AU Tech White Paper Updated


In a rapidly changing world, it has become increasingly important to empower African youths within the public sector as a means of enhancing the efficiency of its systems. African youths possess immense talent and potential for expanding the innovation and tech landscape in Africa, and by equipping them with the necessary skills and resources, we can tap into their creativity and drive innovation. Young people are the future leaders and change-makers of any society, and Africa is no exception. By investing in their development and providing them with opportunities to contribute to the public sector, we can ensure a brighter and more prosperous future. Empowering African youths within the public sector not only benefits the young individuals themselves but also the overall efficiency and effectiveness of government systems. According to the United Nations, Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 307 . While this demographic presents an incredible resource for the continent, it also poses challenges in terms of education, employment, and political stability. At the same time, many African countries struggle with inefficiencies within their public sector systems, hampering their ability to provide essential services to their citizens. This whitepaper discusses how empowering African youths within the public sector can be a win-win strategy. Not only does it provide opportunities for the continent's young population, but it also enhances the efficiency of government institutions, leading to better governance, improved services, and ultimately, sustainable development.

African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship


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