The Forum on Education Abroad - Net Promoter Score 2020


DETRACTOR KEY COMMENTS (IN DESCENDING ORDER OF MENTION AMONGST ALL STAKEHOLDERS) Insufficient Value for Membership Members do not believe the benefits of Forum membership justify the cost.

Too Focused on Education Abroad/Not Relevant to My Work Reliable Resources and Content Too Focused on Revenue Generation Needs to be More Forward Thinking/Up-to-Date High Quality Training/ Professional Development

The specific focus on education abroad is too narrow for some members and as a result is not as relevant to their work.

Considered the go-to resource for the field of education abroad with regard to staying current on content, research, etc.

Members think the Forum seems more concerned with generating revenue than supporting and advocating for its’ members. Members think there is opportunity for the Forum to be more responsive, innovative, and provide more current/timely updates. The Forum offers a variety of high-quality trainings and certifications for professional development within the field of education abroad. Forum has created standards and best practices for the field and continues to evaluate and evolve them in a collaborative manner. Provides a template, benchmark, etc. for member institutions to model their programming.

Standards/Best Practices

Lack of Support/Advocacy

Members do not feel adequately supported by the Forum.

The Forum on Education Abroad Net Promoter Score Results 9

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