The Ripple October 2024

Which leaders possess an IMPULSE CATALYST mindset?

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT promoted continuous improvement and customer satisfaction LEAN MANUFACTURING advocated production efficiency advanced by Toyota

All these initiatives testify that it was an era of whirlwind innovation.

But one consulting company went one step further. A professor from Harvard Business School, John Kotter, had recently formalized his 8- step model for change described in his book "Leading Change" (1996). A consulting company attempted to trademark the concept of “change management” thereby monopolizing the entire domain of change manage- ment practice.

In times of whirwind innovation, new processes emerge

The backlash to this effort was swift and resolute.

One of the leaders of Business Process Reengineering, Mike Hammer, scoffed and linked the effort as an attempt to trademark the supply chain process as “preposterous and outlandish” .



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