CCAC Pre Approval Quick Start Guide

PRE-APPROVAL (formerly Trip Request) Training

Quick Start Guide


CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

Table of Contents

Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide............................................................. 2

Launching and Logging in to the Chrome River Application .................................... 2

Regular Log In................................................................................................................ 2

Chrome River Mobile ..................................................................................................... 3

Chrome River SNAP APPLICATION ............................................................................. 4

Creating a New Pre-Approval ...................................................................................... 5

Entering Pre-Approval Detail ....................................................................................... 6

Using the Per-Diem Wizard for Meals ......................................................................... 6

Reviewing the Pre-Approval ........................................................................................ 7

Attaching Documents .................................................................................................. 8

Upload PDF DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................... 8

Submitting a Report ..................................................................................................... 8

Report Tracking ............................................................................................................ 9

Inquiry Reports ............................................................................................................. 9

Pre-Approval Approval................................................................................................10

Approve Online............................................................................................................. 10

Approve or Return by Email ......................................................................................... 11

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide This guide will give you the basics needed to hit the ground running with Chrome River PRE-APPROVAL. Detailed user guides are available in the Chrome River Help Center, accessible via the “Help” link in the upper right -hand corner of the application.

Launching and Logging in to the Chrome River Application

Launch the Chrome River application from any web browser at the following URL:

You must disable pop-up blockers for in order to view and print PDF reports. Click the links below to access instructions to disable pop-up blockers for the most common web browsers.

Chrome Firefox

  


REGULAR LOG IN Complete the Login Screen:


User ID: Your login code


Password: Use your CCAC password


Company ID: CCAC.EDU

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide


Chrome River is an optional hybrid application that offers customers an easier way to log in to the full Chrome River app using Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication or by enabling mobile biometrics like fingerprint and face identification. By downloading Chrome River to their mobile devices, users can easily create, submit, and approve pre-approval and expense reports on-the-go, approve transactions, upload receipts and much more.

System Requirements

Chrome River is available for Apple iPhones running the latest iOS and for Android phones running Nougat and all newer versions of Android.

Download Chrome River

1. Open the Apple App Store or Google Play app and search for "Chrome River."

2. Click on the blue CR icon to download Chrome River .

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide


Chrome River's free SNAP app enables EXPENSE users to quickly and easily capture and upload receipt images right when the expense occurs. Users simply snap a photo of the receipt using SNAP and it will be uploaded directly to their Receipt Gallery and the Offline tab of the eWallet for use the next time they access Chrome River. SNAP may also be used to upload images taken with another app on the device.

System Requirements

Chrome River SNAP is available for Apple iPhones running the latest iOS. The app is designed for narrow-screen mobile devices like iPhones; there is no iPad version of SNAP.

We recommend that users always upgrade to the latest version of CR SNAP to receive the best and most secure version of the app. Only versions 3.0.3 and newer are supported.

Download Chrome River SNAP

1. Open the Apple App Store or Google Play app and search for "Chrome River."

2. Click on the black CR icon to download Chrome River SNAP .

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

Creating a New Pre-Approval

A new Pre-Approval report can be created for each event, or events can be combined into a single report.

1. From the Home Dashboard or the Pre-Approval Dashboard, click the + CREATE button. The Pre-Approval Header Screen will appear

a. The Pre-Approval Header section stores all the basic information that applies to every expense listed on the report. i. Pre-Approval Owner (default) ii. Report Name iii. Start and End Date iv. Number of Days (calculated) v. Pay Me In (default) vi. Business Purpose vii. Employee Classification (AFT Full Time or General) viii. Cash Advance Amount Requested – per CCAC’s policies ix. Report Type (AFT Common Fund Expense Report, Athletics, Cash Advance, General Expense) 1. Note: The AFT Common Fund Expense report type and Cash Advance report type are not used to enter Pre-Approvals. 2. THE CASH ADVANCE REPORT TYPE SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PRE- APPROVALS. CASH ADVANCES MUST BE REQUESTED USING THE EXPENSE REPORT FUNCTIONS. a. PRE-APPROVALS ARE REQUIRED FOR TRAVEL CASH ADVANCES AND MATERIAL ADVANCES b. YOU MUST ATTACHED COPIES OF ANY AFT VOUCHERS TO THE PRE-APPROVAL WHEN REQUESTING AN ADVANCE. c. COPIES OF PRE-APPROVALS AND AFT VOUCHERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WHEN REQUESTING A CASH ADVANCE USING THE EXPENSE REPORT FUNCTIONS.

x. Type of Travel (Domestic or International)

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

xi. Allocation – the fund-department-location that will be charged. 1.

The Allocation field should default to your home fund-department-location 2. If the Allocation field is blank, you can type SHIFT * . This will provide access to all Allocations that you can select. 3. You can also type in your department number and it will filter the Allocation list for only that department.

b. Complete all of the information and click on SAVE

Entering Pre-Approval Detail

1. After saving the Report Header information, you will be taken to the following screen.

To add a Pre-Approval type, select the desired mosaic button. Buttons with arrows will display additional options. Once your selection has been made, complete the required fields and add any required attachments. Once complete hit SAVE to add transaction.

Using the Per-Diem Wizard for Meals

1. The Pre-Approval software includes a Per-Diem Wizard to calculate the daily per-diem for meals. The wizard is found when clicking on the Meals mosaic tile. You must enter the following information: a. Start date and time b. End date and time c. Days – automatically calculated d. Description e. Location – this is the city where you will be. You can search for the city in the search box. 2. Click on ADD ENTRIES and you will see the following screen to review your meal per-diems. If this is accurate, click on the ADD TO REPORT button in the right pane to add them to the Pre-Approval.

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

3. There will be times when certain meals will be provided at the meetings or conferences. Per CCAC policy, you will not be permitted to receive the entire per diem for that day. In those instances, you should use the Business Meals mosaic and enter a negative amount for the unallowable per diem for that specific date.

Reviewing the Pre-Approval

1. Once you have entered all of your Pre-Approval requests your screen will look like this. Click on the ATTACHMENTS button at the top of the left pane and upload any documents, quotes, etc. related to your trip.

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

Attaching Documents Documents may be uploaded as a PDF, JPG, or GIF, or emailed to be immediately attached to your expense report.

UPLOAD PDF DOCUMENTS If you choose to upload PDF documents, the maximum size for a single upload is 5 MB, and the combined size of all the PDF, JPG, or GIF uploaded must be 100 MB or less. On the Pre-Approval Entry Screen, click on the ATTACHMENTS at the top of the left pane and scroll to the bottom of the next screen. You can drag and drop or upload your documentation. This action will link the documents and images to the Pre-Approval.

Submitting a Report 

After the Pre-Approval types and the required documentation have been added to the report, click SUBMIT and you will be taken to a screen to certify your submittal and you will click on SUBMIT to send it through the approval workflow.

 After you click SUBMIT , you will be prompted to certify that the expenses are correct and for legitimate business purposes.  Clicking SUBMIT again will send the report to the first step in the approval routing process.

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

Report Tracking Once the pre-approval report has been submitted, it will appear in the Submitted Pre-Approval Reports ribbon under the Submitted Last 90 Days list. From here, you can track its progress through the approval routing process by highlighting the report and clicking TRACKING . The right pane contains a group of numbers. These numbers represent each step of the approval process. Some of the steps are automated approvals. The highlighted number indicates where the Pre-Approval is in the approval workflow. You can see who the various approvers are by clicking on a specific number.

Inquiry Reports The Inquiry Dashboard allows you to create reports and perform quick inquiries on all your activity by category: expense reports, expense items, delegates, calendar, pre-approvals, credit card items, firm-paid items, approvals and paid expenses.


Click on INQUIRY from any Dashboard.

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

2. Under the Inquiry tab, select the report you would like to generate. 3. Select the criteria for the report 4. The MY EXPENSE PRE-APPROVALS selection will generate a complete listing of your Pre-Approvals for the period of time selected.

Pre-Approval Approval

If you are part of the approval process, Chrome River Pre-Approval makes this very important task easy by allowing you to approve Pre-Approval requests online, by email, or via the mobile app. The first two methods are covered below; mobile app approval is similar to the Online approval process.


Log in to Chrome River and navigate to the Approval Dashboard.

2. The Approval screen shows all the reports waiting for your approval. Highlight a Pre-Approval report and click OPEN to review it.

3. The Approval Screen lists each line item that requires your approval on the left and provides expense details, notes and document images on the right.

4. You can review, adjust, or return each line item individually by highlighting it in the list.

a. Clicking ADJUST will open the line item so that you can change the approved amount, business purpose, and/or cost center. You may also add a note.

b. Clicking RETURN will send the expense item back to the expense owner.

5. When you have finished reviewing the Pre-Approval, click SUBMIT to pass the approved line items on. 6. Clicking RETURN REPORT will send the entire report back to its owner. You will be required to provide an explanation and click SUBMIT again.

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CCAC Chrome River Pre-Approval: Quick-Start Guide

APPROVE OR RETURN BY EMAIL Chrome River will email you Pre-Approvals that require your approval. You can only approve all or return all with notes via this method — any line item adjustments must be made in Chrome River online.

 Forwarding the email to is equivalent to clicking SUBMIT in Chrome River EXPENSE online.  Forwarding the email to is equivalent to clicking RETURN ALL in Chrome River EXPENSE online. If you receive approval emails in HTML format, you can approve or return expenses by clicking the green ACCEPT button or the red RETURN button in the email itself.

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