AU Tech White Paper Updated


Empowering African youths within the public sector is not just about providing them with opportunities, but also about creating an environment that fosters their growth and development. By tapping into the potential of young individuals, we can drive innovation within the public sector and improve efficiency of its systems and decision- making processes

• Incorporating technology and digital solutions: African youths are often more tech-savvy and adaptable to new technologies, making them valuable assets in implementing digital

• Building leadership skills and

promoting a culture of innovation and creativity: By encouraging young individuals to think critically, take initiative, and propose fresh ideas, we can foster a more dynamic and efficient public sector. Empowering African youths to become leaders and decision- makers will not only contribute to their personal growth but also create a more inclusive and effective government system

transformation initiatives within the public sector. By empowering them with the necessary skills and resources, we can harness the power of technology to streamline processes, improve service delivery, and enhance overall efficiency

Furthermore, youth empowerment programs should focus on building leadership skills and promoting a culture of innovation and creativity. By encouraging young individuals to think critically, take initiative, and propose fresh ideas, we can foster a more dynamic and efficient public sector. Empowering African youths to become leaders and decision-makers will not only contribute to their personal growth but also create a more inclusive and effective government system.

African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship


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