The Forum on Education Abroad - Net Promoter Score 2020








n = 59

n = 23

n = 8

• Leader in Field of Expertise • “Among the other international education organizations, the Forum stands out as the most focused and authoritative in the area of study/ education abroad.” • “Forum on Education Abroad is the recognized leader in the field, both in terms of standards and applying theory to practice.” • High Quality Training/Professional Development • “The Forum offers the unparalleled experience

• Networking • “Although networking is important, I am not sure what are the additional benefits.” • “Useful resources and collegiality - good atmosphere to dialogue” • High Quality Training/Professional Development • “I have found the process of the training and certification very valuable, and I wish I had done it earlier.”

• Standards/Best Practices • “Forum EA offers great guidance and leadership in best practices for education abroad.” • Too Focused on Revenue Generation • “The handling of the cancelled meeting was atrocious. Many of us have limited fund for actual travel, and that money was thrown away essentially. I did not wish to pay for a video and paper-based conference. Those of us who go for the face-to-face contact should have been offered refunds or at least re-purposing of our money to a place we wanted.” • Lack of Support/Advocacy • “Limited activities of support aside from annual meeting that have been advocated for by our education abroad team. Others at large expense. In period of strong attention to budgets, this is not the highest value we have seen.”

of gathering colleagues in education abroad for professional development opportunities, while also serving as a standard-developing organization for the field. This unique combination of engagement and content makes the Forum uniquely valuable for the range of new to seasoned education abroad professionals.”

The Forum on Education Abroad Net Promoter Score Results 30

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