King's Business - 1921-05

T H E K I NG ’ S B U S I N E S S WEDNESDAY, May 18. Duke 7:11-17. Jesu s The R econstructive Force in a Fam ily. Sad indeed is th e invasion of death into a home and wide are th e gaps made in th e fam ily circle. When th e fam ily is one in Christ physical death can only produce a tem porary and tolerable sep­ aration . S piritual death may exist ap art from physical death since she th a t liv- eth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. 1 Tim. 5:6. In such a case the separa­ tion is w ider and may become eternal. When any unbelieving member of a fam ily hears th e voice of, th e Son of God and arises from the' charnel house of sin, th ere is reconstruction and re­ sto ration th a t physical death can never undo nor destroy. The regeneration of a soul is a moral m iracle of sp iritu al resu rrection as g reat and wonderful as th e raising of th e widow’s son a t Nain. He who is equal to th e one can surely accomplish th e other. John 5:25-29. THURSDAY, May 19. Col. 3:14-25. A Happy Home. The Word of God not only contains the lo ftiest moral principles b u t com­ bines them closely w ith simple practical precepts for daily living. A home where these maxims were carried out in th e sp irit and in th e le tte r .would leave nothing to be desired. There is no place on ea rth more suggestive of Heaven th an a Christian home. A pala­ tia l mansion may be nothing more than a re sta u ra n t and a lodging house. A humble cottage may be a happy home. The building is imm aterial. The “ Cot­ te r’s S aturday n igh t” could be enacted in a palace. Home is where th e folks are and w hat they are. Every possible recipe for human happiness is found in th e Bible. FRIDAY, May 20. 1 Tim. 5:1-10. Household Religion. It is deplorable w hen ’ the home life of a Christian contradicts his public profession. "N ot as we say on Sabbath Day, B u t as we practice weekly, W ill people ra te us, though we may . P reach long and wise and meekly.” The Christian life involves th e science and a r t of holy living. Among all th e im po rtan t lessons th a t a convert has to learn, P aul insists th a t he m ust first learn to show piety a t home. H ere is th e train ing school where ¿he Bible


views of life are tested. When th e soul is dom inated by Christ’s purity, self- sacrifice and self-control, it grows sweeter and strohger day by day. P ray­ erful and painstaking effort to approx­ im ate th e Bible stand ard will build up a noble, helpful and fru itfu l Christian life. “God bless our hom e!” SATURDAY, May 21. P salm 91:1-10. The Safe-Guard of th e Home. In th e Christian home th e re is not only an invisible guest b u t an invisible guard. Around every home th e re are moral and sp iritual dangers as imper­ ceptible as m alaria b u t more powerful and deadly. There are evils w aiting to ensnare youth, to m islead m atu rity and even to deceive age. The fam ily a lta r is a bulw ark against which hostile worldly influences beat in vain. The Holy Spirit hedges around every ex­ posed and endangered soul committed and commended to God. There should be p aren tal censorship over all th e lite r­ ature, and visitors th a t cross th e th re s­ hold. The most careful scrutiny, and perpetual vigilance will be in vain un­ less God be considered th e head of the family, every member and in te rest being comm itted daily to H is providential care. There is One th a t watches while we - sleep. SUNDAY, May 22; Duke 10:38-42. An Ideal Home. The fam ily is th e un it of society. The home is th e train in g school for th e social and public life. The home th e re­ fore is the bulw ark and safeguard of th e state. The downfall of the Roman Empire followed th e decadence of th e home. The w aning and weakening in ­ fluence of the home is a significant and alarm ing condition of modern life. The most effective remedy for the increase of th e divorce evil is th e revival of the Bible stand ard of love, righteousness and confidence. In th e ideal home Christ is the ho st ra th e r th a n th e guestj th e one who adm inisters its affairs, reg­ ulates its expenditures, solves its prob­ lems and bears its burdens. His pres­ ence makes home th e vestibule of Heaven. Under His ru le a child can be train ed no t only fo r tim e b u t for etern ­ ity. The fam ily a lta r and th e open Bible are indispensable. MONDAY, May 23. M ark 6:1-6. An Unbelieving Neighborhood. Christianity involves a community

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