Biola Opens 47th Year of Spiritual Training
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 opening of school Coming from all parts of the United States and various other countries of the wor1d, hundreds of Christ·dedicated young people begin training this month at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The new term ushers in the 47th year in the training of men and women at the Bible Institute which was oonceived in prayer on February 25, 1908, with Mr. Lyman Stewart elected President and Mr. T. C. Horton, Superintendent. Since that historic meeting, more than fifteen thousand young people have been graduated with the majority of them serving on foreign fields around the world. Not only does the Fall term begin a new year for the day school, but also for the BIOLA Evening School. Of course, continuing year round is the BIOLA Correspondence School which has many thousands on its roll. The students enjoy Christian fellowship with a solid emphasis on spii,itual development while receiving the very highest of academic training. Those interested in attending the school should write the Registrar for complete information, and then give prayerful consideration to attendance at the BIOLA Bible College, School of Missionary Medicine, Talbot Theological Seminary, or the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
prayer requests
PRAYER ... for the work of Biola Bible women who conduct Bible classes among high school girls, leading them to Christ and w:ging them to see the need of' complete dedication of heart and life. PRAISE ... for continued health and strength of BIOLA Chancellor Dr. Louis T. Talbot who has been speaking almost every night since his return from the foreign field. (See next column for itinerary.) PRAYER ... for special needs in radio budget due to difficult summer months. We have fallen far short of requirements which must be met to continue the daily Gospel broadcasts. PRAISE ... for the way in which God has miraculously answered prayer on behalf of listeners. (Each day we join with those of our audience who have special burdens and petitions. You are invited to send in your requests.) PRAYER ... for BIOLA Field Representatives who travel throughout the West acquainting the people with the work which is being carried on by the Bible Institute, and challeng– ing people to pray for the needs of the world and the young people who are being raised up by God to n;ieet those needs. PRAISE ... for the addition of several new stations carrying the broadcast "ACCENT ON YOUTH" of RIOLA. We are now heard around the world, and in various areas of this country. Latest station to be added is in the politically torn country of Guatemala. PRAYER ... for spiritual and physical needs of our Biola missionanies around the world, that the Lord will centinue to sustain them by His loving grace and mercy. * * * Listen Friday, September 17th for the special Convocation broadcast of the /J'f,ble Institute with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Presid-ent, presiding. There will be outstanding music and heart warming testimonies.
.... (CLIP OUT ANO GIVE TO A FRIENO) ........ ............
4:30 P.M. SATURDAY................................................KGER, 1390 kc 7:15 P.M. SATURDAY................................................KXLA, 1110 kc. 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY........................................KRNO, San Bernardino -*- Southern California Broadcasts "VERSE BY VERSE"................................MONDAY through FRIDAY Dr. Chester Padgett 11 :00 A.M. KFVD - 1020 kc. THROUGH THE BIBLL.......................MONDAY through FRIDAY Dr. J. Vernon McGee 12:00 Noon KGER - 1390 kc. (SEND FOR EXTRA COPIES)
radio news flashes
STOP FOR. .. a few moments each day to join with us in the Radio Department to pray for the needs of listeners around the world. Many are having great difficulties at this time par– ticulaFly and need special prayer. Use the list of petitions in this publication, and remember prayer works, because God works throu,gh prayer. LOOK FOR . . . the new 1955 Bible Institute Calendar which promises to be even more beautiful than ever before. We want to lea·ve the surprise for the day it comes into your home, but you can be sure that it will grace any wall to which you attach it, and will be of.great use to you every day in the year. The calendar will come to the homes of all those who regularly receive the BIOLA BROADCASTER by the first of November. LISTEN ... beginning the first of October for a new series of expositional studies on the book of Revelation by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, director of the Talbot Theological Seminary. These studies will ()9ntinue for two months and will be placed in printed form and sent free to all listeners requesting them. The first of December an entire half hour will be given over to answering questions which have been raised during the course of the study. Be sure to hear each informative lesson in the series of 26. My dear friends in the Lord: I must take this opportunity of letting you know what your programs have meant to me. But I must say that this has not always been true. Some months ago, I was forced to stay home from work because of illness. I couldn't understand why I should have to suffer so. Then one morning, I tuned the dial around trying to find some news program, when I came across your broadcast. I started to listen with the thought that I'd just liee what foolishness religion was trying to pawn off on the world. When that program had ended I tried to convince myself that what had been said wasn't true of me, and that I didn't need any Saviour. For some reason I began listening to every program and soon I got to the place where I looked forward to the time when they came on the air. Then, just last week, the most wonderful thing happened to me in all my years on this earth: I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. I can never tell you the peace and joy that floods my soul, but I know you understand, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what your programs have meant to me. May God continue to keep you on the air, always . .. MR. J. M., Walla Walla dr. talbot's itinerary Friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be inter– ested to learn of the speaking engagements for Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor. In each of the meetings listed, Dr. Talbot will be showing his latest full color missionary metion pictures which were taken on his surve)" of foreign outpost stations. September 19-24-Cooke's Presbyteriilu Church__________________Toronto, Canada September 26 - October I-Calvary Church..............___________Toronto, Canada October 17-23-People's Church..............................................Toronto, Canada ti>ctober 24-29-Philpott Tabernacl•.---······-···-·-·-··---·-----------Hamilton, Canada * * * If our circumstances find us in God, we shall find God in our eircumstances. lifeline letter
~ lamp unto my feet ~ By DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND, President "Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." The order of an ancient Asian court was interrupted when a certain nobleman was found in riotous conduct. Ordered before the king for his unbecoming acts, the sentence of death was immediately passed upon him. But, falling on his knees, the accused begged for mercy and said that he would do anything if only his life might he spared. After a moment's hesitation, the king called for an empty shell and a pitcher of oil. Hand– ing the shell to the offender, the ruler filled it with oil to the very brim until it would hold no more. Then, he told the accused to go out into the streets for the entire day, and if in so doing he spilled a single drop of the oil, the soldiers who walked beside him would immediately behead him. If, how– ever, by some miraculous means, he did not spill the liquid, his life would be saved. At the end of the day, having accom– plished the arduous and almost unbelievable task, the noble– man returned and again faced the king, who asked: "What did you hear today?" "Nothing,'' was the reply. "What did you see today?" the king queried. "Nothing," was the same response. Again the monarch spoke : "You mean that on this, the market day in our city, the busiest time of the entire week; that you saw and heard nothing? How do you account tor this?" Slowly the nobleman spoke: "Sir, it was because my eyes were fixed upon this shell of oil, for my life depended upon it." My friends, if only our eyes would he fixed upon Christ, so that we could not hear the call of the world and see the lust of the flesh, then our lives would be victorious trophies of His matchless love and grace. Yes, "turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." ........................ (CLIP OUT AND MAIL TODAY) BIOLA BROADCASTER Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. Dear Sirs: Please send me free copies of the checked material: D A copy of the missionary messages given by Dr. Talbot on the August broadcasts concerning the spiritual needs of the continent of Africa. · D Beautiful September booklet on Heaven by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. D This month's Panel Discussion folder. (Also request any back issues you may have missed.) D A copy of the Bible Institute full color sound missionary motion pictures. D A copy of our descriptive catalog of the Bible Institute and its four affiliated schools. I am enclosing a Love Gift of $................................................ to be used in the training of young people for World Wide Missionary Service for the Lord Jesus Christ. NAME......... ADDRESS......... CITY & STATE.....
nuggets of gofd
He giveth more grace as the burdens grow greater, He giveth more strength as the labours increase; To added affiiction He addeth more mercy, To multiplied trials He multiplies peace. When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has faNed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father's full giving has only begun. His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; And out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again. * * * Good works are not the price of a ticket to heaven, hut the proof of the right to enter there. * * * A new minister had been making his fir t call at the home of one of his flock upon his arrival in his new field of labour. When the husband came home from work, his wife remarked, "The new minister called today, and he asked a very s~range question." Queried the husband, "What did he say?" His wife replied, "He asked: 'Does Christ live here?"' The husband, a bit disturbed, said, "Why didn't you tell him that we read our Bible and say our prayers? Why didn't you explain to him that we attend chur&h regularly?" The woman, a bit confused too, answered: "But he didn't ask those questions. He only asked, 'Does Christ live here?'" * * * HIS PATH FOR ME I put my feet upon God's path, I know not where that path will lead, Nor yet how long the road wi1l be. I need not know. I only plead That He will always be my guide.
And I shall find, when life is past, His path was safe, and it was best, And it has led me home at last. -MARTHO\ SNELL NIGH•LSON * * *
Worry gives small things big shadows.
school reminder While it is impossible for most of our readers to come to our regular daytime classes, there are two ways which make it possible for everyone to study the Bi throughout the west ••• "the bible institute hour" BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET Los ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA "bible institute hour" MON9AY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at S:JO A.M. ~ LO 0:: c.o c.'S ...f _j "" a.: c.i w en " ____ _,. Califomia Nevada KXO'-..Chico .................... 1060 KXO..... El Centro ................ 1230 KYNO...Fruno ....................1300 KHJ.......los Angeles........... 930 KMYC...Mary1ville ............. 1410 KYOS.... Merced .................. 1480 KPRL....Paso Robles........... 1230 KCRA...Sacramento ........... 1320 KSBW...Salinas .................. 1380 KFXM....San Bernardino...... 590 KGB......San Diego................ 1360 KFRC.....San Francisco ........ 610 KVEC... San Luis Obispo.... 920 KDB......Santa Barbara ....... 1490 KXOB....Stockton ..... .. .... 1280 KCOK.. Tulare ................ 1270 KVEN....Ventura ................. 1450 KWSO...Wasco .................... 1050 Idaho KVNI ...Coeur d'Alene..... 1240 KRLC.... Lewiston .............. 1350 KWAL...Wallace ................ 620 KATO....Reno ...................... 1340 ._ Oregon KW IL.Albany ............... 1240 KWIN...Ashland ................ 1400 KAST... Astoria .. . ....... .. 1370 KBND.. Bend ........... ........ 1110 KOOS....Coos Bay .............. 1230 KUIN....Grants Pass ......... 1340 KWJJ....Portland ............. 1080 KRXl.. .Roseburg .............. 1240 KSLM ... Salem .................. 1390 KXRO....Aberdeen .............. 1320 KPUG....Bellingham ..........1170 KELA.... Centralia ............ 1470 KRKO....Everett ...............1380 KWLK...Longview ............. 1400 KGY..... Olympia ............... 1240 KVI....... Seattle ................. 570 KNEW..Spokane ............... 790 KUJ.......Walla Walla ....... 1420 KWNWWenatchee .. ......... 1340 KYAK....Yakima .................. 1400 Washington NRS MELVIN I FOG L~ 1619 SI XT H AV~ LOS A ~ G S LES 19 , CALIF DR F onn 3547 Requested
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