AU Tech White Paper Updated

Key outcomes of the program include the development of 13+ products to solve various challenges in the targeted AU units/ organs, retention of 6 fellows, increase in the number of tech fellows from 10 to 13, surpassing the 50/50 gender parity by having 8:5 female-male ratio, a 6-month contract extension for 6 fellows based on demands by their units, and the launch of the African union digital portal on requesting services from the Information and Communication Directorate (ICD). The recorded impact of the project includes: 1. Enhanced internal capacity of the AU: Internal capacity of AU staff to adopt tech and innovative solutions enhanced. 2. Closer Ecosystem engagement: A closer relationship between the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Innovation Ecosystem, with at least three programs/partnerships established. 3. Enhanced processes: At least one policy and/or participation process enhanced within the context of good governance. 4. Developed tech products: New products co-created and (at least 3) built to enhance the work of the African Union and its organs with the engagement of citizens.

5. Groomed and exposed 13 young Africans to be better positioned as leaders.

6. 13 fellows employed for one year with better chances of securing high-impact jobs.

African Union Digital and Innovation Fellowship


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