christian nation in th is dis­ pensation; not a single passage of Scrip­ tu re suggests it; b u t on th e other hand, Jesus H imself and all of the apostles tolft th e story of th is old world’s failure through sin, and no hope for righteous-

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