King's Business - 1921-05



Russell Lowell was called as a witness before th e Senate Comm ittee, to give evidence on In tern ation al Copyright, he lifted up the whole discussion from the level of in terests and expediences, into .the clear air of duties and moralities. “ I cannot help th ink ing ,” he said, “ th a t a book, which was, I believe, more read when I was young, th an it is now, is quite right, when it says th a t “R igh t­ eousness exalteth a nation .” Jesu s’ Love F o r His Country. Luke 19:29-42. Memory Verse.— “Blessed is th e n a­ tion whose God is the Lord.” Psa. 83:12. Approach.— Good morning ch ild ren ! How happy you all look this morning. Would you like to see a picture this morning? How th is is not a picture which you can see BEGINNERS w ith your eyes, bu t AND PRIMARY one th a t you can Mabel L. Merrill see in your mind. It is a word picture. In my mind I see a man riding along th e road on a donkey, and he sees an ­ o ther man lying by th e roadside. He gets down from his donkey, and then we see him lifting th e man from th e road onto his donkey. Who can tell me th e story of th is picture? My! W hat fine listen ers you all were when th is story was told. And we remember the lesson Jesu s w ants us to learn from th is story, th a t any one who needs our help is our neighbor, and th a t we should always tre a t others as we would wish them to tre a t us. In our story today we see ano ther donkey, and a man is riding on him, bu t th e re is a big crowd of people. Let us bow our heads and th a n k Jesus for His loving watch and care over us th rough ano ther week, and then we will ask Him to help u s to be good little listeners as we hear th e story about the man riding the donkey, and th e big crowd of people.

Lesson Story.— Do you remember a home in the little town of Bethany where Jesus loved to. visit when He lived on earth ? Yes, th e home of Mary and M artha and Lazarus. In our story, Jesus had ju st left B ethany to go up to Jerusalem . When He came to the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His dis­ ciples on to a village nearby, telling them to bring him a colt. Now th e colt was a donkey, bu t it was ju st a young donjtey,, and no one had ever ridden on it before, and because it was a -young donkey it was called a colt. Jesus told them ju st where they would find the colt tied, and how to get it. The two disciples did as Jesus asked them to do, and found th e donkey and b rougct if to Jesus. The disciples p u t th e ir gar­ ments on the donkey for Jesu s to sit on. As He rode toward the City of Je ru ­ salem a g reat crowd of people met Him and took off th e ir ou ter garm ents and spread them in th e way. O thers cut down branches from th e trees, and strewed them in th e way, th a t He m ight ride over them. They did this to honor Him, for so the people used to do when a king r.ode through th eir streets. And th e m ultitude th a t went before and th a t followed after cried w ith a loud voice, praising Him, and saying, “Hosanna! Blessed is He th a t has come to us, sent by th e Lord.” If anyone had looked at J esus closely as H e ' was en tering the city th a t day, they would have seen th a t Jesus was crying. Why? Jesus knew th a t soon a' g rea t army would march in and tak e the city, destroy the temple or church, and many of the people would be killed— all because of th eir sins. God was going to let all th is come upon the Jew ish people because they had rejected Christ. Jesus loved H is city. Who will teil us about His first visit to this same city when He was only 12 years old? It was because He loved the people so much th a t He wept when He though t of th e suffering com­ ing upon them because of th eir sins.

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