have often been called the “silent years” of His public ministry. He did not have to sacrifice a lamb or some other type of animal. This is because He was completely without sin in act, word, deed or nature. Q, “Did God ever speak to a human being in any language beside He brew?” A. There may be a question as to the language used by those before the flood. Hebrew is a language which came after the time of Abraham. We assume that he spoke it; however, no one knows for sure. Hebrew, un doubtedly, was an outgrowth of the tower of Babel which followed the flood. You can be assured that, as to day, so in every age, our God of love speaks to man in grace and mercy; in a language they can understand, if they so desire. Q . Spokane, Washington— “What is the reason for Matthew 16:24 where we read, ‘Then said Jesus unto his dis ciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’ ” A. This is the wonderful chapter of Matthew where our Lord Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of man, am?” There were not any of them who suggested that He might be the very One who is the Messiah of Israel, the Son of David, the second Person of the Trinity. Simon Peter indicated that He was the Christ and received the commendation from our Lord, “Flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee, but my Fa ther who is in heaven.” Christ, of course, knew He was going to be put to death. Peter had a different idea. The Lord had to re buke Satan who was using him at the moment. Christ told His disciples, “If you really love me, then deny your self, your plans for this life, your am bitions, everything which might stand in the way of full committal to me.” See what the Lord set aside because of His great love for us. If we are to 23
Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (right); dean of Talbot Theological Seminary, looks over manuscript with Mr. Ken Farson, Church Press, printer of this publication as well as the KING'S BUSINESS.
ince. Daniel remained with the king. When the proclamation was made in which everyone was to worship the image of gold, Daniel was evidently not in the province. It may not have been known generally that he had not followed the king’s command. The three Hebrew children were the ones who were accused, however, and they were of course thrown into the fiery furnace. Q Vancouver, British Columbia — “W a s Christ a Nazarite? Did He have to sacrifice a lamb or some other type of animal offering?” A. Do not confuse the words “naza rite” and “Nazarene.” A nazarite was one who was separated unto God in a specific way. Read the first seven chap ters of the book of Numbers. Samp son is an example of one of these who had taken a vow not to take strong drink, nor to cut his hair or beard. A nazarite came u n d e r c e r t a i n restrictions and regulations of the Levitical order. Our Lord Jesus was a Nazarene. While He naturally was bom in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), He is called a Nazarene because H is youth was spent in Nazareth. These
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