

Group lands meeting with LHIN over hospital

ing space to existing government agencies that are presently paying rent elsewhere in town.” Prior to receiving the news from the LHIN, MacDonald was openly questioning why the health agency wouldn’t lend its support to the project. “Everyone else supports the proposal. I don’t know why they wouldn’t,” he said Thursday. But the Concerned Citizens are not the only group vying for the former hospital. A group of doctors are rumoured to be in- terested in purchasing the facility. Hospi- tal CEO Jeanette Despatie confirmed the hospital is working with another potential buyer in an email Friday. “The hospital did receive multiple offers and we are proceeding with a potential buyer to satisfy the conditions of an offer,” Despatie wrote to The Journal. “The details remain confidential and in or- der to maintain the integrity of the process we cannot work with or help further the cause of any potential buyer.” Please see ‘WE ARE’: Page 6


Mark MacDonald has finally received some good news in his bid to line up key players to endorse a community proposal for the former Cornwall General Hospital MacDonald and his group, the Concerned Citizens Coalition, had landed a meeting with Chantale LeClerc, chief executive offi- cer of the Champlain Local Health Improve- ment Network overseeing health care in the region in Ottawa on Friday. “We received a message from the LHIN this morning asking us to attend a meeting with them,” MacDonald wrote in an email, just one day after complaining about being stonewalled by the regional health agency and the local hospital board. “I am extremely pleased with this latest development because it’s another step for- ward in getting our message to the Minister (Deb Matthews),”MacDonald wrote.

File photo

Mark MacDonald, right, poses with student activist Josh Welsh after a press confer- ence at the steps of city hall to drum up support for his group’s purchase of the for- mer Cornwall General Hospital earlier this year.

The coalition will be seeking support for its proposal to convert the former hospital on Second Street into a seniors-focused, multi-use facility and “if the LHIN have any concerns, this will be the time for them to tell us,”MacDonald wrote. He said he has already received a huge

amount of interest in life-lease units, which he said could raise a couple million dollars to help the hospital repurposing project proceed. “This facility has huge potential, not only for addressing issues that affect seniors but also for generating revenue by rent-



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