The Forum on Education Abroad - Net Promoter Score 2020








n = 180

n = 68

n = 22

• Sense of Community • “We are in a critical moment of need to strengthen our industry, and it is through

• Networking • “I find the Forum a valuable partner for study abroad coordinators or anyone dealing with study abroad. Great partnerships could be established especially on institutions which are similar in type and offering. It is also a good base for establishing partnerships for summer schools and short learning programs.” • “For the next conference season, we ought to see what will be the outcome of the covid-19 crisis, and whether the conference can be held in-person, or ,if not, in virtual platform. If in-person I recommend the attend the Forum because it can generate a great network environment, as a virtual conference, I have doubts on the success of the conference and if it can generate “real” networking, as a virtual conference format is flat and less productive.”

• Too Focused on Revenue Generation • “One thing that I don’t quite understand is how and why the Forum moved the recent conference from an in-person conference to a virtual one without adjusting the registration fee. I also heard they wanted to charge vendors the same exact amount of money to exhibit. This seems dubious and certainly lowered my estimations in the organization. In the initial in-person plan, the registration fee presumably went to pay for conference rental space and food, etc. so where did this money get re-directed?” • “Forum pushed forward with its annual conference despite obvious indications that gathering together would be dangerous and imprudent. The virtual conference was not a sufficient replacement and I still think Forum should refund all conference fees to members.

collaborative projects and the type of in-depth discussions that take place in The Forum’s networking sessions that can help this happen.” • “I would be great if there is a chat with members that have more experience in internationalization process so we can ask them questions and help especially in areas related to define internal policies.” • “We are having an interesting conversation with a study abroad provider abroad about the Forum and the Standards and how to consider those within the context of an international setting. It’s interesting to really conceive of the work according to global / international contexts. “

The Forum on Education Abroad Net Promoter Score Results 21

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