Biola Broadcaster - 1965-01

that matter about the individual iden­ tity of any of the twelve tribes of Israel. Q . Long Beach, California. “Is there any difference between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit?” A. No, there is no difference whatso­ ever. The former is the older tra n s it tion. We would prefer the latter. Q . Fresno, California. “Are men who fight in our armies accountable to God when they kill in battle?” A. This has troubled a number of conscientious people. As citizens, we are subjects of our country. We are responsible to abide by the commands of our nation. If there is a necessity to take up arms for war, then we need to be submissive to the powers that guide our affairs. The Saviour Him­ self declared, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” This in­ cludes money as well as our lives. In the Old Testament God commanded the children of Israel to take up arms against their enemies. This was judg­ ment upon the wicked people of that day. God may desire to use the United States in judgment against other un­ righteous countries. We believe there are times when it is necessary to fight for our very own lives or we would be overrun by enemies and become en­ slaved to a Satanic system. There are Mr. Frank Watson (right). Biota Stewardship Representative greets tenor soloist Norman Nel­ son at recent Campus Musical.

of Christ. First, there is the trans­ forming power of His resurrection. This is what makes new life for us possible. After this there is the fel­ lowship of His sufferings. Not too many have entered into this aspect of spiritual maturity. Finally, there is the wish for conformity unto Christ’s death. He wanted to look at the long view, namely, the resurrection of the righteous. This is what motivated Paul’s entire life and ministry for Christ. Q . La Mirada, California. “In the light of what happened to Enoch and Elijah, how would you explain John 3:13, ‘No man hath ascended up to heaven, hut he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.’ ” A. Enoch and Elijah, of course, were translated to heaven; they did not see death. Every child of God ascends to heaven in his spirit at death. The ac­ tual significance of this verse rests in the one which precedes it. “If I have told you earthly things, and ye be­ lieve not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?” Our Lord asked why they believed in the ones who went to heaven and yet did not believe in the very One who came from heaven. We do not belieVfe that these two saints received their resur­ rection bodies at this particular time. Q , Coqtiille, Oregon. “Are there direct descendants of Joseph and Mary, the earthly parents of our Lord? I f so, who are they and where do they live?” A. No one knows the answer to this. Mary was the earthly mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Saviour had no earthly father. Joseph was His adopted parent. The gospel accounts give us the names of the half broth­ ers of the Lord, as well as mentioning sisters (Matthew 13:55). There is nothing in Scripture, nor is there any­ thing in history, which might indicate or give us any clue as to the identity or whereabouts of these descendants. But similarly we don’t know anything about the children of Moses, or for


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