that the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ occurred at a time very similar to the hour in which we are now living? It was into a world cov ered with darkness that the Saviour was bom. Because of His incarnation, however, a new hope and a new day dawned for the human race. Today we find the international situation bor dering on chaos. Viewed from one an gle it might look as though God had deserted the human race, leaving man to his own devices as he attempts to find a way out. But make no mistake, God has NOT forsaken the world! All history clearly reveals that despite the seeming triumph of evil, the Lord’s eternal purposes will be achieved as events steadily move toward their predetermined culmination. Without question, the same Hand still guides the world. His sovereign will is fast unfolding every hour. So, the perti nent query: “What does Christmas mean to you?" The entire reason for the incarnation is lost unless Jesus Christ lives within you, and you are bom again. I f Christmas is merely a time of feasting and gift-giving, noth ing more, the advent of the Saviour has neither meaning nor purpose. He says to you this blessed season, "Be hold, I stand at the door and knock." Admit Him, for the human breast Ne’er entertained so kind a guest, And Christmas will shine by His grace Until you see Him face to face. * * * The only trouble with a sure thing is the uncertainty of it. BIBLICAL PROOF Although as much prominence is not given to the Saviour as we would like to see, yet this season does direct men’s thoughts toward the coming to this earth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The incarnation shows man the real ity of God and that human life is es sentially spiritual. In order for the Creator and His creature to unite they must be, to some degree, like each other. The Lord’s birth also authenti cates the fact that God did speak
Biola School of Missionary Medicine students are given instruction in various phases of training for unique Christian service.
through the prophets of old. Just, think of the multitude of Scriptural promises in the Old Testament which came alive in Christ. There was a tre mendous spectmm of Biblical proph ecy which the Messiah had to validate in order to prove His authenticity. Christ’s coming confirmed the verac ity of God’s Word. As we think of the true meaning of this season, we can readily see God’s great love and grcwe. Jesus Christ took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the like ness of man, for His mission was to seek and to save that which was lost. As we enter into the peace and joy of sins forgiven, we realize, even amid the tinsel and trappings of the holi day, that this world is not the end goal of the believer. There are things which have never entered into the heart of man, which have been pre pared for us by the One Who prom ised, “I f I go away, I will come again." Death will someday be abolished. Life and immortality will hold sway. Christ has told us, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil." So, as we think of Christmas, we can have the joyous assurance of heart that life is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. 26
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