2nd Reading Rules & Regulations


f. Count and tabulate all votes. g. Determine when the polls shall close, consistent with the Association’s Governing Documents. h. Determine the tabulated results of the election. i. Report the tabulated results of the election or balloting promptly to the Board of Directors to ensure that the Board can publicize the results to the homeowners within 15 days of the election. j. Retain the ballots at a location designated by the Inspector(s) of Elections pursuant to Civil Code Section 5125. k. Perform any acts as may be proper to conduct the election with fairness to all Members in accordance with Civil Code Sections 5100 - 5145, the Corporations Code , and these Election Rules to the extent not in conflict with Civil Code Sections 5100 - 5145.


1. After the deadline for submission of candidacy nominations, and at least thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of ballots, the Association shall prepare the candidacy registration list and voter list, pursuant to Section 8 above. 2. At least thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of ballots, the Association shall provide Members notice of the following (via general delivery): a. The date, time, and physical location for the return of ballots. b. The date, time, and location of meeting; and c. The names of all candidates that will appear on the ballot. 3. At least thirty (30) days prior to the deadline for voting, the Inspector(s) of Elections or Association shall mail or otherwise deliver ballots to the Members. Within this same timeframe, a copy of these Election Rules shall be provided to the Members either: a. By mail with ballots; or b. By posting to a website and including the corresponding website address on the ballot together with the phrase in at least 12- point font “The rules governing this election may be found here: . . .” 4. The voting period for elections shall commence when the notice of the meeting and/or ballots have been mailed/ delivered to all Members and shall terminate as stated in the notice and/or ballot or as determined by the Inspector(s) of Elections, consistent with the Governing Documents. 5. After the notice referenced in Section 20 has been distributed, the Board will hold a forum to allow the Members to meet and ask questions of the candidates. For all other ballot measures that are required to be submitted to the membership pursuant to Civil Code Section 5100(a) and that are unrelated to Board elections, the Association shall hold a town hall meeting prior to the date that ballots are sent to the membership. 6. The form and content of election materials, i.e., secret written ballot, envelopes, proxies, etc., shall conform to the requirements of Civil Code . 7. No Member shall be denied a ballot, unless the Board adopts the voting cut-off date, and an individual was not a Member of Record as of that date. a. No person who holds a valid general power of attorney for a Member shall be denied a ballot, if requested. b. A ballot cast by a person who holds a valid general power of attorney for a Member shall be counted if received timely by the Inspector(s) of Elections. 8. Once a ballot has been received by the Inspector(s) of elections, it shall be irrevocable. If proxies are allowed, if a Member submits both a proxy and a ballot to the Inspector(s) of Elections, the ballot will supersede the proxy.


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