The Ripple October 2024

Change Management is Passé

The RIPPLE Reflections on Network Leadership and Effective Collaboration

Edition October 2024

Table of Contents

Introducing our unique Network Leadership Learning Journey Page 3


2 3 4 5

Change Managers have become passé Pages 4 - 6

Change ain’t what it used to be Just ask Blackberry Pages 7 - 10

A critical factor for an organization’s strategy Pages 11 - 12

A significant decision for a 146 year old industrial manufacturer Pages 13 - 15

Ensemble Enabler talks with the top leaders from the International Leadership Association (ILA) Page 16 We are an Enabling Company: How we can co-create with your business Page 17





Lead Differently Champion Optimal Performance Realize Innovative Results Become a Network Leader

Your opportunity to become a Network Leader is coming in January and May 2025. Leadership powered by networks is a novel and different approach to leading effectively in an increasingly perplexing business environment.

Take a look at the viewpoint of this unique leadership journey

Your journey towards clarity and focus awaits you.



Change Managers have become passé

What businesses need today are IMPULSE CATALYSTS

Thomas Edison’s quest to create the lightbulb demonstrates what it takes to succeed in today’s business. His goal was to construct a reliable and affordable electric light. This path to realize success was demanding. Edison and his team tested thou- sands of filaments. They failed many times. Despite this continuous failure, Edison did not give up. Finally with his team, together they discovered a carbonized bamboo filament that burned for over 1,200 hours. The year was 1879. This breakthrough forever changed the world of lighting.

This relentless pursuit for success exemplifies the qualities of an



What kind of leader embraces an IMPULSE CATALYST mindset?

IMPULSE CATALYST. These are leaders who advance innovation through a willingness to experiment and perseverance. Companies must embrace a similar IMPULSE CATALYST mindset in today’s fast-paced business environ- ment. Success often involves navigating a landscape of trial and error, learning from failures, and iterating on ideas until they finally function as initially imagined. An IMPULSE CATALYST fosters a culture where experimentation is encouraged, and setbacks are seen as valuable learning opportunities. By promoting resilience and creative problem-solving, these leaders inspire their teams to push boundaries and achieve breakthroughs. It is the IMPULSE CATALYST mindset which businesses require for great teamwork, creativity and innovation.

IMPULSE CATALYSTS see failures as learning opportunities



Say good-bye to V.U.C.A The future is W.I.S.E

Just as Edison’s persistence to find the solution to construct a reliable lightbulb ultimately illuminated the world, IMPULSE CATALYSTS brighten and energize a business’ efforts to transformative innovations and sustained success.

Network Leadership

A mindset for a W.I.S.E. world.

Read about a W.I.S.E. world



Change ain’t what it used to be Just ask Blackberry

The 1990’s was an era where revolutionary methodologies vied for attention. It was the dawn of the internet age and change perme- ated every corner of the business world. A broad spectrum of processes, emerged together with this disruption 30 years ago: BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING promised radical transformations in productivity and efficiency SIX SIGMA championed by General Electric aimed to purge processes of defects with data-driven precision



Which leaders possess an IMPULSE CATALYST mindset?

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT promoted continuous improvement and customer satisfaction LEAN MANUFACTURING advocated production efficiency advanced by Toyota

All these initiatives testify that it was an era of whirlwind innovation.

But one consulting company went one step further. A professor from Harvard Business School, John Kotter, had recently formalized his 8- step model for change described in his book "Leading Change" (1996). A consulting company attempted to trademark the concept of “change management” thereby monopolizing the entire domain of change manage- ment practice.

In times of whirwind innovation, new processes emerge

The backlash to this effort was swift and resolute.

One of the leaders of Business Process Reengineering, Mike Hammer, scoffed and linked the effort as an attempt to trademark the supply chain process as “preposterous and outlandish” .



In fact what is change management really?

This debate from the 1990s about change management seems quaint from today’s perspective. However it highlighted a key question which is still being discussed more than 30 years later:

In fact what is change management?

The story of Blackberry offers all business leaders food for thought about change. BlackBerry (Research in Motion) reigned supreme as the provider of choice for business communication in the early 2000s. Like many companies which are on the top of their industry, BlackBerry aimed to cement its indispensability to the business community. It decided to make a radical change by the development of their BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). This successful platform offered unparalleled control over device policies, email and data access, and security protocols.

The imperative

for businesses to continually adapt and

innovate endures



⚠ Warning ⚠ If you focus on the wrong thing, someone else is going to eat your lunch.

Apple did just that. Not through change management, but through the development of a completely innovative approach to mobile phones. The rest is history. The imperative for businesses to continually adapt and innovate en- dures. But if change management is no longer the optimal path forward in our current era of rapid change and innovation, what emerges in its aftermath? Welcome to the era of the IMPULSE CATALYST as a dynamic force whose role is to shape a business’ future.

IMPULSE CATALYSTS play a dynamic role in today’s businesses



A critical factor for an organization’s strategy

As a leader, you have collaborated with colleagues to envision a com- pelling purpose and an exciting vision. What critical factor should be at the forefront of your strategy? ENERGY It’s intangible yet unmistakable. We all recognize energy when we see it: ✨ It’s an energized team which is dynamic, joyful, supportive, and driven. ✨ It’s a high-performance team which is brimming with energy.



Does your organization realize superior productivity and advance personal happiness?

True cohesion happens when every team member engages in work which they love and energizes them. Imagine if leaders focused on what ENERGIZES PEOPLE instead of focusing on their skill gaps. MorningStar, a tomato processing plant in California, adopted this approach. Their policy allows employees to contribute wherever they believe their skills would add the most value to the company.

Transform the potential of strategy by energizing your people

The results are compelling.

Employees at MorningStar embrace more extensive and complex roles than the typical industry standard. MorningStar has become a leader in its field consistently achieving “demonstrably superior productivity and personal happiness” as compared to its competitors. Leaders can transform the potential of their strategy by energizing their people just like MorningStar does.



A significant decision for a 146 year industrial manufacturer

What secret ingredient enabled a traditional industrial equipment manufacturer to catapult its business valuation from $3 billion to $27 billion? During this 5 year period, the com- pany also simultaneously slashed attrition rates of employees from 19% to 3%. Imagine a company dating back to its origins in 1871 when it started manufacturing rock drills used in mining and construction. Eventually, Ingersoll Rand expanded its business into the manufacture of air compres- sors, tools, pumps, and other industrial machinery.



How did Ingersoll Rand unleash sustainable business performance?

Fast forward 146 years later when Ingersoll Rand made a significant decision for its business and its employees. The company decided to distribute ownership among its employees in 2017. Four years later, a remarkable $250 million worth of value was trans- ferred to its workforce of 16,000 individuals.

The results speak for themselves.

The potential of employee ownership programs

The non-profit organization Ownership Works is the brainchild of Peter Stavros. It supports public and private companies to develop, implement, and evaluate holistic- based employee ownership programs. Stravros has spoken passionately about the potential of unleashing sustainable business performance through such an incredibly dynamic instrument.



Empowerment of employees can fuel unparalelled business success

Ingersoll Rand is only one example of the profound impact of shared ownership. This shift epitomizes a paradigm where empowerment of a company’s employees fuels unparalleled business success.

Hear about the unleashing of potential at Ingersoll Rand:

How could you empower people throughout the organization to attain business success?

Hear Stavro’s TED Talk about employee ownership: Ownership-Programs



Ensemble Enabler talks with the International Leadership Association (ILA)

Jeffrey Beeson, Founder and CEO of Ensemble Enabler attended the International Leadership Association’s FUTURE FORWARD Leadership Summit at the Leeds School of Business of the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA) in August 2024.

Together with Cynthia Cherrey President and CEO of the International Leadership Association (ILA) and Dr. Stefanie K. Johnson associate professor of Organizational Leadership and Information Analytics at the University of Boulder, Jeffrey hosted a discussion about the impact of the FUTURE FORWARD Leadership Summit to shape the future of leadership practice and ILA initiatives for the next 25 years. Watch their reflections about the future of leadership: Leadership-Summit

Read Jeffrey’s reflections on the ideas of the stimulating keynotes at the FUTURE FORWARD Leadership Summit and his discussions with leadership professionals from all over the world



We are an Enabling Company

ENABLING is a unique network-driven approach aimed to:

Enhance effective collaboration at all levels of an organization Nurture the capacity in organizations to advance a network mindset Deliver optimal business solutions with speed and effectiveness

We offer solutions and create results

COURSES both online and onsite LABS to find network solutions TOOLS to map the network landscape ENABLING SERVICES to provide customized network solutions for company of all sizes




Ensemble Enabler

Danklstrasse 30 81371 Munich , Germany

+49 89 72 93 97 23

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