Biola Broadcaster - 1965-01

not a general practice today. There are two keys we need to keep in mind. The original language would suggest, “ . . . pray over him, having rubbed him with oil.” Prayer follows the physical alleviation of pain. There are two words in the Greek translated by “anoint.” One is the spiritual or di­ vine anointing, which was true with Christ. The other is a mundane rub­ bing or massaging, such as we have here. Many unfortunate irregularities and sensational extremes have arisen out of a failure to see the true mean­ ing of these verses. Q . Santa Cruz, California— “Why wasn’t Daniel thrown into the fiery furnace when the others were?” A. No one fully knows. In reading the second chapter of Daniel, however, we see that after he had interpreted the great vision-of Nebuchadnezzar the King fell on his face, worshipping and honoring him. Daniel was made a great man and given many gifts. He was made ruler over the whole prov­ ince of Babylon. He set his three friends over the affairs of the prov- copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROADCASTER, publication is gen­ erally completed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly appreciated. □ I Would like to become*a member of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). Iam enclosing $.................. this month, and would like to send $..............i_ monthly for the ministries of Biola.

entirely Gentile household. Salvation came there, too. But in Acts 8 Philip was speaking to an Ethiopian enunch. The passage shows, however, that the man was coming back from Jerusa­ lem. He may have been a Gentile by nationality but religiously he was a proselyte. Therefore, he was not a true representative of the Gentiles. Q. Centralia, Washington—“/« the lay­ ing on of hands by elders of the church for those who are sick practiced regu­ larly?” A. This is from James 5:13, 14, “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing Psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Notice that it is not the elders’ inter­ cession but the individual’s prayer of faith which delivers him. “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him” (verse 15). No, this is If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER monthly, you may have them come to your home or office automatically by being a member of the Biola Fellowship. This is a -group of faithful donors who invest monthly in the distinctive ministries of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Specific monthly amounts are not set; this is a matter between you and the Lord. In maintaining this 53 year old work for the Saviour, we have found that faithfulness on the part of God’s stewards is the important thing. You are invited to become co-laborers with us in this vital testimony. The invest­ ment you make will bring you this publication monthly, hereafter, without your request. If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received an extra Name

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