AU Tech White Paper Updated


To effectively empower African youths within the public sector, it is essential to implement strategies that address the challenges they face. One strategy is to invest in quality education and training programs. By providing access to affordable and relevant education, young individuals can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the public sector. This includes both technical skills and soft skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving. Another strategy is to establish mentorship and internship programs. These initiatives can provide guidance and support to African youths, helping them navigate the complexities of the public sector and develop their professional skills. Mentorship programs can also help young individuals build networks and connections, opening doors for future career opportunities. In addition, collaboration and partnerships between the public sector, private sector, and civil society organizations play a crucial role in empowering African youths. By working together, these stakeholders can pool resources, share expertise, and create comprehensive youth empowerment programs. Collaboration can also help bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring that young individuals have access to job opportunities and career progression prospects.

Empowering African youths within the public sector yields several benefits:

• Innovation: Young minds bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to longstanding problems. • Efficiency: Youthful energy and a willingness to embrace technology can streamline bureaucratic processes. • Transparency: Young people are more likely to demand and uphold transparency and accountability in public institutions. • Representation: Youth involvement in governance ensures their voices and concerns are heard and addressed.


African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship

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