Biola Broadcaster - 1965-01

■desk in front of which were standing a number of people. On either side of his work table there were two doors. One was marked “hell” and the other “heaven.” Each man, as he stood in front of the desk, had to decide which door to take. A man showed up who put up a real fight and argument. “What? Don’t I have a hearing? Don’t I get a jury? Isn’t someone go­ ing to plead my case?” The man at the desk quietly reminded him, “You’ve already made your decision. There ai*e others waiting, so hurry along.” He protested for a while and then finally chose “hell.” The Lord in His marvel­ ous grace and in His wonderful love provided a Gospel whereby man might enter the door marked “Heaven.” But when man repeatedly rejects that love, then he must face that judgment the Spirit will mete out. Excuses or plead­ ing insanity will not help. There is no need for jury to plead his case. His own heart tells him he acted against his own best interests. My friend, now is the time to have oil in your lamp; now is the time to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (right), dean of Talbot Theological Seminary, with Rev. Vernon Snyder, Biola graduate and pastor of the First Baptist Church of Canoga Park, Calif.

I N our previous m essa g es , we have • been studying the tragic picture of the five foolish virgins described for us by the Lord Jesus Christ in Mat­ thew 25. When they awakened to find that the bridegroom was coming, they discovered to their shame that they had no oil. So they had to go for some. When they returned, however, it was too late; the door was already secure­ ly shut. In verse 11 we continue the narra­ tive, “Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.” In the original the idea is that these thoughtless women finally got around to return. They didn’t seem to realize the seriousness of this occa­ sion. Verse 12 gives us the grave re­ ply, “But he answered and said, Veri­ ly I say unto you, I know you not.” The original again indicates an inter­ esting thought and injects a serious note in the words of our Lord. It is as though He told them they were never a part of Him. This must have come as a real blow. They thought they were secure enough. But how about you? When you stand before God with the Lord Jesus Christ by your side as Advocate, what will you do? Someone might say, “I can’t see why the five were considered so bad. They were numbered among the orig­ inal ten. They had their lamps. They all fell asleep together, too. They were certainly of the company.” But you see, the foolish ones were only profes­ sors of the truth and not actual pos­ sessors. It was all a show and hypo­ critical. They never really belonged to Him. Sometime ago, on one of the nation­ al networks, there was a satirical pro­ gram presented. One segment dealt with the subject of the Gospel. I thought the Bible was going to be ridi­ culed, but to my amazement it was forcefully presented. A man sat at a 15

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