The Forum on Education Abroad - Net Promoter Score 2020


DETRACTOR KEY COMMENTS (IN DESCENDING ORDER OF MENTION AMONGST ALL STAKEHOLDERS) No Longer Focused on Mission/Vision Members think the Forum has lost its’ focus on the original mission/vision.

Needs to Expand Content Breadth/Depth Increase Awareness of and Access to Available Resources

Members are seeking more advanced content beyond standards and best practices, especially mid-career and senior professionals.

Members think the Forum could do a better job of advertising all of its’ available resources. There is an opportunity to find more ways to push out resources rather than members having to search the site for them and also to make more resources free to non-members.


The ability to network professionally specifically within the field of education abroad is valued.

Dissatisfied with Service Provider Engagment

Members think there is an opportunity to improve the engagement experience with service providers.

The Forum on Education Abroad Net Promoter Score Results 10

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