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TheBibleIistititeHenr Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo KCJH
B I O r ^ A . broadcaster Monthly 'Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP V o l. 5 N o . 1 J A N U A R Y , 1 9 6 5 CONTENTS SUDDEN DESOLATION ............. 3 SERVING A N D W A IT ING .......... 5 PATIENT SERVICE .................. 7 FAITHFULNESS ....................... 9 W ITHOUT OIL ........................H THE BRIDEGROOM ...................13 OUTSIDE THE DOOR ............... 15 QUESTIONS A N D ANSW ERS ..... 17 THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP PLAN ..22 HEBREWS: VERSE BY VERSE .....28 COVER: Two Biola students, Sharon Hilts from Dinuba, California and George Jones from Concord, Califor nia, visit with Mr. Terry Rose, student counsellor, and his dog Nero. Mr. Rose was blinded at Pork Chop Hill during the Korean conflict.
1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
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550 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF
1290 8:30 A.M. Sun.
1130 8;3Q A M . MTWTF
Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI KCVR
1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 1570 7:00 P.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 10:00 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 910 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
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Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KAAR 104.7 (FM)
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1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
1370 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 1370 8:00 P.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun.
Santa Cruz KSCO San Diego
1080 8:30 A.M. Sun.
KBBW 102.9 (FM)
7:30 A.M, MTWTF 860 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 910 7:30 A.M. Sun.
San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY
1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
1440 7:00 A.M. Sun.
9:30 A.M. Sun.
93.1 (FM)
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790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF
1350 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
630 8:30 A.M. MWF
Portland KPDQ KPDQ
800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
Y O U R C H R I S T I A N W I L L Did you know that Ihoro it o woy to Invest in Biola for the training of sfudonts while saving cosily ostafo faios. Ultimately you may bo able to leave more money lor your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligations when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT
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550 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
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630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
Spokane KCFA
1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
Walla Walla KTEL
1490 8:00 A.M. MWF
Albuquerque, New Mexico KARA 1310
7:00 A.M1 MTWTF 7:00 A.M. MTWTF
99.5 (FM)
STAFF President___________ S. H. Sutherland E d ito r.............................AI Sanders Production ............Virginia Schwepker Printing ________________Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California.
Billings, Montana KURL Caldwell-Boise KBFM Denver, Colorado KLIR KBGN
8:00 A.M. MTWTF
94.1 (FM)
8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
990 12:00 Noon MTWTF 100.3 (FM) 12:00 Noon MTWTF
Kansas City, Missouri KCCV Lapeer, Michigan WMPC 1230 Miamisburg, Ohio WFCJ 93.7 (FM)
1510 11:00 A.M. MTWTF
3:30 P.M.Tues.
11:00 P.M. MTWTF (Radio Log continued on page itl)
I T my seem to som e that the major ity of the Olivet Discourse deals only with the subject of judgment. To some extent this is true. But in the midst of the midnight hour, it will not be long before the Day-star begins to appear. In Matthew 24:40 and 41, our Lord draws some interesting likenesses, “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” Here we have a sharpen ing of the nature of the judgment. This shows us how total it will be in its affect. Our Lord uses a picture from agriculture or daily life. This was the predominant work in Pales tine at that time. The Lord doesn’t give any indication as to why one is taken and another is left. He does not speak of the virtue of either man. The point is the suddenness with which judgment comes. The same is true of the two women. Grain is brought from the fields to the mill. It wasn’t as we might picture one of our mod ern factories. These mills generally took two people to operate them. This was the customary work for the wom en. The Lord picked out two out standing things in the daily life of the Jew to illustrate the suddenness of judgment. The ones who are left ip that day will be stunned and startled by the absence of those who previ ously have been among them. Jude says, “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord com- eth with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him” (verses 14, 15). What a theme: “un godly.” This spells out the reason for
the sudden judgment described by our Lord. We are speaking of the judg ment which shall come to this earth after the time of Great Tribulation. It shall be upon the Gentiles as well. They have rejected the Saviour and despised His Word. The day of His THE LOVE STORY OF THE SKIES Christmas is the seal of God's great love; Wondrous love sent down from heaven above; God's redeeming love for all mankind; Love beyond the measure of man's mind. Love that cancels all our debt of sin; Love that gives us joy and peace within; Love that opens wide the golden door. Leading us to heaven's treasure store. There, by faith, our raptured eyes behold All God's priceless gifts of love un told; Love revealed to us through Christ, His Son; He, the matchless, sinless Holy One; He, who triumphed over death's dark day; Opened up the new and living way; Christ, our Lord, the Babe of Bethle hem, Now adorned with royal diadem. Let us then lift up our grateful praise On this blessed, hallowed day of days; This the birthday of a King, our King, Unto Whom our heart's deep love we bring. — A. S. Reitz mercy will be over. The floodgates of wrath will be open. The scourging will not be done by secondary agents but God Himself will sponsor it. God is going to show man, beyond the per- 3
adventure of a doubt, that he is a sin ner and has rejected His way of sal vation. Man insists in not listening to the Gospel. But what God cannot teach by love He will teach by judgment. To those of you who may not know our Lord Jesus Christ, harken to His Word and avoid this judgment by coming to know Him as your own per sonal Saviour. To those of you who already know Him, grow in grace and in the •knowledge of the Lord that when this day comes, you may stand unshamedly in His presence. “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed at his coming” (I John 2:28). A GOLDEN TESTIMONY A news item the other day reported that the Shwe Dagon Pagoda is con sidered by Buddhists th ro u g h o u t Southeast Asia as one of their most important religious centers. This is because of the ancient relics which are kept there. Constructed back in 588 B.C., the building was enlarged in the 15 century by Shin Sawbu, a Burmese queen who gave her weight in gold to gild the Pagoda’s 360-foot spire. It could be said that she gave to a lifeless statue that which could never bring help to spiritually dark ened people. God calls on His living people so they have the life of Christ Himself, eternal life in all of its ful ness, to give to their living Lord; not only of their material substance but first of all and primarily, themselves. Paul writes, “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacri fice, w ho lly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And here is the golden truth. When Christians give themselves wholly to God it covers with gold, as it were, the “image" of Christ we are seeking to project to a waiting world. I f our consecration is less complete, the One Whom we seek to reflect may appear without luster and lifeless. So, let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
Dennis Plies, one of Biola's students, is heard frequently on the radio broadcasts.
NO TIME In these busy days facing all of us, it has been icell suggested that our modem life can easily be spelled out in three short words, “Hurry, Worry, and Bury.” Washington news cor respondents tell of the senator who was rushing breathlessly to another meeting. He was asked, “Senator, ivhat do you think of the world cri sis'?” The statesman replied sharply, “Don’t bother me now, I’m in a hurry to make a radio speech. In a crisis like this, there is no time to think.” The Bible has much to say about resting as well as working. Our Lord would have us come apart and rest awhile, for if we don’t ive will simply come apart. * * * Let it be our unceasing prayer that as we grow older in the ways of God, we may not grow colder. * * * The Christian has the wonderful assur ance that if he dies he will be with Christ, and if he lives, Christ will be with him. * * * Think what a terrific din there would be if we made as much noise when things go right as we do when they go wrong. 4
by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper
SERVING AND WAITING I T IS EXTREMELY INTERESTING to real ize that our Lord closes the verses of the Olivet Discourse with a warn ing to us. First of all, we are to be ready. Then we are to be faithful. Finally, we are to be watchful. Of course, He is speaking primarily to His disciples. There are, however, some invaluable spiritual truths here for us today. We find Jewish men who were in terested in the restoration of their na tion. The principles Christ suggests to them are fitting for us to heed as well. The coming of the Lord Jesus for His Church will be just as sud den. We, the people of His sovereign grace, who make up His body, ought to be on the alert for this blessed day. In Matthew 24:42 we read these words, “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” We must have a motive to be on the alert. We never know when the Lord will come. Fear is certainly not the correct motive. If you are doing the right and acceptable thing, if you are walking in the wav of the Lord, pleas ing Him, and He should suddenly come, you will not be disturbed. In fact, if you knew the very hour of His coming, you could look forward to it. Actually, the motive is not fear but joy and anticipation. There was a carnival in the city of New Orleans during Lincoln’s time which featured a balloonist. Each day he ascended at a certain hour and was watched by the multitudes. He was dressed in a brilliantly colored uni form. On one occasion, as he was mak ing his descent, he floated over a cot ton field where a colored man was working. The fellow was oblivious to the balloonist. Suddenly, looking up into the heavens, he saw the balloon ist descending. His eyes sparkled in the anticipation of what he was see ing, not realizing fully what it was. He thought it was the Lord and went
over to the fellow to say, “Hello Mas ter Jesus, how’s your Pa?” Carl Sand berg points out that this was Lin coln’s favorite story. It illustrates a wonderful point. Do you have a peace ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY This is the month, and this is the happy morn Wherein the Son of heaven's eter nal King, Of blessed maid, and virgin mother born. Our great redemption from above did bring; For so the holy sages once did sing, That He our deadly forfeit should release, And with His Father work us a per petual peace. That glorious Form, that Light insuf ferable. And that far-beaming blaze of majesty, Wherewith He wont at heaven's high council table, To sit the midst of triune unity, He laid aside; and here with us to be, Forsook the courts of everlasting day, And chose with us a darksome house of mortal clay. See how from far upon the eastern road The stay-led wizards haste with odours sweet: O run, prevent them with thy hum ble ode, And lay it lowly at His blessed feet; Have thou the honour first, thy Lord to greet. And join thy voice unto the angel choir, From out his secret altar touched with hallowed fire. — John Milton (1608-1674) and a quietness in your heart? Do you have the assurance that you have been pleasing the Lord? Instead of being frightened, if He should come, could 5
Miss Louise Lansing (right) donor of beautiful Shantz Memorial pipe organ for Biota, with artist's featured at the dedication of the instrument for the Lord's glory. From the left, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biota president, Joyce Landorf, soprano soloist, Norman Nelson, tenor soloist, and Paul Mickelson, organist and pianist.
coming, there is a tendency when we too lose our vigor, devotion, joy and become enmeshed in the things of the world, to discover suddenly that we have been robbed of our spiritual heritage. As believers we should grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We should let our lights shine in the world so that men may see our good works and glorify the Father. We must not be stumbling stones but building blocks causing people, by our sincere testimony, to want to know Him whom to know aright is life eternal. * * * Some people are like buttons for they are always "popping off." * * * Looking on the bright side of things will never impair your eyesight. * it h Many defeats, if faced with Christ, can simply become installments to victory. 6
you say, “Hello, Lord Jesus. How is the Father this morning?” This is what it means to be ready and to be on the alert. This is what Peter meant, when under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he writes, “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Peter 1:8). In Matthew 24:43-44 we read, “But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suf fered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Our Lord goes back to the story of the steward. Here is one who does not wait or watch, and who is not ready. This is the negative side of the picture. But just as surely as the Word of God stands, when you and I are not alert as to Christ’s
■ by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper tremely practical. One never needs to hold a prayer meeting to try to find out about what He is talking. Matthew 25:45 states, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?” Several words here are very interesting. One is by implication and the other by exhortation. Think of the word “fervent.” This could be trans lated as a bond slave, for the heart of the word means literally to be so de voted to the person being served that there is no thought of pay or reward. It is entirely on the basis of love. The 21st chapter of Exodus gives a good illustration of this. After a period of years a servant could be set free. Then he had a choice. He could select either freedom or to stay with his master. Fervency refers to service and devotion even after, as a slave, one has been set free. As a part of such interest and dedication, the mas ter would take a servant to the taber nacle (later to the temple) and a hole would be drilled through his ear with an aul, so that everyone seeing the pierced ear would know that here was a servant who was free but who also was a servant on the basis of love. One of our great hymns ex presses it: 0 to grace how great a debtor, daily I ’m, constrained to be. Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, 0 take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above. While it is not sought, the reward for such devotion is that the individ ual is placed as steward over the household. 7
PATIENT SERVICE T iTTBBF. are t h r e e characteristics which define our attitude concern ing the return of the Lord. The first is that we are to be ready. The sec ond occupies our attention in this study, namely, that we are to be faith ful. Our Lord tells us what this GOD'S GIFT This world was poor and sinful, lost; But God was rich and full of grace And He looked down on Bethlehem town And said, "Star, shine above this place; "And angels, gird it 'round with song. Let Heaven's gate be left ajar, Till heaven's glory lights the earth; Let wise men travel from afar "W ith gold and frankincense and myrrh To see what gift I give this day To man . . . the very heart of Me Lies strangely cradled in the hay! "For heaven is a lonely place Without the presence of My Son; His empty ivory palaces Wait His return, My Holy One. "But if He be lifted up, Shall draw all men through Him, to Me; And He, when He has drained His cup, Shall bring salvation full and free "To all who call upon His name." Thanks be to God this Christmas Day, To God who loved us so He gave His Son to take our sins away! — Martha Snell Nicholson means through the use of pointing out three things as He gives the illus tration of a good servant. First, he is to be faithful, then he is to be on the job, and finally he is to be worthy of advancement. The Saviour is ex-
In Luke the 12th chapter, we have a similar parable about a steward. The Greek word for “steward” 'is “house manager.” We get our English word “economist” from it. The Latin word is “dispensation.” The English word “steward,” which we find in Luke 12, comes from the old English word “stye ward,” or the one respon sible for the keeping of the stye. Listen to our Lord’s word in verse 46 of our study chapter, “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” Let us ask ourselves, “How may we be faithful and on the alert for our coming Lord ? Our Lord is not so much interested in our talk as He is in our walk. Mere words, or lip service, does not impress the Lord. Perhaps your business may be to pound a typewriter in the office in which you work, or to run controls as an engineer in a radio station, or to cook and take care of the home and children. In God’s sight all of these are ministries. To be faithful not only means to do right by your employer but also to be diligent knowing that you have a testimony to maintain for the truth of Christianity. The teaching throughout God’s Word is that the manner in which we greet the Lord then is determined by how we serve Him now. Every thing we do and say should be all to the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people mistake medi ocrity for humility. We are to be out standing in whatever we do not to bring credit or honor to ourselves, but so that the Lord may be praised. May each of us be able to hear Him say, “Well done thou good and faith ful servant.” The Lord is very practical. He is interested in what we do. “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which He has before ordained that we should walk in them.” This doesn’t imply that we have to do something to gain salva tion, but rather it is out of gratitude for having been saved.
La Mirada mayor, Estelle Troup (right), pre sents a city proclamation to Mr. Paul Schwep- ker, Biola controller Occasion was open house of the new music building. A LETTER TO THE LORD
An Associated Press news account conies from New Jersey telling about a letter which was addressed simply to “The Baby Jesus, Bethlehem.” It was returned to the sender, a nine- year-old girl. The post office had stamped on the envelope, “Returned for better address.” Susan Long said she wrote to the Lord Himself, be cause, in her words, “Most people for get about Jesus’ birthday.” Incident ally, the letter read, “Dear Jesus, I am writing to You instead of Santa, be cause You are what Christmas is. I would like to say before we all for get, Happy Birthday, and thank you for the present of You. Love, Susan.” My, how matchless and marvelous the wonderful faith of children who are taught the simple truths of the Gos pel. Susan was, of course, exactly cor rect. Christmas should be what Jesus is, a reminder of His birth and His incarnation, the coming of God into a lost and dying world. While , we nat urally think of Jesus as the babe of Bethlehem’s manger, let us never for get that He is also the Christ of Cal vary’s cross, crucified, risen, ascended and coming again. Yes, this is the blessed message we proclaim not only on this broadcast, but also each day of the year, “For unto us is given . . . a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” 8
For true joy and peace of heart, never suffer your goods to become your God.
FAITHLESSNESS I T IS w o n d er fu l to realize how con tinuously the Lord seeks to win men to the knowledge of His Saving grace. Matthew 24:48-51 is another of His appeals. His delight and desire is for every servant to be wise and faithful. Yet, in His omniscience, He realizes that there are some who are very foolish. These are the ones who hear the Word but who disregard its appeal. For them, as a result, there is nothing but tragedy. This portion declares, “But and if that evil ser vant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of.” The first word to occupy our in terest is “evil.” Scripture speaks of that evil which is outward and easily noted by others. The Lord uses an other word here, however, which speaks of that evil on the inside, mo tivating every action of life. This is a contemplated wrongdoing, conjured and nurtured in the heart. The evil servant whom our Lord describes is saying in essence, “0, my Lord won’t come today. It’s all been delayed. I’ll take it easy, eat, drink and be merry. Why not ‘live it up’ today and repent tomorrow? Things can be made right another day.” Such a servant is called a “fool.” In the midst of his revelry he is overtaken and meets with destruction. How sad the indif ference to his lord’s coming. In addition to his own folly, he fur ther believes he can do whatever he pleases. See how unjust he is to his fellow workers. He, as a servant, “lords” it over them, taking advan tage and criticizing them. What a pic ture of human pride and arrogance. He begins to treat the lesser breed as “dirt,” acting as a snob and practic ing class distinction. The Lord Jesus
Christ is very much interested in the way in which we treat our brethren.
CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN I've had my first Christmas in heaven, a glorious, wonderful day, I stood with saints of the ages who found Christ the truth and the way. I sang with the heavenly choir, just think I longed so to sing, And oh what celestial music we brought to our Saviour and King. We sang the glad songs of redemp tion, how Jesus to Bethlehem came. And how they had called His Name Jesus that all might be saved through His Name. We sang once again with the angels the song that they sang that blest morn, When shepherds first heard the glad story, that Jesus the Saviour was born. Oh loved one, I wish you'd been here, no Christmas on earth could compare With all of the rapture and glory we witnessed in heaven so fair. You know how I always loved Christ mas, it seemed such a wonder ful day With all of my loved ones around me, the children so happy and gay- Yes, now I can see why I loved it and oh what a joy it will be When you and my loved ones are with me to share in the glories I see, So dear ones on earth here's my greet ing, look up 'til the day dawn appears And oh what a Christmas awaits us, beyond all our partings and tears. — Albert Simpson Reitz How sad to see some people who are so reckless with their tongues in deal- 9
mg with others. God doesn’t overlook these things. Some reckoning must be made, for every man has a date with destiny. The Saviour also points up how ridiculous it is for one to live in such a wreckless materialistic manner, giv ing no thought for spiritual values. There is little left to the imagination as to what the reward such a servant will receive. Some Bible commentaries seem to “soft-pedal” the judgment of the Lord, overlooking the fact that Christ is not only the gentle, meek Galilean, but also the stern Judge of the universe. Frankly, I do not like the pictures I have seen which en deavor to portray the Saviour. But while they may make His look un manly, not so with the Scriptures. The Lord is strong, the Lord is just, the Lord is righteous, the Lord is fair. Fair warning is given to these evil servants, and after that they 3hall be cut asunder. Here is where we find the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. These are nothing but hypocrites. Such a person is a play actor, striving to be something which he is really not. The Lord knows those who are His. Do you know if you are or not? Are you merely wearing the garments of a ser vant, but yet are a traitor to His cause? Take off the mask and the gar ment you have no right to wear. Just as you are come to the Lord Jesus Christ and avoid the hour of coming judgment. You can look forward to greeting Christ not your Judge, but as your Saviour. CAROLS OUTLAWED Perhaps you read the recent report filed by United Press International, which declared events taking place in a certain school district right here in California. It seems that all religious carols, as well as nativity scenes, have been banned from the Christmas observance in all eight schools in this area. The superintendent declared, "Our order has stemmed from a grow ing fear that religious caro ls at Christmas might offend nom-Chris-
Mr. Richard Unfried, member of the Biola Col lege music faculty, demonstrates some of the interesting aspects of the Shantz pipe organ recently installed.
tians enrolled in our classrooms. The order has also resulted from a ruling by the district attorney pointing out that Christmas songs, and religious backgrounds, violate state laws con cerning the practice of religion in schools. Since we depend upon the state for 80% of our money we find it a very serious and difficult problem. Children will be allowed to sing such tunes as ‘Jingle Bells’ or ‘White Christmas,’ but religious songs or na tivity scenes in the classroom are def initely out.” The Bible says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” May it never be said of this country that in all of its greatness and with all of its blessed freedom that its people forgot God. It was a promise to Israel of old, but its spiritual principle is just as important for us today, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:11). # * * You can take the day off but remember you can never put it back. 10
by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper
O NE OF t h e m ost interesting para bles our Lord gives us from the Olivet Discourse is that of the Ten Virgins. A parable has been described best as “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” The three para bles here typify three important as pects. This is true not only in the Christian life but also in the life of Israel as well. The parable of the evil servant deals with the story of man’s fellowship with man. Applying it to believers today, it reveals the manner in which we should treat others with in the church. As far as the Ten Virgins, its application to the Jews centers around those who may have a conformity to rites and rituals, and yet who are not dedicated to the true purpose of God in their hearts. Matthew 25 gives us this interest ing story. God’s relationship to His people is beautifully illustrated by the act of marriage — Jehovah being the Bridegroom of Israel and the Lord Jesus Christ being the Bridegroom of the Church. The pictures are given to us in the Old and the New Testament. Ephesians 5:25 and 26 gives this lovely latter relationship with such words, “Even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.” The former is illustrated in Isaiah 62:5 as well as other references. We want to ask an interesting ques tion about Jehovah’s marriage to Is rael as to who will attend. Matthew 25:1 and 2 tells us, “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bride groom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.” The kingdom of heaven is spoken of by using vari ous similes. Each of these virgins has her own lamp. This reveals first of all that there is an individual responsi bility which emerges out of the para ble. The word “lamp” prefigures light. This, of course, is always used
in c o n tr a s t to darkness. P sa lm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” In reference to our Lord the reminder is, “In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). The ten people here appear to be the same, at least on the surface. They were all dressed in wedding gar ments and appeared to be brides. But the marked difference is characterized by the words “wise” and “foolish.” “Wise” has to do with being thought ful, considerate, planning ahead and making ample provisions. “Fool ish,” obviously, refers to the one who is thoughtless and stupid, making no provision for the present, let alone for the future. What “scatterbrains” they are with no efficiency whatsoever. In fact we get our English word “moron” from this word “foolish.” The actual difference is spelled out in verse 3, “They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them.” Although this parable is directed to Israel in the end times, it also is pertinent for us today in a spiritual sense. Therefore, we can ask the question, “To which group do I belong?” You may be religious, and look to the outward world as though you are La Mirada City councilman, Edward LeClair (right), visits Biola Campus. With him are Mr. Al Sanders (left) and Mr. Paul Schwepker.
prepared, but when that hour strikes, will you be found without oil as were these thoughtless five? These virgins, waiting for the bridegroom, fell asleep. Are you “dozing off” spiritu ally? Do you say, “Well, I anticipated the coming of the Lord, but He hasn’t arrived, so I’m getting a little tired.” It isn’t long before you are no differ ent than the rest of the world. The Scripture tells us, “Awake, thou that sleepest.” Paul declared, “Awake to righteousness and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” STUDY FOR THE TASK Have you ever stopped to think what you are getting paid, but what what you are getting paid, but what you are actually worth.) An hour may have only sixty minutes in it, but suppose your entire future for time and eternity hinged upon it? What would that hour then be worth? In the world of business statistics, one man’s hour may be worth $1.50, another’s $3.80, another’s $25.00, and so forth. But God doesn’t count value in this same manner. A $2.OO-an-hour factory employee might also be a fine consecrated Sunday school teacher who has a class of eager boys and girls looking to him for Christian guidance. The way he accepts that responsibil ity may affect the eternal destiny of some person. Who then can measure the true value of a single hour? Is it too much to ask a church or youth worker to spend a few hours in prep aration when young people will be giving many hours of their lives each year looking toward him for guid ance? On the surface, an hour may be only an hour. But, on the other hand, you may look upon it as sixty minutes of opportunity for eternity. Your boss may rate you at $3.00 an hour, but God rates you as invalua ble in His program of evangelism. Therefore, let us study to show our selves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.
"HELP WANTED" A recent bulletin from the F.B.I., and the office of J. Edgar Hoover be gins with this interesting want ad: Wanted: Young people to help bury America. Openings for pallbear ers of truth and gravediggers of de mocracy. No prior experience neces sary. This is just the antithesis of a want ad which Biola might place, if we needed more students, to recruit sol diers of the cross. Mr. Hoover goes on to explain, however, “A record number of young people are now en tering college classrooms to engage in one of man’s most noble pursuit: the search for truth through the acquisi tion of knowledge. But communism stipulates the ‘truth’ its scholars must embrace and spreads its venom ous lies and distortions through every available medium . Top communist party functionaries decided in Octo ber, 1963, that additional measures should be taken to recruit young citi zens. By spreading its poison through young veins, gangrenous communism is attempting to render the future America a quadruple amputee—a na tion without freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. The youth of this nation, armed with the scalpel of truth, can and must cut this disease from the body of America.” A tremendous message from this great American. Here at Biola we have an army of more than 1,300 Christ-dedicated young men and wom en who will be the spiritual leaders of tomorrow, missionaries, pastors, teachers, and Christian workers in every area of life. You may feel there is little you can do to combat the in sidious tentacles of communism, but why not invest in the lives of those who can and vnll, who are dedicated to this very purpose, as they proclaim the positive and liberating Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may not be able to do a great deal, financially, but you could help, with whatever you send, enabling us to train ONE student. Make it a matter of con cerned prayer. 12
by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper
I N THE parable of the Ten Virgins, we find a very tragic story. Be cause they did not see the Lord return, they slackened their place and dozed off into lethargic slumber. Matthew 25:5 suggests that they were continu ally sleeping and nothing seemed to arouse them. Verse 6 gives us further light on the episode, “And at mid night there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” This came at a time when one would least expect it. Most wed dings were held during the daytime. I can see these virgins rubbing their eyes, trying to come to life again. Verse 7 tells us, “Then all those vir gins arose, and trimmed their lamps.” This word in Greek translated “trim” in English is the very word from which we get “cosmetics.” Paul uses this same word in Titus 2:10 when we are told to “adorn” the doctrine of Christ. We are to use, as it were, spiritual cosmetics. The virgins knew the importance of trimming their lamps. The brighter the flame the more darkness that could be dispelled. This was certainly a sense of readi ness. But there were both thought ful virgins as well as thoughtless ones. Those who had not brought oil along discovered their lights flickering. Verse 8 declares, “And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are going out.” Without a light would indicate that they had no right to be in a position to meet the bridegroom. May I ask you a similar question? You may be religious but do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour. You may think you are pre pared for the wedding but when the Lord actually comes, you And you have no light whatsoever. You cannot enter into His presence without the proper wedding garment, which are the pure and spotless robes of Christ’s right eousness. You may be trusting the
teachings of your preacher, or the rit uals and standings of the Church to which you belong. This is tragic to say nothing of being hazardous. When I visited the World’s Fair in New York, I went to the Hall of Religion where all the Protestant churches are represented. It was in teresting to push buttons in front of various exhibits and to hear different automated voices describe what one was viewing. Of these buttons an in dividual could push one which had to do with the history of the church, an other with its wealth, and still an other with its workings. I remember one, too, which was a button describ ing what the church believes. But the day I was there, over the section which was labeled “What our church teaches,” there was a sign clearly marked, “Out of Order.” This had great spiritual truth for me. How many churches there are whose teach ings are entirely “out of order.” They certainly are not teaching “Thus saith the Lord.” Are you prepared to meet the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you truly know Him as your own Saviour
Mr. Jacob Eymann, member of the Biola Board of Directors, with Dr. Ray A. Myers, chairman of the Board.
and Lord? Are you daily growing in the grace of the Word of God? As far as the predicament in which these five thoughtless virgins find themselves, we discover that they can not get oil from the others. Verse 9 states, “But the wise answered, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.” Notice the important personal pro nouns occurring throughout this para ble, “their own,” “his own,” “her own,” “your own.” These indicate personal responsibility. It is though they told them that in the great day of judgment, when we shall stand be fore God Almighty, we cannot share the merits of others. We must all ap pear before God. The merit we have is not of our own but that which we receive from the Lord Jesus Christ. When the call comes, “The Bridegroom is here; go ye out to meet Him,” will we be able to go not with a mere out ward profession but with a true heart’s possession? Verse 10 gives us a tragedy for the thoughtless five went away to get oil. The prepared ones, however, entered in, and the door was shut. If you are in the first group, then you must go away and miss not only the blessing, but also the opportunity of entering in. When the bridegroom came the thoughtless ones were not there to greet him. Only those who were ready could enter in. When the text says that the door was “shut,” it means not just loosely closed, left to swing open and closed, but tightly fastened. There will come a day when this picture will literally be fulfilled. Will you be ready? While the door is still open, while Christ still calls, let Him come in through His fulness and joy. * Those unhappy individuals who look down on their neighbors usually just live on a bluff. * * * It is much better to fall down on a job than it is to lie down. * * * God calls men when they are busy, and Satan when they are idle. * *
WHAT IT COST In a fear of false worship, it may he that as we think of the incarna tion of our Saviour we tend to over look the selection of faithful Mary. We do not worship the creature, for this is contrary to the New Testa ment, but rather we need to think of her as a woman chosen of God to hear the blessed body of our Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly she should be re vered as we remember with gratitude what it cost her in complete consecra tion. She declared, in ready response to God, “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord: be it unto me according to Thy word." Warbwrton Lewis suggests, “The incarnation began when Mary said, ‘Into Thy hands I commend my body,’ and ended when the Son said, ‘Into Thy hands I commend my Spir it.’ Perhaps, in a very real sense, she was the only one who truly tasted the cup Christ drank when He went to Calvary. Any mother could feel the loneliness and emptiness of a child re jected by others. She knew, however, by the witness of the Holy Spirit that she had borne the One sinless person the world would ever see. Who can say but that when the nails were driv en into His hands, they also tore through hers. When the cross was dropped into its hole, perhaps her nerves were ripped and her bones wrenched. Far worse than any birth travail was the agony of heart in those hours at the cross. Perhaps you are a parent. Have you ever thought what it cost Mary to draw near to God? We can thank Him that there was a maiden, in such an apostate era, who lived so close to the Lord. This teaches us in this day and age there is also a cost in drawing near to God. The spear is still being thrust into His side. The true Christian will feel it as no one else can. The sorrows of His heart may well break yours, too, for the Bible declares, as we really contemplate the meaning of Christmas, “I f we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him." A mark of true greatness is to work un noticed, and to serve unseen. 1 4
■desk in front of which were standing a number of people. On either side of his work table there were two doors. One was marked “hell” and the other “heaven.” Each man, as he stood in front of the desk, had to decide which door to take. A man showed up who put up a real fight and argument. “What? Don’t I have a hearing? Don’t I get a jury? Isn’t someone go ing to plead my case?” The man at the desk quietly reminded him, “You’ve already made your decision. There ai*e others waiting, so hurry along.” He protested for a while and then finally chose “hell.” The Lord in His marvel ous grace and in His wonderful love provided a Gospel whereby man might enter the door marked “Heaven.” But when man repeatedly rejects that love, then he must face that judgment the Spirit will mete out. Excuses or plead ing insanity will not help. There is no need for jury to plead his case. His own heart tells him he acted against his own best interests. My friend, now is the time to have oil in your lamp; now is the time to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (right), dean of Talbot Theological Seminary, with Rev. Vernon Snyder, Biola graduate and pastor of the First Baptist Church of Canoga Park, Calif.
I N our previous m essa g es , we have • been studying the tragic picture of the five foolish virgins described for us by the Lord Jesus Christ in Mat thew 25. When they awakened to find that the bridegroom was coming, they discovered to their shame that they had no oil. So they had to go for some. When they returned, however, it was too late; the door was already secure ly shut. In verse 11 we continue the narra tive, “Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.” In the original the idea is that these thoughtless women finally got around to return. They didn’t seem to realize the seriousness of this occa sion. Verse 12 gives us the grave re ply, “But he answered and said, Veri ly I say unto you, I know you not.” The original again indicates an inter esting thought and injects a serious note in the words of our Lord. It is as though He told them they were never a part of Him. This must have come as a real blow. They thought they were secure enough. But how about you? When you stand before God with the Lord Jesus Christ by your side as Advocate, what will you do? Someone might say, “I can’t see why the five were considered so bad. They were numbered among the orig inal ten. They had their lamps. They all fell asleep together, too. They were certainly of the company.” But you see, the foolish ones were only profes sors of the truth and not actual pos sessors. It was all a show and hypo critical. They never really belonged to Him. Sometime ago, on one of the nation al networks, there was a satirical pro gram presented. One segment dealt with the subject of the Gospel. I thought the Bible was going to be ridi culed, but to my amazement it was forcefully presented. A man sat at a 15
own personal Savior. I believe that perhaps the greatest targedy in the entire parable in that these thought less virgins were so near and yet so far. They were just outside the door which had once been opened. You may find yourself in the same embarrass ing position. Why don’t you enter? I didn’t ask if you belong to a church, or if you followed some set rules of moral standards and practice. That is not the question. There may be differ ent ways toward heaven, but there is only one Door that enters in. That is the way of the cross, the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. These foolish ones cry too late, “Lord, Lord, open to us.” While He doesn’t open the door, He says so that they can hear, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” God is both holy and righteous. His characteristics also in clude matchless love and grace. The Bible constantly reminds us, “Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” Give heed to the exhorta tion for the hour shall strike when the day of salvation will be over. Verse 13 gives us the final exhorta tion, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” He is saying, “open your eyes, wipe the sand out of them, don’t be sleeping, be alert,' be ready, be prepared, have your lights burning brightly!” One other word to those of you who already know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. Are you ready to stand before the judgment seat of Christ? To be sure, this is not for your salvation, but it is in order that you might give a good account of your stewardship before Him. It is so that you may enter into the wedding feast, not in shame but in confidence ready to hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” This is what our position can and should be in Christ day by day. We will soon be meeting Him “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy un speakable and full of glory” (I Peter 1 : 8 ) .
MARY'S CONCEPTION In all the world there is no more wonderful truth than the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not fancy hut fact. It is not fictitious hut foundational. Someone remarked on television, “Isn’t the beautiful myth of Christmas lovely?” What a way to refer to the incarnation of Christ. Our Saviour’s coming to this earth is not to be compared with ancient myths which, in legendary forms, are either fantastic or else disgusting. The real ity of Mary’s conception is neither. On the other hand, as far as the story we are told of the birth of Buddha, it seems that an elephant one day en tered the left side of a noble Indian woman. Once inside her, it turned into Buddha. Mary’s conception is neither bazaar nor comic. Again, Greek leg end spins tails of gods who had such sensual passions that they came down to earth to make love to human wom en. But such fancies are not only of fensive, they are also absurd. The in carnation of Jesus Christ is a fact of history upon which our very salvation rests. A writer of old, Apollinarius, taught on this subject. While he be lieved that man was three parts, body, soul and spirit, he felt that God’s Son never became truly human, but merely inhabited 'the shell of a human per sonality. Scripture teaches us very plainly, however, that God did not just indwell a human personality. He actu ally became man. Therefore He had to be made like unto his brethren in every respect, to make expiation for the sins of the people. Yes, in the words of the prophet of old, "For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given; and the government Shall be upon his shoulders: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Fa ther, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). * * * Nothing is more frequently opened by mistake than the human mouth. * * * Poise is the act of raising the eyebrows, rather than raising the roof. 16
with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
is not any of them. It is simply, “Thou shalt do no murder.” It is interesting to realize how meat was used in the ancient world. Study Daniel, as example, on up to the time of the Apostle Paul. Meat was offered to idols as the primary way in which it was utilized. For the Israel ites God was given the best, and what ever was left over was sold in the market-place. Daniel didn’t want to defile himself with meat that had been prepared for pagan Babylonian idols. Did God ever give man meat? Yes, He most certainly did. In Genesis Biola School of Missionary Medicine student receives special instruction in central supply area. Training is unique in this important preparation center.
Q. San Diego, California — "On a recent trip to Mexico, ire encountered vege tarian free-thinkers who tried to prove that Christians are unhygienic and unprincipled because they eat meat. They said that we actually practiced cannibalism because all animals are our brothers. The sad part of it is that they take Scripture out of con text to prove their point. Are there any publications that might be help ful or any particular Scripture verses which we might use to refute their fallacy?” A. It is most unusual and strange to find free-thinkers, those who supposed ly have so far advanced in their ra tionalism that they are prepared to call the lower animals, who can neither think, speak, nor feel, their brothers. This just shows how befuddled and confused man gets when he does not use the wonderful chart and compass of the Word of God. It is also surpris ing that these people would use Scrip ture since? they would not accept God’s complete truth and authority. Perhaps they are misusing Exodus 20:13 stat ing, “Thou shalt not kill.” How man handled, maltreated, and misinter preted this verse has been. It has been used to maintain all kinds of false theories from teaching that we are not to kill insects to the aspect of self- defense for ourselves or for our own beloved country. The word “kill” needs to be translated correctly. There are at least six words in Hebrew trans lated “kill” or “slay.” This, however,
1:29-30, we read that God gave man food to eat, but it was only the herbs of the field. Before the flood it is evi dent that men were vegetarians. But in Genesis 9 :3, the Lord said, “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you.” Now this is certainly not cannibalism. Look also at Mark 7:19 for the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here it emphasizes that it is not that which goes into a man that defiles him, but that which comes out of him. Then we read, “This He said making all meats clean.” Our only concern with meat is to make certain that it is properly prepared and of good quality. Ask the Lord to bless it and to give you strength from it to serve Him. Q. Inglewood, California — “7 suppose you’ve had this question asked before. But who are the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation 11:3?” A. This does seem to be a popular question concerning the end times. We can answer it simply by saying that no one knows for certain. There have been several excellent thoughts, but for a final answer we will just have to wait until the event transpires. It would seem that one of them might be Moses. Others suggest Enoch and Eijah for reasons of their translations rather than physical death. The Moses and Elijah “team” might have more credence because of the miracles which were accomplished through them. We will find out for sure someday. The important thing is not who they are but rather what they testify, which is the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Oakland, California — “We’d like your opinion as to whether the Lord’s Prayer is something that is to be used today.” A. There are two extreme positions. Some say that there is nothing there for us today while others say it is for us and for no one else. Both are wrong. In all actuality the Lord was speaking before the cross with specific condi-
Roger Booth, announcer on the staff of KBBW, Biota San Diego radio station (102.9 me.). Roger begins station's programming at 6:00 A.M . each morning. tions for a prayer taught to His dis ciples. There are, however, many won derful truths and principles contained in these verses which have a real and vital meaning for us today. All parts of the Bible may not be written direct ly to us, but with the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, all Scripture “is profitable” and of great spiritual bene fit! Q . Hayward, California. “Please explain Philippians 3:10, ‘That I may know him and the power of his resurrec tion, and the fellowship of his suf ferings, being made conformable unto his death.’ ” A. Paul is giving his spiritual auto biography. If there was anyone who could have confidence in what he had achieved in the flesh, the apostle cer tainly would top the list. There came a day, however, when none of these things meant anything to Paul. He only wanted Christ. He wanted to be found in Him rather than in any righteousness of his own under the law. This was salvation given to him which was not attained but rather ob tained. He wanted to know Christ bet ter day by day as he would come into a closer intimate contact with Him. He had a great burden of heart to win souls for Christ. The verse gives us the various stages in our knowledge 1 8
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